"What did you say?"

Before the commander could react, he saw that Mu Yixue had already made a move.

The ice flashed and began to spread from under his feet.

Seeing this, the commander said in horror: "You... Are you magicians? Hearing

these three words of magic, both soldiers and refugees looked at them in shock.

But Mu Yixue treated everyone equally, and the soles of everyone's feet began to condense ice vines.

The power of the ice element swallowed everyone here, leaving only the strong man and the girl next to him.

If Mu Yue hadn't taken his sister's hand in time, I'm afraid that half of the lower city would be instantly frozen.

The strong man and the girl looked at this scene in amazement.

In their minds, a mechanically synthesized voice had already appeared.

They are given permission to become Sky City residents and can choose whether to go or not.

The girl was the first to react, she ran over, excited: "You are the big people in Sky City?

Mu Yue did not speak, but he admitted it.

The girl continued: "I have long heard that Sky City is the safest and most peaceful place in the world... It's just that Xia Guo has been using the news media to fake Sky City as a poor place. "

Xia Guo forwarded the appearance of the once Mad Demon Island and told the people that it was Sky City.

Then the Sky Ladder Plan began, and at the same time, Sky City residents incarnated as Sky City guardians on the Internet, wandering around the major short video comment areas to explain, and the rumors were also self-defeating.

If you think about it, when did the feud between Xia Guo and Sky City begin?

From the future tech company? Or from Mu Yixue?

They originally wanted to get the power of [Pandora's Box], but because Mu Yixue was unwilling to join the military and still appeared in the empire, they voluntarily gave up.

If it weren't for Mu Yue's intervention, the territory of the empire would now be divided into several parts, and the Xia Kingdom would also monopolize it.

The empire has a population of more than one billion, and the Xia Kingdom can also have hundreds of millions of laborers.

Later, it was Sky City, which gave all the world's warlord mecha, and also levitated over the magic capital, so that the economy of the magic capital developed rapidly, and now it has long surpassed the dragon city.

But Xia Guo didn't get anything, only the lowest-level combat mecha, and the country's combat strength was once again one point behind other countries.

Perhaps, the Human Emperor put all the responsibility on Sky City.

They preserved the country's combat power, gave up the territory, and then let the God of War return to Dragon City, plus the strength of the Chi family itself....

In their cognition, this way they can defeat Sky City.

As long as you can defeat Sky City and obtain the resources of Sky City, those territories lost are nothing at all.

Compared with the resources of Sky City, even if dozens of border cities have fallen, it is worth it.

No wonder they think so, after all, the God of War is on their side.

With the existence of the God of War, how could they be defeated in the eyes of ordinary people.

The fifth-level one on the northern border, after defeating Sky City, it is not impossible to solve it.

At this time, in the lower city, there was a sound of alarm.

Sounds came from the barracks in every area, covering the entire Lower Town, and even some sounds could be heard in the Upper Town.

Enemy attack alert.

The 10,000 troops and 2,000 air forces stationed in the lower city have all rushed here.

Refugees elsewhere thought it was a pollutant coming, and they ran around like rats to avoid it.

Since Xia Guo has regarded Sky City as an imaginary enemy, and it is still at the final boss level, let them see if the strength of this boss is something they can provoke.

It wasn't long before dozens of helicopters hovered over the two men's heads, and a row of fighter jets streaked over the two men.

Not far away, the tank corps also gradually approached, and more than thirty tanks and the army cooperated and surrounded the two people.

"Confirming the identity of the other party is [Pandora's box]."

The commander-in-chief of the Lower City is a general with the rank of brigadier general, and he is also a magic messenger, and his strength can compete with third-level pollutants.

For Mu Yixue, this strength is not strong, but for the refugees in the lower city, the third level is a big man who stands tall.

The strong man and the girl hid behind the two, trembling.

"Conventional weapons."

Mu Yue raised his head and said softly: "This kind of thing is not even qualified to be called a toy for me. "

[Informed that super-seismic waves are about to be released to destroy all electronic equipment within ten kilometers of the surrounding area.]

The next moment, with Mu Yue as the center, a terrifying electromagnetic wave was released, covering all helicopters, tanks, and fighters.

At that moment, the dashboard was chaotic, communication was lost, the screen went black, planes and helicopters lost power, fell from the sky, and tanks stopped advancing.

Seeing this, the brigadier general showed a shocked expression, he looked at Mu Yue, and said in disbelief: "You... What did you do? "

But it's not over yet.

Mu Yue put his thumb on his middle finger and snapped his finger crisply.

[Informed that a strong pressure wave is about to be released, detonating all explosives within 10 kilometers of the surrounding area. ] ]

the next moment.

The unloaded ammunition in the tank suddenly exploded.

The sound of the explosion fluctuated, directly destroying the entire tank corps.

At the same time, the grenades hanging from the soldiers also suddenly exploded.

You know, every soldier has a grenade hanging from his waist.

The entire army was instantly engulfed in a sea of fire, and it couldn't even make a scream.

In less than a minute, for Mu Yue, it was just a gesture of raising his hand and snapping his fingers.

The troops stationed in the entire Xiacheng District have been wiped out.

More than 10,000 people were wiped out in less than a minute.

Only magic can do it, but magic can not destroy so many people at will.

As a magician, the brigadier general is naturally alive.

Behind him, there are ten ordinary magic envoy squads, as well as a V squad.

Mu Yixue stepped forward and said coldly: "Next, it's my home field." Hearing

this, Mu Yue touched his sister's head and said with a smile: "It's too second, Yixue."

Mu Yixue's face turned red, turned around and pouted and said: "Nasty, brother, people are serious." Looking

at the two hippie fighting, a drop of cold sweat gradually flowed from the brigadier general's forehead.

Strategic-level magic, how can they deal with it.

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