Mu Yixue's lips were like ice cream, cold and cold, fragrant and sweet, soft and sticky, so that Mu Yue didn't want to separate at all.

The man's instinct also made Mu Yue's hand unconsciously peel off the quilt, and unconsciously climbed on something he had never touched.

At that moment, Mu Yixue's originally closed eyes suddenly widened.

But looking at Mu Yue's face that was almost attached to herself, she forced herself to endure shame, closed her eyes again, and let the other party do whatever she wanted.

Not long after, the quilt had been thrown to the ground by Mu Yue, and Mu Yixue's body was completely uncovered.

The power of the Elf King also rammed in Mu Yixue's body, but it was suppressed by a strong ice element.

This powerful force could not move in Mu Yixue's body, and no matter how it rioted, it could not set off the slightest storm.

Soon, Mu Yue gave up Mu Yixue's lips and began to focus on the part that he had just touched with his hand.

Mu Yixue didn't dare to move, she didn't know anything, she didn't understand anything, she could only give the initiative of everything to the other party.

Immersed in the gentle country, everything is silent, inexperienced, all by instinct.

Suddenly, Mu Yue's sanity sobered up.

Lean, said okay to continue next time, why didn't I hold back.

Mu Yue looked up at Mu Yixue's shyness and did not dare to open her eyes, then smiled, lightly touched Yixue's lips, and said, "Okay, sleep." Hearing

this, Mu Yixue quickly picked up the quilt on the ground, and then slipped into the bed, and the whole person only showed a small head.

Looking at Yi Xue's cute appearance, Mu Yue smiled and said, "You took the quilt, what do I cover?"

"But... But I didn't have any clothes. Mu Yixue said twistedly.

"I've seen it all just now, and I'm still shy."

Mu Yue pinched Mu Yixue's nose, but did not do anything excessive, but gave the quilt to her, lying on the bed alone, ready to sleep.

[Inform that forced cooldown mode is on.] The

body is calm, the mind is not calm.

Soon, both fell asleep.

But Mu Yixue was never honest when she slept, rolled over, and soon kicked the quilt away, hugging Mu Yue like a koala.

Early the next morning, probably because of the nervousness of last night, Mu Yixue rarely woke up before Mu Yue.

And Mu Yue experienced a night of insomnia, slept exceptionally peacefully last night, and is still in a deep sleep.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's forced calm mode had stopped the moment Mu Yue fell asleep.

In the morning, Mu Yue's good brother was naturally full of energy.

He was lying on the bed and did not cover the quilt, so Mu Yixue saw the bulge at once.

She showed a curious expression, and her long hair was scattered on the bed, like an elf, she was extremely beautiful.

If Mu Yue opened his eyes at this time, I am afraid that even if he had good concentration, even if he had Xiao Yi's forced calmness, he would instantly lose his mind.

After Mu Yue fell asleep last night, he had a dream that he shouldn't have, which is something that every boy will experience at this age.

Mu Yixue looked over suspiciously.

Last time in the fitting room in Narugami Town, when she changed into Hanfu, it seemed that this thing touched her.

At this time, Mu Yixue's mind remembered some of the words that Phantom Light Dance had said.

"Ah, the lady actually asked me to study, she is really a considerate girlfriend."

"But the boss said that he wouldn't let me tell you something strange, but... The owner is still too tender.

"This kind of thing, even if you don't go directly to the last step, there are other ways."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue said suspiciously: "The last step?

"Hehe, the lady still doesn't understand, but I can teach you the rest first..."

When Mu Yue woke up, he found that Yi Xue's figure had been lost next to him.

Mu Yue looked down and showed an embarrassed expression.

He actually had that kind of dream, but twice in a row.

Last night and this morning.

Xiao Yi knew everything, but he didn't say anything.

Mu Yue got up and changed into a set of clothes, and then walked out of the room.

In the hall, this time it was Mu Yixue who prepared breakfast, and was already sitting at the table waiting for Mu Yue to come out.

Seeing her, Mu Yue was slightly stunned.

And Mu Yixue also showed a trace of unnaturalness, she put her hand behind her back, as if this hand had done something shady in the morning.

Mu Yixue's abnormal movements, Mu Yue did not notice, he sat next to Yixue, and said casually: "Yixue got up quite early today." "


Mu Yixue nodded slowly, her voice was like a mosquito fly, and she spoke softly.

Today's Yixue feels weird.

But yes, last night after all, I experienced such an embarrassing thing.

While eating breakfast, Mu Yue was still thinking about the dream he had in the morning.

That dream was so real that Mu Yue almost thought it was reality.

Wang Chenning and Gao Xiaosheng also woke up.

Until now, Chen Jingyan has not returned, but his home is in Dragon City, and Mu Yue is not worried about him.

"Old Mu."

Wang Chenning gave Mu Yue a strange look⌓‿⌓, which made Mu Yue confused.

Seeing Mu Yue's serious look, Wang Chenning coughed lightly and couldn't help but say: "Old Mu, although we are young and vigorous, we still have to temper ourselves." Mu

Yue's brain was dark, and he just wanted to say something, but found that someone reacted even more than him.

I saw Mu Yixue standing up, her face blushing and saying, "I... I didn't! "

Wang Chenning: (゚⊿゚) ツ

Gao Xiaoshen:?

Mu Yue: (¬_¬)

Sensing that her reaction was too great, Mu Yixue sat back and buried her face in Mu Yue's shoulder, so shy that she had no face.

"Lao Mu, Sister Yixue has admitted it, don't be tough."

Mu Yue ate expressionlessly.

But the heart has blossomed.

Yi Xue is also so cute that she will bury her face in herself shyly.

Several people chatted while eating.

There was still one day left before Sky City arrived over Dragon City.

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