In the sky, a row of UFOs like wild geese streaked over the heads of the magic capital magic force troops.

At the same time, a mecha flew at high speed, like a meteorite, surpassed the maid sequence and smashed into the center of the battlefield.

Wang Chenning showed an excited look in the mecha.

He did not come with his mecha troops, but came here alone.

Looking at the surrounding Xia Kingdom troops, when he thought that they were subordinate to that human emperor at this time, and they were also plotting against Sky City, Wang Chenning's heart surged with irrepressible killing intent.

In one of the hands of the God of War mecha, he holds a submachine gun.

The submachine gun of the mech, for humans, it makes no difference to continuously firing howitzers.

Wang Chenning aimed his gun at Xia Guo's army and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Flames erupted from the muzzles, and bullets flew out of them, engulfing the army in front of them.

There were painful cries all around, and in the face of such a powerful thermal weapon, human beings were like ants, and there was no room for resistance.

Just the first face after the God of War mecha landed, Wang Chenning killed hundreds of people.

This was the first time he had killed someone in his knowledge.

Before he killed someone, he thought that he would be the same as everyone else, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But now that hundreds of people have been killed at once, he doesn't feel anything.

As if, he had long been accustomed to killing on the battlefield.

Far away around the mecha, the Xia Kingdom army surrounded him, but no one dared to approach.

In the sky, a row of fighter jets flew by, aiming dozens of bombs at Wang Chenning.

Wang Chenning thought of Mu Yue's words.

The metal shell of the God of War mecha cannot be penetrated even by armor-piercing bullets, at least a missile that can destroy a town is likely to harm it.

So Wang Chenning let the bomb fall on him.

An explosion sounded, kicking up a puff of dust.

The surrounding troops watched this scene nervously, and one of the soldiers said: "Destroy him?

"It should be destroyed, the combat mechs cannot withstand the aerial bombs."

But in the dust, the black mecha rushed out, and in the terrified expressions of everyone, a one-sided slaughter began.

At this time, the thirty-one maid sequence also rushed to the battlefield.

Each member of the maid sequence has the strength to resist the third-level pollutant.

Thirty-one is also a force to be ignored for the Xia Kingdom army.

Soon, a row of mecha belonging to the Xia Kingdom revealed their figures and struck in the direction of Wang Chenning.

Seeing this, Wang Chenning sat in the mecha and smiled slightly, "Is this right?" "

Eliminating some of the Army, it wasn't challenging for him.

However, he will not show mercy to his subordinates because the other party is weak, as long as the other party is still holding a weapon, he is an enemy.

It is the enemy who should die at his own hands, and this is the greatest respect for the enemy.

Xia Guo only has combat mecha.

Although the other party is a little weak for the God of War mecha, it is enough to warm up.

Wang Chenning drove the mecha and rushed up and took the initiative to engage this group of mecha.

At the same time, the magic of the Xia Kingdom also made the troops appear.

Ten V-rank squads are engaged in a sequence of thirty-one maids.

Among these V-level squads, one is very powerful, comparable to the strongest magic squad in the magic capital.

Maid Sequence No. 01 looked at a man in front of her and rushed straight up.

This person is also very famous in Dragon City, with the rank of lieutenant general, and is a powerful fourth-level general.

The terrifying fire element spread around him, making it impossible for Maid 01 to even get close.

However, at this time, the magic of the magic capital also made the troops arrive on the battlefield.

The strongest magic envoy in the magic capital, Yao Ling, he crossed the 01 maid and directly fought this fourth-level general.

Seeing Yao Ling, the fourth-level general said in a condensed voice: "General Yao, I advise you to surrender as soon as possible, the demon capital is part of the Xia Kingdom, and cooperate with outsiders, aren't you afraid of being spurned by future generations?" "


As Yan Yunde's right-hand man, Yao Ling said disdainfully: "I only obey the commander's orders, and he chose to cooperate with Sky City, there must be his reason."

"What's more, you and I are both generals, don't you understand what our respective high-level officials are thinking?"

Hearing Yao Ling's words, this fourth-level general of Dragon City was speechless.

The relationship between Dragon City and the Demon Capital is not good because the Human Emperor will banish his disliked subordinates to the Demon Capital.

At that time, the magic capital was still a poor backcountry, and those who offended the human emperor would be transferred to the magic capital by him, and there was no hope of promotion in their lives.

Who knew that in the future, technology companies came out of thin air, making the economy of the magic capital rise and become the second largest metropolis in Xia Country.

And Yan Yunde, the commander-in-chief of the magic capital, also lowered the relationship with the Dragon City Emperor to a freezing point, and the well water on both sides did not violate the river water.

But since the appearance of the weapon of mecha, Xia Guo did not take advantage, but the magic capital even had the battle general mecha because of the cooperation with Sky City.

After the Human Emperor found Sky City difficult to deal with, he could only point his target at the Demon Capital and make the commander of the Demon Capital submit.

In this way, Sky City's cooperation with the Demon Capital is no different from cooperation with Xia Guo.


Don't they really think that Sky City doesn't ask about the world? Calculated and silent?

When both sides were still silent.

The backbone of the Xia Guo camp has been repelled by the maid sequence.

These fourth-level generals were entangled by the V-level squad of the magic capital and could not support.

And those ordinary V-level squads and magic envoys can only be ruthlessly destroyed by the maid sequence.

"You go, after all, we belong to the same country, and we are the precious combat power of the Xia Kingdom." Yao Ling said lightly.

At the level of the third level, each of them is an extremely precious existence, let alone the fourth level, or the best of the fourth level.

Therefore, Yao Ling was not prepared to fight with the other party for life and death.

The fourth-level general looked at the defeated compatriots around him, snorted coldly, and could only leave helplessly.

But the next moment.

A huge black mech landed in front of him, blocking his path back.

Not far away, the Dragon City mecha troops were completely destroyed, and none of them survived.

Wang Chenning looked at the fourth-level general of Dragon City in front of him, and said in a condensed voice: "Want to leave?" Have you forgotten that it is not the magic capital that makes you collapse, but us.

Seeing this, the fourth-level general said angrily: "Sky City, don't deceive people too much. "

As a fourth-level general, he knows the limits of the soldier mecha, and he can barely deal with the third-level pollutant body.

Even if the mecha in front of him is more advanced, can it still deal with him who has a top-level four-level strength?

Seeing the rank on this person's shoulder, Wang Chenning also understood the identity of the other party.

Lieutenant General, a magic envoy of this level, is at least a fourth-level general.

Yes, it was hard to come out and not meet a qualified opponent, wouldn't he have come for nothing.

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