In the palace of people.

The Human Emperor and several high-ranking generals looked at the large screen, the polluting body that was approaching, and showed a heavy expression.

In their plan, they first dealt with Sky City, and then eliminated these fifth-level pollutants and reclaimed the fallen land.

But in front of him, two enemies who were a threat to Xia Guo actually came to Dragon City at the same time.

The Renhuang looked at the screen and gave the first order.

"Missile bombing."

As soon as the order arrived, Xia Guo's missile forces were busy.

The combat effectiveness of Dragon City is naturally not at the same level as other cities.

Thousands of missiles flew out of the missile force and struck in the direction of the contaminated nest group.

Sky City will not intervene to protect the pollutant, so it will not control this batch of missiles.

Dense missiles rushed from the Longcheng Military Region into the army of contaminated bodies.

Explosions of various sizes spread through the army of pollutants, and the fire engulfed almost all of them.

However, it should be known that the pollution of the third level and above, conventional weapons are almost impossible to eliminate.

Although the missile is a heavy weapon and can injure the third-level pollutant, it is far from being eliminated, not to mention the fourth-level pollutant.

The pollutant was fast and soon reached the edge of the lower town.

There are no walls in the lower town, and the high walls only cover the area of the upper city.

After all the hard work to come to Dragon City, before they could settle down for a few days, they had to face this terrifying army of pollutants.

The movement speed of the meta beast is very slow, but the speed of the other pollutants is extremely fast.

The first level 4 pollutant, forty-two meters long, is a four-legged creature, and ordinary people can only see an afterimage when running.

It stormed the downtown area and began killing its residents and refugees.

Endless screams sounded all around, and in the face of this fourth-level polluting body, ordinary people were like ants, trampled to death one foot at a time.

"Sky City!!"

A local resident of the lower city said angrily before dying: "You deserve death!!" Mu

Yue and the others were not far away, and they heard these words clearly.

I saw that the person was directly trampled to death by the fourth-level pollutant body.

Mu Yue muttered, "As far as your life is your life, isn't the life of the border residents a life?" Mu

Yue did not regret this decision.

Anyway, they will be attacked by contaminated bodies, and instead of letting the border residents die, it is better to let the people of Dragon City taste the suffering.

During this period, the eight cities on the border of Xia Country provided a full 50,000 citizens for Sky City.

These people are now in Sky City, looking at the residents of Dragon City who are being slaughtered by contaminated bodies with pleasure.

Dragon City's immobility made everyone on the border feel desperate.

And Sky City gave them hope to live.

Now seeing that Dragon City has also suffered the same situation as the border city, of course, they will feel that the other party deserves it.

Space wormholes still exist, and the first round of bombing eliminated almost all contaminants below level three.

But in the space wormhole, there is still a steady stream of pollutants being transported here.

The more contaminated bodies there are, the safer the border will be.

In addition to the polluted body, Sky City is getting closer and closer, and it will soon be able to reach Dragon City.

Mu Yue and several people stood on the edge of the lower city, watching the polluted bodies in front of them continue to cause killing.

And the pollutants seem to not see them.

The fifth-level pollutant body is only slightly intelligent, while the fourth-level pollutant can be described as a fool.

As long as Mu Yue uses a little means, as long as he does not take the initiative to provoke the fourth-level pollutant body, he will be ignored by the other party.

Not far away, in the upper city, the second batch of missiles has been launched.

Another round of bombing wiped out the army of pollutants that had just been teleported.

But how could hundreds of thousands of low-level pollutants be eliminated so easily.


Queens, Dragon City University.

The first place in the overall score of Longcheng University, Longqingxi.

In front of her, stood the three thousand students of the School of Magic of Dragon City University.

Compared with the academy holy land, this amount is not much.

However, in Dragon City University, it is the largest major.

Long Qingxi looked at the group of green faces in front of him, and said in a condensed voice: "Students, now Dragon City is being attacked by polluted bodies, the lower city has fallen, and the polluted bodies will soon arrive at the city wall of the upper city, and behind the city wall, there are our parents, our relatives, and our friends."

"As magicians, although we are still junior, we do not seek to defend the country, we also want to protect our relatives."

Long Qingxi gave an order and said in a loud voice: "All of you, join the war." "

The next moment.

A powerful wind element descended on the sky above Dragon City University.

Li Xia, the instructor of the Xia Kingdom's magic envoy troops, came here, she looked at Long Qingxi and said heavily: "Classmate Long, the magic envoy troops have not yet been dispatched, and now is not the time for you to do what you can."

Hearing this, Long Qingxi frowned and said, "Colonel Li Xia, can't you hear the screams of the residents of Xiacheng."

"Can't you see that they're being slaughtered by contaminated bodies?" Why didn't the Xia Kingdom's magic envoys dispatch troops move, and why did they stop us from entering the war? "


Li Xia said: "The high-level has to face Sky City with all their strength, and there is no energy to deal with the pollutant body for a while. Hearing

this, Long Qingxi showed an angry expression.

She thought of her father, who died at the hands of the pollutant, that is, Bai Chenfan's captain.

"Colonel Li Xia, the enemy of mankind, isn't it a pollutant... Why is Sky City prioritized between Sky City and pollutants? This

question left Li Xia speechless.

Last time, the matter of Wang Chenning and the first generation of mecha troops caused Li Xia to have a gap in his heart from the high-level of Xia Guo.

Now, the choice of the high-level of Xia Guo has also disappointed her again and again.

But in any case, she couldn't let a group of stinking students go into battle.

You know, she is a teacher of magic at Dragon City University, and in the face of fifth-level pollutants, she can't let her students become cannon fodder.

Thinking of this, Li Xia said in a condensed voice: "I am here today, and no one can leave Dragon City University.

Hearing this, Long Qingxi looked at her coldly and said, "Then don't blame me for being unkind." "

When she was in the Academy Holy Land, she was already a magic envoy who could resist the third-level pollutant body.

Now after half a year, with her talent, she can already resist the thirty-nine meters of pollution.

And Li Xia is also a magic envoy who can resist the top three-level polluting body, and it is really not necessary for the two sides to be stronger or weaker.

But at this time, the magic envoy of a lieutenant general came here.

Dragon City University, Dean of the School of Magic, Zhao Xihe.

Level 4 threat.

"Li Xia, let them go, the younger generation has such awareness, we should support it."

This sentence also darkened Li Xia's eyes.

She was completely disappointed in the high-level of Xia Guo.

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