Xia Guo's army has already begun to be repulsed.

But Xia Guo's magic caused the troops to be stopped by Wang Chenning and the maid sequence, and none of them could leave.

He controls the mecha and is engaged in a fierce battle with Zhu Ming.

In Xia Guo's cognition, the mecha that could only barely deal with the third-level pollutant body could actually suppress a Lieutenant General of Xia Guo.

Even Yao Ling showed a surprised expression and said to his teammates next to him: "Long City first gave up Mu Yixue, then gave up Wang Chenning, and then offended Sky City.

His companion also mocked: "It's ridiculous that three shortcuts that can improve the strength of the entire country have all been deviated by them."


Yao Ling sighed: "However, it is said that a fifth-level pollutant has appeared on the northern border of the Xia Kingdom, and Dragon City is ready to use nuclear weapons. "

For Dragon City, they are in a situation of internal and external troubles at this moment.

But this internal worry is entirely their own fault.

Soon, Zhu Ming was punched by the God of War mecha forty or fifty meters away.

He was smashed to the ground, and his internal organs were confused.

At this time, he looked at the huge mecha not far away, and said tremblingly: "Wang... Chenning... You...... It will definitely be..." The

words were not finished.

Wang Chenning raised the mecha's submachine gun and faced Zhu Ming's position with a sudden burst.

He was speechless: "Cruel words on the battlefield are a sign of incompetence.

He looked around, and the maid sequence had some sacrifices, but they didn't care.

Mu Yue said that the maid sequence and the butler sequence only have the most basic intelligent programs, without feelings, and Mu Yi, Mu Er, and Mu San are fundamentally different.

If it is scrapped, it will be made again.

Wang Chenning did not communicate with the people of the magic capital, but took off on the spot and flew back in the direction of Sky City.

Maid No. 01 said expressionlessly: "Maid sequence, return to Sky City with a return to the wasted individual."

Watching them leave, Yao Ling's gaze looked at the sky above the Demon Capital, the huge floating island that occupied almost one-third of the sky, and sighed: "They took us to take the initiative to attack, I am afraid that it is a signal that Sky City officially intervenes on the world stage."

The person next to him asked, "Is the Xia Kingdom a threat to them?"

"Maybe not, but Xia Guo did take the initiative to provoke Sky City, I always thought that Sky City was like other neutral cities, but... Alas. "

Everyone underestimated the power of Sky City, just like the future technology company.

They think they have empty resources, no power, and can be chosen at will.

But no one knew that the combat power possessed by Sky City would be faced squarely even by the strongest god realm of the five major powers.

"I'm afraid this matter is not over."

Yao Ling said in a condensed voice: "What Sky City has to do this time is not to counterattack, but to attack.

He looked at the island in the sky, then turned around and said: "Let's go back, the next action of Sky City is not something we can interfere in." "


A manor in the central area of Sky City.

Compared with the modernization of the villa, Mu Yue prefers the somewhat antique courtyard now, so he specially asked Mu Er to prepare a set for him.

There are many rooms in the manor, and Mu Yue's acquaintances live here.

Including Wang Chenning, Gao Xiaosheng, Xu Qing, Mu Er, and Sansan were there.

At this time, Mu Yue was watering the flowers.

Koshikoshiko and Yukiko have grown and become plants as tall as him.

From time to time, Xue Xuezi would use the leaves to pump him.

Mu Yue said with a dark face: "I love to drink Coke, right?"

Mu Yue took out a coke and poured it into Xue Xuezi's flower pot.

The flowers of Yukiko shook and shook, and she seemed to be very happy.

Yueyueko next to him was raised by Yixue and looks much better.

Yixue's things are how to look and how pleasing to the eye.

The next moment.

Xuexuezi's leaves were pumped again, as if to say: Look

less at my wife!

Mu Yue said angrily: "I am your father, believe it or not, I beat you." Hearing

this, even Yue Yuezi stretched out his leaves, and two flowers as tall as a person faced Mu Yue with a mixed doubles.

Not far away, Gao Xiaosheng sat at the stone table with his chin propped up, watching this scene boredly.

After Wang Chenning returned, she sat next to him and wondered, "What is Lao Mu doing?"

"Brother Mu Yue fought with the flower he raised again."

Wang Chenning looked over.

I always felt that those two flowers were very similar to Mu Yue and Mu Yixue.

Xue Xuezi, raised by Mu Yue, is very curious about everything, so he will want Mu Yue to feed it a lot of things.

And Yue Yuezi raised by Mu Yixue is only curious about Xue Xuezi, every time Xue Xuezi makes Mu Yue angry, when he wants to beat the other party, Yue Yuezi will stop it.

Now it's even more excessive, and even beat Mu Yue together.

At this time, Mu Yixue came over.

Seeing her, the two flowers instantly stopped and became honest.

This scene made Gao Xiaosheng sigh: "Brother Chenning, do you feel that they seem to be a family of four?"

"It's really similar."

Wang Chenning smiled.

Mu Yue is like a father without heart and lungs, Mu Yixue is like a strict mother, and the child does not dare to speak when he sees it.


Xia Guo, Dragon City.

An upscale hotel.

Murong Xueyue was in the bathroom with Nan Nan.

Looking at Nan Nanhun's scarred body soaked in the bathtub, Murong Xueyue was surprised: "Sister Nan Nan... Who the hell could make you hurt like this? "


Nan Nan looked down at the various scars on his body, and said helplessly: "Count me unlucky." "

A thousand years later, during the time when he lost his memory, he was caught by the imperial slave traders of the feudal system.

Thinking of this, the figure of a girl flashed in Nan Nan's mind.

His Royal Highness Luo Cheng ......

Nan Nan's face showed a trace of nostalgia.

"Sister Nannan, are you thinking about people?" Murong Xueyue asked.

"Well, she's my only friend here, but..."

Nan Nan hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "I have more important things to do."

After that, she looked at Murong Xueyue.

The other party has already stripped naked.

"Xueyue, after a thousand years, how can your figure feel even smaller than a thousand years ago?"

Hearing this, Murong Xueyue's face turned red, and she covered her chest and said angrily: "Sister Nannan... Please don't make fun of me.

"Hahaha, the character of the ice element magic envoy is really a contrast."

Nan Nan stood up, and the wounds on her body combined with her alluring and exaggerated figure made it even more difficult to take their eyes off.

Scars and perfect figures, even if Nan Nan's appearance is not that particularly beautiful type, it also arouses an irrepressible desire to protect.

Even Murong Xueyue had an urge to cherish her.

"I'm done, you wash it."

Nan Nan wrapped herself in a bath towel and left the bathroom.

She sat on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the bustling city in front of her, and muttered:

"It's soon..." "It's almost over."

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