"Lao Mu."

Seeing Mu Yue standing outside, Wang Chenning came over.

Mu Yue came to the vending machine, bought two bottles of Coke, and threw one bottle to Wang Chenning.

The two turned on at the same time, and the soda made the sound of bubbles exploding.

Then, the two raised their arms at the same time, raised their hands, and took a sharp sip.

With such a tacit understanding, Mu Yixue behind him was full of black lines.

Lifelong enemy, Wang Chenning.

"How?" Mu Yue asked.

"Much better than the first day, at first I couldn't control even one sword, now I can control six for a short time."

Hearing this, Mu Yue nodded.

This speed is already very fast, you must know that even on Earth, there is only one god-level weapon.

Wang Chenning was able to do this step in a few days, which had exceeded Mu Yue's expectations.

"Lao Mu, are you going to deal with Dragon City?"

Recently, Wang Chenning also heard some news.

The Human Emperor has always been hostile to Sky City, and after the failure of the first crusade against Sky City, he has also been studying other countermeasures.

They never seemed to have thought that Sky City would take the initiative.

I don't know if it's because Mu Yue is too low-key, they don't think Sky City will send an attack on Dragon City.

It seems that in their eyes, Sky City only has large-scale weapons except for the cyan armored people and Mu Yixue.

And weapons of mass destruction don't fall on the head of a city, which would kill millions of innocent people.

Sky City garrison defense, the first maid sequence is ready.

Sequence 01 maid, leading a sequence of thirty maids, cooperated with the military of the magic capital and fought with the Xia Kingdom army stationed near the magic capital.

The team sent by the Human Emperor had been watching the vicinity of the Demon Capital, and they didn't seem to expect that Yan Yunde, the commander-in-chief of the Demon Capital, would send an army to fight.

At this moment, the army of the magic capital has already fought with the surrounding army.

Neither side sent magic envoys, just tested each other's bottom line.

"Let's act." Mu Yue issued orders remotely.

With Mu Yue's order, the thirty-one maid sequence opened the exoskeleton armor, and the metal half-body armament and wings were unfolded.

They were like a row of wild geese, led by No. 01, and left Sky City side by side.

Although Wang Chenning couldn't see it, he could also guess that Mu Yue had already let some combat power participate in the war.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Lao Mu, let me go too." Hearing

this, Mu Yue raised his eyebrows and asked, "Lao Wang, don't you want to fight humans, you just want to deal with pollutants?"

"That's exactly what I used to think."

Wang Chenning smiled slightly and said, "But staying by your side, I always feel that this is my home, and everyone else is outsiders."

Mu Yue looked at Wang Chenning.

The two looked at each other.

Mu Yue didn't look over, frowned and said, "Is there a bit of a problem with your kid's sexual orientation?" "


Wang Chenning's face changed and said, "Laozi's sexual orientation is normal, it's just a feeling... Feeling..." He

couldn't describe that feeling.

Before, he only wanted to destroy the polluters.

But now, he found himself feeling a little angry at the forces hostile to Sky City.

Even if it was Xia Guo, if he wanted to deal with Mu Yue, Wang Chenning would go to war with the other party without hesitation.


Mu Yue nodded and said, "Take your subordinates to the battle." "

God of War Mecha Unit.

The last time he fought against the Xia Kingdom and the Western United Nations Alliance, the God of War mecha had already appeared once.

But that time, Wang Chenning did not participate in the war.

Without Wang Chenning's mecha troops, Hao is not exaggerating to say that the combat power will be reduced by ninety percent.

They had fought in the training base of Sky City, and under the condition of driving the same mecha, Wang Chenning alone pressed the entire mecha force with more than twenty people to fight.


Wang Chenning patted Mu Yue's shoulder.

During this time in Sky City, he was about to become moldy.

Only in mecha can he feel the meaning of being alive.

Watching Wang Chenning leave, Mu Yue looked back at Mu Yixue, and then his heart burst out.

It's over, forget that my sister is still there.

However, Mu Yixue was not angry, but came over and said: "Brother, the emperor or something, I just push him alone."

"Of course I know that Yixue is very powerful, but Yixue is the biggest hole card in Sky City, how can it appear in the first place."

Mu Yue said: "One day, on the stage of the entire world, you and I will join hands to face all enemies. Hearing

her brother's words, Mu Yixue also thought of that scene in her mind.

Then, she shook her head and said, "There won't be a day, brother, I'm enough alone."

Mu Yue smiled and touched his sister's head.

"Oh yes, Yixue."

Mu Yue raised his hand and said, "This

bracelet..." Before he could say anything, Mu Yue found that the bracelet didn't know when it had been restored to its original state.

Not only that, this time the ice element contained in the bracelet was even stronger, and the names of Mu Yue and Mu Yixue were engraved on it.

[Over the snow].

"Brother, I found it a long time ago, and it has been repaired."

It was precisely because of this bracelet that after Mu Yue was transferred by the magic of space, Mu Yixue could accurately know Mu Yue's location.


Mu Yue looked at his sister's pretty face, and he was a little moved in his heart.

You know, although he is alone in Blue Star, he cares about many things.

And although Yixue is a native of Blue Star, she is truly alone.

She was the only one by her side.

In her eyes, there was only him.


Warring zone.

The sound of gunfire is endless, and the magic capital is the second largest city in the Xia Kingdom, and the combat effectiveness of the army is very strong.

But a city cannot cope with a country in any way.

It is clear that the conflict between the magic capital and the dragon city was provoked by the dragon city, but it was transmitted by the dragon city and became a rebellion in the magic capital.

In the face of Xia Guo's army, the magic capital had already retreated forty kilometers.

If you retreat further, you will be beaten into the magic capital by Xia Guo.

At that time, not only the Demon Capital will be threatened, but I am afraid that the Heavenly Ladder Station built by Sky City in the Demon Capital will also be targeted.

Entrance to the magic capital.

The strongest V-class squad in the magic capital is already preparing for battle here.

Once the ordinary army is defeated, it is their turn to make the troops appear.

Their shot means that the other party will also send the same combat power.

At that time, the fight will be even more brutal than now.

The captain of this V-level squad is comparable to a fourth-level general, and his strength is equivalent to that of Yuan Chen, the leader of the Imperial Paladins.

Like Fang Pojun, he is only one step away from breaking through the strategic level.

But he was no match for Fang Pojun.

Behind the four of them, there are ten V-rank squads, as well as dozens of ordinary magic envoy squads.

Of course, there are more magic envoys in the magic capital, but magic envoys exist to deal with contaminated bodies.

In order to prevent the appearance of contaminated bodies, they could not send all the magic messengers.

After all, losing to Xia Guo is just a defeat.

Attacked by contaminated bodies, but slaughtered.


The leading magic envoy raised his head, and his originally serious expression instantly relaxed a little.

He breathed a sigh of relief and rejoiced: "They finally made a move." "

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