The life and security of residents in the lower city are simply incomparable with those in the upper city.

It is hard to imagine that Dragon City, as the central city of the Xia Kingdom, has the same marginal area as the slums.

If one day it is attacked by contaminated bodies, I am afraid that the entire lower city will be used to delay time.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue wore relatively clean clothes, so they attracted the attention of many people.

Although it is said that it is poor, there are still some places that are relatively normal.

Not far away, there is a tavern in the lower town, which looks very shabby, and only beer.

The two just passed by and didn't want to walk in, but the girl at the door had already walked over, threw a wink at Mu Yue, and laughed: "Little brother, come and play." "

The clothes Mu Yue wears look worthy, and it is estimated that they are the rich second generation from Shangcheng District.

As for Mu Yixue next to her, she directly ignored it.

No man would refuse a woman who offered to post it.

She walked over confidently, but as she got closer and closer to Mu Yue, the air around her became colder and colder.

Finally, she stopped and did not dare to move forward.

Mu Yue said: "Yixue, don't be nervous, they are not ashamed in order to live. Looking

at the life in the lower city, Mu Yue thought that as long as the people here did not harm the heavens, it was normal to do anything.

If it's hard to even live, where can you have the energy to care about anything else?


Not far away, a dirty strong man held the corpse of a woman and said sadly: "We can't go on like this, Dragon City doesn't care about us, if we continue, the more people in the lower city will die."

"My wife has died of illness... Your loved ones are alive! Hearing

his words, more and more people stood up.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yue sighed slightly.

This generation of human emperors seems to treat everyone as pawns.

The creation of the Lower Town District is so that when the pollutant really comes to Dragon City in the future, the lives of all the residents of the Lower Town District will be used to save the lives of the people in the Shangcheng District and the Queens District.

There was not even a shelter in the lower town, but troops were stationed.

The popular riot that had just appeared, an army of thirty people quickly arrived, armed with real guns and live ammunition, and began to suppress the mob.

The situation in the lower city is not much better than the original Mad Magic Island.

People in the building are afraid to show their heads, the streets are crowded with refugees, and the food distributed daily by the military is simply not enough.

Medical resources are insufficient, hospitals are overcrowded, and some people have to wait outside to die.

The Uptown area next door still spends days drinking, and Queens enjoys prosperity and wealth, just watching the people of the lower city fend for themselves.

The happiest country in the world?

Is this what Xia Guo really looks like?

Most importantly, the more cities with the border fall, the more refugees there will be.

Xia Guo abandoned the border city and retreated conservatively, and even Mu Yue couldn't understand why.

Is it necessary to let the entire Xia Kingdom only have one Dragon City left, and they will fight back?

In the original Xichuan City and Dongchuan City, none of the soldiers of Longcheng were sent.

Just to preserve strength?

If it is to preserve strength, then what kind of enemy will Xia Guo face, will it rather give up its territory and preserve its existing combat strength.

The question is... The combat power preserved by Xia Guo has been partially eliminated by Sky City.

Suddenly, Mu Yue thought of something.

This preservation of power will not be to deal with Sky City...

If it really is, Mu Yue can only evaluate a "6".

"Brother, let's go back." Mu Yixue said.


The two were just about to leave here, but they saw the army commander who had just finished suppressing the mob not far away and looked over, and he frowned and said, "Over there, show your identity document." "

It's so good to dress in the lower city, it looks like it's from the upper town.

It was already hard enough for them to stay in the lower city, and if he didn't give some benefits, he wasn't ready to let Mu Yue and the two leave easily.


Mu Yue said expressionlessly.


The commander walked away, he looked at Mu Yue, and then set his eyes on Mu Yixue's body.

His gaze was on Mu Yixue's body, looking at it from head to toe, revealing a stunning gaze, and then touched his chin, showing a malicious expression, and said: "This group of untouchables all have identity documents, but you don't even have them."

"I suspect that you are treacherous people from other countries, come and arrest you."

A group of soldiers with rifles rushed over and surrounded the two.

Mu Yue's eyes gradually became cold.

For the soldiers, for the country and the people.

Acting like this also means that the internal decay of the Xia Kingdom military has decayed to an incredible level.

It is obviously not a feudal system, but what it has done is even more excessive than the original empire.


The strong man who had already been suppressed roared angrily: "This group of damned officers and soldiers, even children have to deal with, they can't let them succeed."

He stared angrily at the commander, then looked at the other cold-eyed refugees around him, and suddenly looked stunned.

Because...... No one shot.

There were even a considerable number of refugees, showing mocking expressions.

As if they were saying... Why are you dressed so cleanly, the men are handsome, the women are beautiful, and we are going to huddle here as beggars.

This kind of morbid psychology made this strong man unbelievable.

Then, he suddenly burst out laughing and laughed at the people around him: "No wonder the official corruption of the Xia Kingdom has reached this point... It's all the cold eyes of your people.

"You deserve to be refugees."

As soon as the words fell, a soldier couldn't bear it, raised his rifle, and shot the strong man's head.

Mu Yue's left eye swept the blue light, the trajectory of the bullet did not change without a trace, and the bullet that was originally in the center of the eyebrow was only wiped past his ear.


With an order from the commander.

Dozens of soldiers rushed towards Mu Yue and the two.


The girl who hooked up with Mu Yue at the beginning ran over, stopped in front of Mu Yixue and Mu Yue, and said nervously: "Brother Li, they are still children, look, can you let them go in my face, I was with you last night


The commander slapped her and knocked the girl two meters away.

The latter, with two teeth falling out of his mouth, screamed and was knocked to the ground.

She looked at the commander in front of her incredulously, but she was speechless.

Because in the lower city, these soldiers are god-like existences.

In a place where the law is dark, offending someone with the highest force is no different from sending him to death.

The girl glanced back at Mu Yixue.

The girl was beautiful and clean.

But she used to be a clean person.

Some people have experienced hell and want to pull others into hell as well.

But some people have experienced hell and desperately pushed others to heaven.


The girl pushed Mu Yue and Mu Yixue away, and then rushed towards the commander with her teeth and claws.

She gave her life a cheap life, and she died.

But the girl behind her can still have a bright future.

The commander ruthlessly raised the pistol on his waist, aimed it at the girl's head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The sound of death sounded, but death stopped in front of him, unable to get close to the girl.

Mu Yue behind him raised an arm and condensed an energy shield in front of the girl.

"I changed my mind, Dragon City... Let's destroy it now. "

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