
The fourth-level general threw a punch, wanting to completely destroy the black mech in front of him.

Even if his strength is not as good as that of a strategic-level magician, the strength of the top four level is comparable to that of a missile with one punch.

Although the God of War mecha is powerful, in the face of a fourth-level threat figure, the opponent is already enough to threaten the armor of the mecha.

And against a human less than two meters tall, the body of the mecha more than thirty meters tall looks a little bulky, and the mecha was eliminated on the earth because of the birth of exoskeleton armor.

If it is an ordinary person, driving the God of War mecha is probably not the opponent of this fourth-level general.

But Wang Chenning is obviously not an ordinary person.

Looking at the gradually approaching fire fist, at such a close distance, there was no chance to dodge.

Wang Chenning pulled out a huge metal knife from behind the mecha and slashed it horizontally in front of him.

The fireball was split in two and slashed across the sides of the mech.

"How is this possible?"

The fourth-level general showed a shocked look.

Splitting a fireball with a knife is simply impossible for ordinary people, it takes a long time to exercise, and even then, it may not be 100% possible.

This is for humans.

But this person in front of him, but in the mecha, controlling the mecha to achieve this step, the difficulty has increased dozens of times.

Now in the Dragon City Mecha Unit, no one can do this.

Suddenly, the fourth-level general thought of someone.

A genius mech division who left the Dragon City mecha unit because of disobedience.

"Are you Wang Chenning?"

"It's me."

Wang Chenning did not hide it.

He knew this fourth-level general, after all, he was a lieutenant general, and he was still a lieutenant general with a high ranking in strength.

Zhu Ming, Xia Guo Dragon City, the best in the fire element.

Zhu Ming frowned and said, "Li Xia's girl also took me to see you, but I didn't expect you to be alive."

After that, he said again: "Wang Chenning, your first-generation mecha unit, who died in the line of duty on the border of Xichuan City, is the hero of the entire Xia Kingdom, as long as you are willing to return, I can guarantee that you will become the commander-in-chief of the mecha unit and be promoted to major general."

"Major General?"

Wang Chenning smiled and said, "What is a major general." "

You can't see it?"

But in Zhu Ming's eyes, Wang Chenning was already moved.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued: "Whatever you want, you can discuss it with me when you go back."


Wang Chenning turned on the speaker in the mecha, turned the sound to the maximum, and asked, "Can the position of the human emperor allow me to sit?"

"You dare to insult the Emperor of Ren?"

Zhu Ming's face changed, and he said angrily: "Junior, don't you understand that calamity comes from the mouth?"

At this time, Yao Ling of the Magic Capital came over and sighed: "Zhu Ming, it's you who don't understand reason." "

He intends to let the other party go, but if Sky City is unwilling, he will not stop him.

He is very clear about his positioning, now that the magic capital is completely dependent on Sky City, he naturally will not stop Sky City from doing anything.

"Yao Ling, don't meddle."

Hearing this, Yao Ling looked at Wang Chenning.

The latter said: "General Yao does not need to interfere, it is enough for me to deal with him."

"Junior, don't be arrogant."

Mecha does have an effect against a pollutant of the same size, but it is a little difficult to deal with magic.

Yao Ling rushed forward, he had a speed much higher than the mecha, his body was wrapped with flames, and he could penetrate the steel plate of the mecha with just one blow.

Wang Chenning closed his eyes.

In the mecha, Jing is surprisingly quiet.

In the loudspeaker, sounds came from all directions.

The sound of burning flames, Zhu Ming's footsteps, and the guns and cannons of the surrounding Demon Capital army and Xia Kingdom army fighting.

He did not open his eyes, but controlled the mecha and judged the opponent's position by listening to the sound.

In the face of enemies much smaller than yourself, relying on your eyes can sometimes easily fall into the blind spot.

But hearing, is 360 degrees without dead angles.

When the sense of hearing is exercised to a certain extent, it can even achieve the effect of God's perspective.

But to do this, it takes not only great talent, but also countless actual battles on the battlefield.

Wang Chenning does not have much practical experience, and he himself feels that he can do this because of talent.

The next moment.

A fireball hit.

As if he had already predicted, Wang Chenning blocked the long knife in the direction where the fireball flew in advance.

Seeing this, Zhu Ming's face changed slightly.

He quickly changed positions and came behind the mech, then raised his hand and began to condense fireballs.

However, seeing this scene in front of him, Zhu Ming's whole person was stunned in place.

I saw that the fireball in his hand had just burst out a trace of fire, and the long knife of the God of War mecha had already blocked the part he wanted to attack.

"How is this possible."

He does not believe in evil and wants to change positions and continue to attack.

But Wang Chenning didn't give him a chance, and he controlled the mecha to turn around and swing his long knife.

Zhu Ming wanted to dodge, but the place where Wang Chenning attacked turned out to be the position after he dodged.

In Yao Ling's eyes, it was like Zhu Ming himself jumping under the sword of the God of War mecha.

Zhu Ming condensed a fierce sea of fire in front of him, resisting the mecha's long knife.

The sea of fire spread rapidly, turning the entire battlefield into a field of flames.

A fourth-level general, it is still possible to let the flames cover a certain area.

The army of the Demon Capital and the army of the Xia Kingdom were all affected and surrounded by flames.

The indiscriminate attack proved that Zhu Ming had panicked.

The water element magic in the battlefield quickly shot and began to extinguish the flames here.

The God of War mecha stepped on the sea of fire under his feet, looking at Zhu Ming in front of him, he opened his eyes and said coldly: "General Zhu, your own subordinates have also been attacked by you.

"So what."

Zhu Ming said: "I am a fourth-level general, I can fight against the fourth-level pollutant, and those soldiers will not be able to defeat the fourth-level pollutant. Hearing

this, Wang Chenning frowned and said, "What are you doing in such a roundabout way, don't you just want to say that your life is worth more than theirs?"

Being directly debunked, Zhu Ming said in a deep voice: "Isn't that right?"

"Yes, of course yes, the lives of ordinary people are indeed not worth as much as yours."

Wang Chenning said in the mecha: "But among ordinary people, there will always be someone who will be more useful than you in the future. Thinking

of the last time the two countries joined forces, the Fang Pojun, who he once respected, actually gave up the 150,000 soldiers of the Xia Kingdom and left by himself.

Wang Chenning shook his head slightly.

The soldier felt that the general was more important and was willing to sacrifice himself ... And the general felt important and wanted to sacrifice the soldiers.

The result is the same, but the meaning is completely different.

This is the reason why Xia Guo has become the weakest of the five major powers, and there is not a single strategic-level magic envoy in this era.

Resources are tilted to the top of the pyramid, but the bottom is abandoned.

No one thinks about what life at the bottom is like.

But their future also has infinite possibilities.

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