"Brother, to deal with disobedient plants, just drop the temperature."

Looking at Mu Yixue's face showing a bad expression, Mu Yue couldn't help but say: "Yixue, no need." Although

these two plants have strong vitality, they are also categorically unable to withstand his sister's low temperatures.

However, my sister usually loves these two plants.

It shows that Mu Yue's method has worked.

The younger sister only had feelings for him.

Then through his feelings for other things, let his sister also have feelings for other things.

This has already begun to bear fruit on Yukiko and Koshikoshiko.

This is a good start, my sister's relationship is growing, and it is much better than when I first met her ten years ago.

One day, my sister can regain all her feelings.

That day may not be too far away.

Thinking of this, Mu Yue turned around and gently hugged his sister.

He just wanted to say something, but he saw Wang Chenning and Gao Xiaosheng not far away looking at them with a smile.

Mu Yue let go of his sister, coughed lightly, and pretended to be calm: "Lao Wang, you are back."

"It's long since you came back, you're only your little lover in your eyes, and you can't notice us."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue said expressionlessly: "Are you jealous? Hearing

this, Wang Chenning's face was stunned.

Then he slapped the table and said angrily: "There is no problem with my sexual orientation!"

"Lao Mu, quickly explain to your sister."

Mu Yue looked at his sister, then nodded gently, and whispered in his sister's ear: "Yixue, there is indeed a problem with his sexual orientation.

Mu Yixue's eyes changed slightly.


The man could not stay with his brother.

Get out of Sky City!

Yes, get him out!

In just a moment, dozens of inexplicable thoughts had appeared in Mu Yixue's head.

Finally, she thought of a picture.

Wang Chenning wore a wedding dress, his brother wore a suit, and the two walked into the marriage together....

And she can only applaud offstage and bless a couple of newcomers on the stage.

The temperature around was dropping, and with Mu Yixue's brain supplement, Wang Chenning's face changed greatly.

"I lean, Lao Mu, take care of your sister, I am sure she must be crooked."

Mu Yue picked his nose, looking like he was none of my business.

"Little Saint!"

Wang Chenning looked in the direction of Gao Xiaoshen, but found that his figure had been lost next to him.

Not far away, Gao Xiaosheng stood at the door of his room, and said helplessly: "Brother Chenning, you ask for blessings for yourself, I will spare my life and take a step first."

With that, he closed the door of the room.

Wang Chenning was already frozen.

At this time, Mu Yue took his sister's hand and said with a smile: "Okay Yixue, don't scare him." "


Wang Chenning curled up on the ground and retorted, "Don't be too outrageous, she's trying to kill me!" Hearing

this, Mu Yue looked at his sister.

Mu Yixue showed a sweet smile, a harmless appearance of humans and animals, well-behaved and cute.

Mu Yue looked at Wang Chenning and frowned, "Don't frame Yixue, how could my sister want to kill you."

Mu Yue took his sister's hand and prepared to go back to the room to rest.

Looking at the backs of the two, Wang Chenning said desperately: "Lao Mu, you believe me, she really wants to kill me."

Mu Yue waved his hand.

It means... Don't say it, I see.

The attitude is extremely perfunctory.

Wang Chenning was stunned.

No, he can't stay in this courtyard, he wants to live elsewhere in Sky City.


The two came to an independent courtyard in the manor, Mu Yue looked at the sky and said, "It's about to rain."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue said suspiciously: "Brother, isn't the climate in Sky City intelligently controlled?" "


Mu Yue sat on a chair in the courtyard and looked at the sky.

The first trial run of the Sky City simulated climate system.

It didn't take long for the rain to start dripping.

Heavy rain poured over Sky City.

Mu Yixue stood next to her brother and held up the ice element umbrella.

"Brother, drive away the Xia Kingdom army around the magic capital, what are we going to do next?" Mu Yixue asked.

"Next... Attack Dragon City and force out the Chi family's people. "

In the case that nuclear weapons do not work, the Xia Kingdom, which does not have a strategic-level magic envoy, cannot threaten Sky City in any way.

The only unknown is the Chi family where the human emperor is located.

One of the five major families, the Chi family.

According to legend, the five major families are beings above the five major powers.

Mu Yue had been to Murong's house.

There is one of the strongest ice in the world, and even the head of the family, Murong Yueji, is a strategic-level magic envoy.

In addition, there are more than a dozen magic envoys who can resist the fourth-level pollutant body, all of whom are strong people who have not appeared on the world stage.

The original bloodline, even if it has become extremely thin after a thousand years, is much stronger than ordinary people.

After all, thousands of years ago, the true Primordial Magic Envoy could become a strategic level in three years.

In the outside world, magic that can resist the third-level pollutant body can become the backbone of the major forces, and it is extremely valuable.

But in the Murong family, who can compete with the third level, he can only farm in the yard.

What's more, there was also a figure from a thousand years ago in the Murong family, Murong Xueyue, who was known as the strongest magic envoy a thousand years ago.

If the Murong family is still like this, then the Chi family is not far behind.

The fact that Xia Guo does not have a strategic level does not mean that the Chi family does not have one.

Without the magic of space, the five major families will soon appear on the world stage.

And the human emperor is a person with a deep heart.

Sky City was in the Magic Capital, and it was impossible for the Human Emperor to turn a blind eye to them.

Since they will meet sooner or later, it is better for Xia Guo to leave it to someone he is more comfortable with.

Yan Yunde is very good.

Mu Yue originally planned to let the empire be the backing, and Sky City would also be in the sky above the empire.

But the empire fell, and the entire world, only the magic where the future technology company is located can become a suspended place in Sky City.

But the magic capital is just a city, and it is impossible to be a backing.

Then you can only let Sky City have the power to protect itself.

Because of this, the seven kings were born.

The most important thing is that after going to the Murong family once, Mu Yue can almost understand the bottom line of the strength of the five major families.

His confidence is never confidence in his own strength.

Rather, knowledge of the enemy.

He is a scientist, and only by understanding the enemy can he create weapons to defeat him.

The Chi family wants to replace the magic capital, and the ultimate goal is nothing more than to cooperate with Sky City and obtain the power of Sky City.

In that case, they will be destroyed by Sky City.

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