After dinner, Mu Yue took his sister to the Future Science and Technology City.

Using the space folding platform in the future science and technology city, the two teleported to the Qinglong satellite.

In the observation deck of the Qinglong satellite, you can see the entire blue star.

From the point of view of appearance alone, Blue Star is more beautiful than Earth.

The color of the earth has changed to yellow sand, and it looks like its vitality has been exhausted.

Unlike Blue Star, this planet is rich in resources and is one and a half times larger than the Earth, which is more spectacular.

"Yixue, let's go."

Space City, on the other side of the moon, is close to the lunar war base.

The two took the small spacecraft of the Qinglong satellite and soon came to the other side of the moon.

This is a place that Blue Star humans have never reached.

The spaceship stopped on the surface of the lunar war base, and Mu Yue turned on the energy shield, shrouding himself and his sister in the shield.

Looking at the spectacular war base in front of her, Mu Yixue sighed: "It's so spectacular here." "

God of War mecha, for the earth, it is a model that can be mass-produced.

And the lunar war base, with three thousand such mechs, is on standby in the base.

And the number of war general mecha and war soldier mecha has reached tens of thousands.

In the four important areas of the lunar base, the core-level mecha known as the four fierce beasts are quietly staying inside.

Mu Yue brought his sister to the door of the base.

The identification system swept over the two of them, and the door quickly opened.

The two came to the location of the gluttonous mech.

This mech is like a bear, with thick limbs and a staggering number of heavy weapons on its body.

"Xiao Yi, execute the instructions and teleport the gluttony to the Magic Capital Barracks."

[Inform that the instruction is being executed.] The

eyes of the gluttonous mech glowed green, and the entire mech began to move.

Robotic arms around carried huge metal boxes over.

The gluttonous mech lay down in the metal box, and then, flames erupted from the back of the metal box, pushing the box out of the moon base and heading to the Blue Star Magic Capital Military Region.

Another core-level mecha, Qiu Qi has already been obtained by Gu Xixi.

It's just that the kid doesn't know that the mecha he got in the game is genuine.

Players in Mecha World don't need to know this.

The top 10,000 players in the battle power list are all part of the "Player Plan".

At this time, Mu Er's video call came.

Mu Yue opened the video, cast it in front of him through his blue eyes, and asked, "What happened?"

"Master, if you are on the moon, would you like to go to that coordinate and take a look?"

Hearing this, Mu Yue showed a thoughtful look.

Mu Yixue next to him was puzzled: "Brother, what coordinates?"

Mu Yue replied: "A week ago, a meteorite landed near the lunar base, and the Qinglong satellite sent some small robots to explore, and the whole army was destroyed.

Hearing this, Mu Yixue was surprised: "Is that really a meteorite?"

"No, according to the robot's final picture, it was a huge creature, if nothing else... It should be a contaminated body.

Mu Yixue was surprised: "Pollutant body? "


Mu Yue continued: "The Demon Eye said that another envoy was on his way to Blue Star, but he encountered an unknown combat power.

"If that unknown power is the Herald, then the second Envoy may have been at war with the Herald at this time, but this does not mean that the Envoy Demon is alone."

The pollutant under his hand can come to Blue Star in advance.

"Brother, are you going?"

"Not going."

Mu Yue was not prepared to take this risk, but was ready to let the Qinglong satellite launch a star orbit strike.

That thing belonged to another enchantment, it had not appeared on Blue Star, the strength was unknown, and his sister was next to him, Mu Yue did not want to let himself and his sister go on adventures.

"Master, something is approaching you."

Hearing Mu Er's reminder, Mu Yue and Mu Yixue looked in one direction at the same time.

A terrifying creature is rushing towards it.

Contaminated bodies, living on blood food.

Its path to Blue Star was blocked by the moon, so it crashed into the moon.

At this time, Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, as living humans, were noticed by it as soon as they came here.

This unknown creature is like a spider, but it has more legs than a spider and is longer than a spider.

Twelve legs support its head.

It has no body.

Its head, with two mouths, one split downwards and one upward, looks very strange.

Between the two mouths, there is an eye.

"Brother, are all cosmic creatures so ugly?"

Mu Yue did not answer his sister's words.

What he hates most is the unknown enemy.

"Yixue, back off."

Magic makes it impossible to use magic in the universe, so Mu Yixue is just an ordinary person today.

Here, it is Mu Yue's home field.

Looking at this strange cosmic creature, Mu Yue said lightly: "Xiao one, Mu two, three three, remote control of poor qi, chaos, and hammer." The

instructions were quickly conveyed to Bluestar.

In the lunar base, three core-level mechs rushed out of the guardrail and came to Mu Yue.

[Inform that the target is 338 meters tall, with the legs removed, and the height is 58 meters.]

Fifty-eight meters, equivalent to the level of a blazing angel.

Its legs are not counted, otherwise a height of three hundred meters is too exaggerated.

Three mechs are at war with this creature.

Seeing the scene of their confrontation, Mu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this creature is not very strong.

The core-level mecha piloted by the three enlightened man-machine machines is completely pressing it.

Mu Yue did not let Xiao Yi and them eliminate it, but collected more information and captured the other party alive.

This was the only way Mu Yue could understand the second enchanter.

"Brother, there is something else."

Mu Yixue turned her head and looked not far away.

Dense concentrations of contaminated bodies are approaching.

Mu Yue's eyes froze and said, "It's its sub-entity." "

It seems that it is not only its level five pollutant that has come to the moon, but also its sub-organisms.

Mu Yixue stepped forward, seemingly preparing to fight them.

"Yixue, this is the universe, magic can't..." Before

he finished speaking, he saw that Mu Yixue's ice wings had spread behind him.

The terrifying ice element began to spread, instantly freezing the army of pollutants that were approaching.

Mu Yue was stunned in place.

For the first time, he felt as if he had some misunderstanding of his sister's strength.

Mu Yixue turned around and smiled, "Brother, I don't know why, I feel like I can use magic." "

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