The three core-level mechs quickly broke the legs of the contaminated body, and then took out its core and placed it in a protective box.

The Blue Dragon satellite will analyze some of the substances in the core and judge that this pollutant is the main ability, so as to guess the strength of the second enchanter.

However, judging from the evolution of this pollutant body, this second demon is afraid that it is not the route of evolutionary mutation.

After the three core-level mechs returned to the lunar base, Mu Yue returned to the small spaceship with his sister.

The spacecraft took off and arrived in a space city near the moon.

The city looks like a giant bubble from the outside.

In the bubble, there is an ark like a starfish.

Above the head of the ark, an artificial sun hangs.

This bubble simulates the atmosphere, and there are various clouds lurking on it.

The spacecraft passed through the bubble.

The moment they entered the space city, the two seemed to have arrived in another world in an instant.

The starry universe disappeared, replaced by a blue sky and a dazzling sun.

The spacecraft landed, and the two walked out.

Mu Yue said: "The area of the space city is equivalent to three magic capitals, but now it is just an empty shell, with an empty atmosphere and artificial sun, and there are no buildings, resources, and facilities in all aspects.

Mu Yixue looked at the sky.

Mu Yue snapped his fingers, and the simulated atmosphere of the bubbles disappeared, revealing the original appearance of the universe.

"With the moon blocking it, you can't see the blue star here, but you can see other planets."

Blue Star is located in a galaxy that is not the same as Earth.

There are only four planets in the entire galaxy.

And from the space city, another planet can be seen.

The planet is huge, a liquid planet, and it's not inhabitable for humans.

Mu Yue has also sent small robots to explore and found a lot of rare resources, and a considerable part of the materials for the construction of Sky City and Space City have also been found from this planet.

"Yixue, let's go back."

There is nothing to see in the space city now, Mu Yue just brought his sister over to take a look.


The two returned to the spaceship and prepared to leave the space city.

The spacecraft set off and returned to the storage compartment of the Qinglong satellite.

The two walked into the Qinglong satellite, and a group of small robots ticked around.

The weird pollutant core was placed in the place where the Demon Eye was studied.

On the big screen, a virtual projection of Xiao Yi appeared.

His appearance was that of an expressionless, cold-looking human who was only about thirteen or fourteen years old.

However, the gender is not visible, and even the voice is relatively neutral.

[Inform that, according to preliminary analysis, the polluter adapts to the environment very quickly, can change its body according to the environment, is not highly intelligent, and relies entirely on instinct.] Hearing

this, Mu Yue muttered, "A natural slayer." "

[Tell, presumably this only makes the devil take the evolutionary direction of physical strengthening.] "

Keep researching."

Mu Yue placed the core of this pollutant here, and then took his sister and used the space teleportation platform to return to Sky City.

Wang Chenning was playing with his Xuanyuan sword.

This sword is very heavy, but Wang Chenning's body is very tough, and it takes almost no effort to carry this heavy sword.

He had almost learned how to use the sword.

The Xuanyuan sword can split into seven small swords, which he can control to attack enemies.

Seven swords can form a sword array, which can amplify the power of laser weapons fifty times.

However, this point is not important to Wang Chenning, because he does not have laser weapons.

But these seven swords are still very terrifying, giving Wang Chenning the ability to deal with contaminated bodies with a human body, even if he does not drive a mecha.

At this time, a small sword flew in a certain direction and escaped Wang Chenning's control.

His face changed, and he said secretly: "Yes, it is still a little difficult to control seven swords at the same time. He

had only studied for a few days, and he was not very proficient in the use of the Xuanyuan Sword.

It's good that here is the training ground and no one else.

One sword was out of control, and Wang Chenning focused all his energy on this sword, and because of this, the other six swords were also out of control.

Seven swords scurried around the training ground.

Wang Chenning quickly emptied his brain and cut off the connection with Xuanyuan Jian.

Losing control, the Xuanyuan sword did not fall to the ground.

Instead, he surrounded Wang Chenning.

Seeing this, Wang Chenning was puzzled: "This is different from what is written in the manual. "

The voice announcement from the training ground next to it automatically pops up sound.

[Xuanyuan Sword has artificial intelligence, only obeying the orders of the highest authority, although you have the authorization of the highest authority, but Xuanyuan's artificial intelligence does not recognize you.] Hearing

this, Wang Chenning said angrily: "White-eyed wolf! You were made by me from the beginning, Lao Mu just installed an artificial intelligence for you, you don't recognize me as a father? In

the training ground, Wang Chenning fought with Xuanyuan Jian.

It is impossible for Xuanyuan Sword to hurt Wang Chenning, but he also has to teach the other party some lessons.

The latter did not give in, found a metal fist in the training ground, and went head-to-head with Xuanyuan Jian.

In the end, Wang Chenning fell to the ground tired.

And Xuanyuan Jian proudly levitated in front of him, and the seven swords circled together.

The two swords also rubbed together, simulating laughter.

Seeing this, Wang Chenning became even more angry.

He stood up and reached out to grasp the hilt of one of the swords.

The sword began to swing back and forth, wanting to throw Wang Chenning out.

It flew up with Wang Chenning and flew west in the middle of the training ground.

Mu Yue stood outside the training ground, looking at the scene of Wang Chenning and Xuanyuan Jian, and sighed: "If you want to subdue Xuanyuan, he still has to work hard."

Mu Yixue was puzzled: "Brother, isn't Xuanyuan a core-level weapon?" "

At the beginning, Xuanyuan's positioning was indeed a core-level weapon, but the core level was not worthy of the name

Xuanyuan..." "I applied god-level technology to Xuanyuan's body and turned this sword into a god-level weapon."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue was surprised: "God-level... Is that the one my brother studied on Earth? "

Well, god-level mecha, human god."

The research technology of god-level weapons, the entire earth is only possessed by Mu Yue alone.

But god-level weapons are not said to be done, on Earth, Mu Yue led a scientific research team and spent several years to develop a human-god mecha.

After coming to Blue Star, it took him a full ten years to develop a god-level core.

Now it is on Xuanyuan Jian's body.

When the earth's energy was exhausted, a life-saving scientist like Mu Yue was born, and originally Huaxia pressed all the hopes on him and provided him with the resources of the whole country.

And he lived up to expectations and developed endless energy.

But at the moment when the endless energy was born, the space was distorted by the terrifying energy and came to this place.

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