
Sansan's big eyes were watery, looking innocent and cute.

However, Mu Yue would not sympathize with his artificial intelligence, and he said lightly: "One month's housework, you can't let other maid sequences help."

"How so, meow!"

Sansan stood up and protested.

"Two months."

"Housework! Oh my God, Sansan likes to do housework the most, and Sansan has the disease that if he doesn't do housework, he will be scrapped. Watching

Sansan leave, Mu Yue looked back at his sister.

Mu Yixue left the bed, picked up the camera on the ground, and began to study.

This is a new camera recently bought by Sansan, but even Mu Yue can't understand why Sansan is obviously a robot, why does he need such a thing.

Her own high-definition camera, those big Kaslan eyes, is much more advanced than the camera's lens.

During this time, Sansan and Mu Er managed the butler sequence and the maid sequence respectively, and took care of the central area of Sky City in an orderly manner.

In the remaining four areas, a citizen representative appeared.

Once the queen of the empire, Su Qin'er.

Since being saved by Sansan in the empire, Su Qin'er has been staying in the magic capital.

After Sky City was created, she came to Sky City.

Last winter break, her fetus had been in its stomach for two months, and now after a full semester, it is about three or four months away from the petri dish.

During this time, she recovered well physically and mentally, and after learning some knowledge about Huaxia in Sky City, she also joined the improvement work of Sky City.

At the same time, the child of the authorized family also recovered his body and was already able to communicate with people normally.

He followed behind Su Qin'er every day, not knowing, he thought that they were really a mother and son.

However, Su Qin'er is the original imperial queen after all, and many people have seen her on TV.

Sky City has undergone many citizen selections and now has about 60,000 people.

Among them, Su Qin'er is a representative figure.

She used to be a queen, she originally had the talent of management, and now she is even more successful in Sky City and is well received by the citizens.

On the bright side, it makes sense to say that she is the mayor of Sky City.

Mu Yue didn't care about these things, the ordinary citizens of Sky City really needed a leading figure.

Anyway, he can't be a leader, he just wants to live freely with Mu Yixue.

Soon, Mu Yue gave Su Qin'er an employee instruction, so that she could at least order some maids and housekeepers.

With her presiding over all aspects of affairs, the improvement of Sky City has sped up a bit.

At this moment, the tenth citizen selection of Sky City has begun.

The cities of the empire are deeply involved in the pollutant war, and the selection range of Sky City citizens is also increasing little by little.

These people are all able to be fearless and give up their lives for their loved ones at critical moments.

Although there is no guarantee that there will be no bad guys, the lower limit of Sky City's quality is obviously much higher.

This time in the selection of citizens, the number of Sky City may be able to exceed 100,000.

But for a city, 100,000 people is not much, and it can even be described as rare.

Sky City covers an area equivalent to one-third of the magic capital, but the magic capital has a population of 25 million.

In such a comparison, the number of people in Sky City is probably not as good as the number of elementary school students in the Demon Capital.

The ladder project is underway, with maid sequences and butler sequences, as well as various construction robots, and now the progress has been completed by one-tenth.

A total of ten vertical trains traveling between the magic capital and Sky City have been completed, and now they are also trying to run.

The number of people carrying a train is five hundred.

And the magic capital has almost broken away from the governance of the Xia Kingdom because of Sky City.

At this time, Mu Yue took his sister to the ladder platform and looked at the vertical train stopping in front of him.

The train looks so technological and well-defined that even a missile attack cannot break its exterior protection.

It is docking at this time, and once it starts, it will rush into the ladder like a roller coaster and land vertically along the track.

It is equipped with an independent gravity system, even if it is vertical, it will not affect the passenger's sense of balance.

Because it was a test run, there was no one in the train at this time.

The maid sequence 01 stood at the door of the train and said respectfully: "Master, madam, the train is ready to leave, please go and sit down."

Mu Yue walked in with his sister and casually found a place to sit down.

Mu Yixue looked around curiously.

Although she has been with Mu Yue for ten years, about earth technology, except for what Mu Yue has already done, she has only seen it in the documentary of Sky City.

The train departs.

The ladder train moved to the vertical track in the sky connecting the magic capital and Sky City.

But Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, who were sitting in the train, did not have the slightest feeling of falling. They sat in the train, facing the surface, and they didn't even fall.

"It's amazing." Mu Yixue said in surprise.

Then, she looked like Mu Yue and said, "Sky City can be like this, will the space city be more powerful." Hearing

this, Mu Yue was stunned.

Speaking of which, Yixue has not been to a space city, not even a lunar base.

Although the space city has only built a basic outline at present, Mu Yue is also ready to take his sister to take a look outside the blue star later.

The train soon arrived at the Magic Capital Ladder Station.

This is the responsibility of the military in the magic capital.

Watching Mu Yue and Mu Yixue walk out, a train conductor said nervously: "Mu... Miss Mu, Mr. Mu. "

Mu Yixue is a strategic-level magician, but he only knows that Mu Yue is the elder brother of the former, and he does not know that he is the highest authority in Sky City.

Speaking of which, no one knew that Sky City belonged to Mu Yue, and all forces thought that Mu Yue was just a diplomat-like existence in Sky City.

Back in the magic capital, Mu Yue found that this place had become different from before.

In the streets and alleys, there are many promotional posters of Sky City, encouraging everyone to travel to Sky City after the completion of the ladder.

And after the city chose to cooperate with Sky City, Mu Er provided a lot of intelligent robots to the magic capital.

Traffic police robots, sweeping robots, etc., are distributed in the streets of the magic capital.

Because of this, Xia Guo believes that Sky City has occupied the Demon Capital and has stationed troops near the Demon Capital.

The commander of the magic capital was not vain at all, and also began to prepare for war.

They just chose to cooperate with Sky City, did not commit treason, were buttoned up for no reason, and did not listen to their explanations, they also had tempers.

Cooperation with Sky City can promote the development of the entire country, Xia Guo does not understand this truth, but the magic capital understands.

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