There is still an hour left until the arrival of Sky City.

From the Dragon City Queens District, you can already see the figure of Sky City.

The huge island floats in the sky, like a small black dot.

But depending on the size of the island, everyone knows that it is a huge island large enough to hold millions of people, and now it is small, just because it is too far away.

An hour later, Sky City will levitate above Dragon City, bringing a devastating blow to Dragon City.

Now, Xia Guo has rendered Sky City into a heinous force, so that everyone in the Xia Kingdom's military has the illusion that they are heroes of national salvation.

It was as if Sky City was an invader, and they were all defending their homes and defending their glory moments.

During this time, Mu Yue had already understood the routine of Dragon City and made himself very innocent, even if they really won Sky City, it would be justice that defeated evil.

Mu Yue didn't care about this, what was just or unjust, it didn't matter at all.

What about evil? As long as it can win, it is the survival of the fittest in nature, the strong side lives, and the weak side dies.

The so-called protection of the weak by the strong is just a rule set by the strong and has nothing to do with the weak.

Mu Yue's four people came to the lower city area, and for two days, the cold ice released by Mu Yixue before still did not melt.

But the number of refugees here is increasing, and the seven cities that previously fell in the northern realm, with the regeneration of the fifth-level pollutant body [meta beast], in the face of this level of monster, in just two days, another city in the northern realm has become the field of pollutant body.

And [Yuan Beast], for the time being, cannot be destroyed.

Because the God of War came to the Xia Kingdom in the name of destroying the Yuan Beast.

Even if he is a member of the Chi family, it has been common knowledge since ancient times that the twelve gods will not participate in the struggle between countries.

Those who become the twelve god generals have no nationality.

As long as the Yuan Beast is destroyed, the God of War cannot stay in the Xia Kingdom.

If the God of War breaks the precedent and participates in the affairs of Xia Guo, then the entire international situation will change drastically.

Each of the twelve gods will be able to return to his country and participate in national wars, and the world will be in chaos.

So the meeting of Xia Guo, the God of War has never participated in it once.

When the time comes for the decisive battle between Dragon City and Sky City, the God of War will naturally appear.

At that time, with the reason of the Yuan Beast, even the League of Nations will turn a blind eye.

As long as there is a reason, it is still within the rules, the world's strongest person, this bit of face is still there.

Because of this, the last time Murong Xian'er single-handedly blocked a country, stopped all the troops from the Far North to the Empire, and beat up the strategic-level magic envoys in the Far North.

That time, after Murong Xian'er was punished by the League of Nations, she knelt in Murong's house for three days and three nights.

"Brother, Sansan's side is ready."


Mu Yue raised his head and said softly: "Open the space fold." "


Northern Territory.

The fifth-level pollutant body beast is wreaking havoc in the city.

Behind him, there were six Grade 4 pollutants, thirty-two Grade III pollutants, hundreds of Grade II pollutants, thousands of Grade I pollutants, and hundreds of thousands of low-level pollutants.

The army pressed the border and slaughtered everywhere in the city.

Humans, in the presence of pollutants, are just food.

A level five pollutant body, if not stopped, as they devour more and more blood food, the entire pollutant army will become stronger and stronger.

It started as a 50-meter pollutant.

After devouring eight cities, it had reached fifty-six meters.

And the army of pollutants it leads is three or four times stronger.

Now that the eighth city has been occupied, the army of pollutants has not continued to advance, but has searched for blood food here and continued to strengthen itself.

The citizens of the city fled in all directions, and one shelter after another fell.

Magic defeated troops, the army could not stop the contaminated body, and Dragon City and other major cities did not send reinforcements.

This is the northern territory of Xia Kingdom, also known as Beizhou, with a total of sixteen cities.

The major cities of Beizhou are now overwhelmed, and when facing the army of pollutants, their magic has already damaged more than half of the troops.

Now all the magic caused the troops to retreat to the main city, and the number of refugees in that city was more than ten times greater than that of Dragon City.

The major cities in the northern territory are already like this, and they can't be counted on to support other prefecture-level cities.

And Dragon City, as the central city of Xia Country, obviously there is no threat of polluting bodies, but it does not move.

Now the citizens of the northern border have reached an extreme in their complaints about Dragon City.

At this moment, in the Eighth City of the Northern Realm that had just fallen, a girl in a black maid costume stepped on the flying machine and levitated in front of the fifth-level polluted body beast.

The head of the aircraft began to separate from side to side.

Among them, the space folding launcher is exposed.

Space rays came out of it, opening a spatial black hole in front of the Yuan Beast.

Subsequently, the gravitational pull of the space black hole began to absorb pollutants in all directions, absorbing the meta-beasts in front of him, the fourth-level and third-level pollutants, and a large number of low-level pollutants.

At the other end of the space black hole is Sky City.

The bottom center of the Sky City Island, which was originally the place of the heavenly ladder, began to change and gradually became a spatial folding platform.

The space folding table emits space rays, opening the space white hole.

The fifth-level polluted body beast was directly teleported to the gate of Dragon City.

This is followed by a large number of other levels of contamination.

They were teleported to the ground below Sky City, attracted by the tens of millions of blood food in Dragon City, and began to attack.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chenning stood next to Mu Yue and sighed: "Dragon City abandoned the border city and directly transmitted this fifth-level pollutant body over, so that Dragon City can experience the feeling of a border city, Lao Mu, this trick is clever." Hearing

this, Mu Yue said lightly: "The same are people, Dragon City is not nobler than the border. "

The refugees in the lower city saw the approaching Yuan Beast, and the fear that was hard to quell was revived again.


Obviously he has fled to the safest city in Xia Country, why would the Yuan Beast also chase him?

This is the second time in recent decades that a Grade 5 pollutant has appeared in a major country's central city.

The first time was in the imperial capital twenty years ago, and a centipede elder appeared.

This time, in the central city of Xia Country, a Yuan Beast appeared.

And the Yuan Beast is a sub-individual of the Yuan Tortoise, which is known as the strongest defense among the ten ancestors.

Bearing a nuclear weapon head-on without dying, below the ancestor, I am afraid that only the fifth-level polluted body of the Yuan Turtle vein can do it.

This time, Xia Guolong City sounded an air defense siren.

No one expected that after the magic of space, Sky City would also have abilities similar to space.

Similarly, what the emperor did not expect was that the pollution body would attack Dragon City together with Sky City.

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