Sky City.

Mu Yue listened to his sister's story and began to study the so-called cosmic realm.

In the field, based on the space of the universe, a starry sky was created.

But this starry sky is just a phantom, useless, and the only star is the sun created by Mu Yixue.

This is just a method that Mu Yixue temporarily came up with when she fought with the First Ancestor, just to break the other party's world domain, and there was no other use, so it would be easily broken by the First Ancestor.

"Yixue, there are still many things that can be developed in the universe, and you only have the concept of the sun in your mind, so you can only create a star."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue said suspiciously: "But brother, you said that the five stars of gold, wood, water, fire and earth in the solar system are not elemental planets in the bright sense."

"Yes, but your cosmic domain is not to copy the solar system, but to defeat the enemies limited by your domain, so the five-element planet you created can be an elemental planet on the bright side."

Mars, for example, is a huge fireball, and Mercury, a water balloon, thus creating a fake solar system.

But this difficulty is very high, an elemental planet in the field means that it has a strategic-level elemental reserve of that element, or even a force beyond the strategic level.

In other words, the basis for being able to do this is that all of Mu Yixue's five element elements have reached the strategic level.

When Mu Yixue creates the solar system, she can also create other planets, even other galaxies, and slowly, a real cosmic realm will be born....

Of course, this is only theoretically possible, and Mu Yue does not think that humans can accomplish this kind of thing.

However, with the qualifications of his sister, it is completely possible to train all the elements of the Elf King to the strategic level.

It is also possible to create a solar system in the field of the universe.

Thinking of this, even Mu Yue couldn't help but praise: "Yi Xue is so powerful."

Mu Yixue's face turned red, she gently leaned on Mu Yue's shoulder, and said happily: "It's my brother who trained well." "

Hmm... Well?

Mu Yue's face changed, and he said expressionlessly: "Yixue... That's not how the word is used.

Hearing this, Mu Yixue wondered, "Isn't this the case?"

Looking at Mu Yixue's simple and ignorant expression, Mu Yue felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart that was about to explode.

Younger sister.


A girl who sees him in her eyes.

It's totally his.

Mu Yue directly picked Mu Yixue up, then walked out of the laboratory, leaving the latter in the room next to him to rest.

Mu Yixue was thrown on the bed, her eyes widened incredulously, "Brother... What do you want?

Mu Yue closed the door, coughed lightly, and said a little embarrassed: "Yixue, I have also learned some things, let's practice it." Hearing

this, Mu Yixue subconsciously thought of something she shouldn't think, and nodded with a blushing face.

Seeing that his sister agreed, Mu Yue came over and looked into her eyes seriously.

Mu Yixue only looked at each other for two seconds, and then subconsciously looked away.

She, a strategic-level ice element magician, only held out in front of Mu Yue for two seconds before melting.

"You're too close..." Mu

Yixue lay on the bed, covering her chest, and her breathing began to accelerate.

The rise and fall on her chest became more and more obvious, and Mu Yue pressed on her body, supporting her body with her hands on the bed.

Looking at Mu Yixue lying in front of her, looking around because of her shy eyes, Mu Yue wondered, "What's wrong with you?" "

Mu Yixue:?

I saw Mu Yue hugging Mu Yixue, and then turned her body over at once.

"Although I am a scientist, I have recently learned some massage techniques."

Mu Yixue: ......

"Yi Xue must be tired from rushing to Shendu from Egret City, I'll give you a massage."

Mu Yixue: ......

Saying that, Mu Yue sat up and looked at his sister's back, Mu Yue stretched out his hand, pressed one of her acupuncture points, and then gently pressed it.


A delicate cry came, Mu Yixue was a little confused just now, but now she was stimulated by the nerves behind her, and her whole body became numb.

"Yixue, don't make strange noises."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Mu Yue's face.

However, the movements on his hand did not stop, but gently roamed on Mu Yixue's back.

Except for Mu Yixue, Mu Yue has not touched the skin of any girls.

But he knew that all parts of Yixue were soft.

After hearing that the girl was very soft, Mu Yue's relationship with Yi Xue became closer and closer, and he also confirmed this fact.

"Okay Yixue, sit up."

Mu Yixue obediently let Mu Yue be at her mercy.

She sat on the edge of the bed, and Mu Yue squatted in front of her and began to massage her calves.

Mu Yixue looked at her brother's appearance, with a comfortable expression on her face, and said, "Brother, you have a good massage."

"Of course, I learned a technique to relieve fatigue."

Mu Yue showed a somewhat smug expression.

Seeing this, Mu Yixue really couldn't help it, she stretched out her hand and gently touched Mu Yue's head.

The latter was stunned.

Seeing Mu Yue stunned, Mu Yixue was also stunned.

To be honest, what it was like to be touched by a girl, Mu Yue couldn't describe it.

Mu Yue raised his head and looked at the pretty face of the girl in front of him.

There were times when he thought about it.

Can he really meet such a perfect girl on this strange planet?

During the ten years that he stayed in Blue Star, what kind of life did his compatriots on the other side of the earth live?

Earth, does it still exist?

The Qinglong satellite is always looking for the location of the earth in the universe, but there are so many stars in the universe, there are no coordinates, and the difficulty of finding a planet is too great.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Mu Yixue asked.


Mu Yue smiled, and his thoughts returned to the present.

Because of Yixue, he does not feel lonely in Blue Star.

Even if he finds Earth one day, he will take Yi Xue back with him.

Mu Yue stood up, turned around and walked to the door, and then opened the door of the room.


A maid fell in, and the camera in her hand also fell to the ground.

Looking at Sansan, Mu Yue said with a dark face: "What are you doing sneakily lying at the door?" "

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