After the Aurora incident, the war situation of the empire is still the most concerned thing for the major forces in the world.

Emperor Luo Changsheng disappeared, and the government affairs of the empire were temporarily represented by the head of the Sikong family, Sikong Om.

At this point, Sikong announced its accession to the WTO.

However, there are two strategic-level magic envoys in the Sikong family, and it is only Sikong Ohm who comes forward.

Another elder figure of the main line of the Sikong family's main family did not unite with the kingdom of the gods.

He took half of the Sikong family's clan and stayed in the Five Emperors Mountain and continued to live in seclusion.

Moreover, there is also an important figure in the imperial capital.

Mo Zhixu.

The youngest contemporary head of the Mo family.

Her excellent magical qualifications made her father, the head of the Mo family, abdicate early, and her strength also convinced all the elders.

Now she manages family affairs on behalf of the head of the family and is known as the young master of the Mo family.

Twenty-four years old, a strategic-level magic envoy, he hopes to become the strongest elemental attribute after Murong Xian'er.

Her future is likely to be the strongest wood in the world.

But what will happen in the future is something that no one can predict.

The participation of the Mo family and the Sikong family made the imperial capital a place that is difficult for the rebel army to approach today.

Moreover, the sea god is already preparing to lead the army of the kingdom of the gods to personally descend on the southern city and completely eliminate the rebel army.

Luo Ying became the Queen of Gravity, which originally brought great hope to the people of the empire, but the interference of the five major families broke this hope.

But none of them thought that it was not only the kingdom of the gods that could borrow external forces.

Luo Ying, the same can be.

At this moment, the 0111 magic envoy squad was ready to go, and the four of them stood in front of Luo Ying.

Among them, Luo Cheng said: "Sister Ying, let's go." "

In more than a week, with the medical technology of Sky City, they have been cured.

Next to Luo Ying, stood a tall woman with an indifferent face.

This woman's breath made Luo Ying feel a pang of trepidation.

Murong Yueji....

Why is the head of the Murong family here??

This woman, even in the five major families, her means, heart, and cruelty are extremely cruel, and everything is based on the interests of the family, even other family owners, they will describe her as terrible.

Staying around such a person, Luo Ying only felt a burst of pressure.

Why did such a person appear in Sky City?

Luo Ying couldn't have imagined that the legendary sister of the strongest ice in the world, that terrifying woman, would come here and become the leader of the 0111 magic envoy team.

She originally thought that there was only one Mu Yixue from Sky City.

But I didn't expect that such a guy would go to the empire together as the leader of the 0111 magic envoy squad.

Mu Yue stood next to him and said, "Introduction, Murong Family Master, Murong Yueji."

Then, Sansan said next to him: "This time there are two big families in the empire involved in Meow, so if Sister Murong accompanies you, it will help you understand the other two families."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Yue slashed a hand knife on Sansan's head, frowned and said, "Who do you call sister?" "

Theoretically, Sansan can also be regarded as Mu Yue's daughter.

And Murong Yueji is Mu Yixue's mother.

This guy, call Murong Yueji sister, what kind of generation is this?

"But, Murong... Grandma Murong is very beautiful. "

Murong Yueji: ......

Needless to say, the people of the five major families are very good-looking, especially the Murong family, and the ice element makes the women of their families each of them the top beauties.

The reason why Murong Yueji was asked to go was because Murong Xueyue's identity was somewhat sensitive.

A thousand years ago, if the characters appeared in public like this, I am afraid that the whole world would be shocked.

And Murong Xian'er was one of the twelve divine generals, let alone go to the empire to participate in state affairs.

Therefore, the second strategic-level reinforcement this time was Murong Yueji.

Of course, she herself did not want to come, but she could not disobey Murong Xueyue's order.

Her thoughts are based on the interests of the family, and Murong Xueyue is the heaven of the Murong family, and after the first ice god appeared, she completely obeyed the orders of the first ice god.

On the other side of Mu Yue, a little fart who looked only two or three years old was suspended next to him, and said disdainfully: "Human beings are really boring, even our Zerg, only after devouring all humans will we start to devour the same kind, and you humans, facing our Zerg, even have to fight a civil war."

Hearing this, Mu Yue said lightly: "Human desires are endless. "

The Tenth Ancestor Demon Eye, it has only been hatched not long now, and its strength is not as good as that of the Blazing Angel.

And its strength is not combat.

During this time, the ancestors of the world mysteriously disappeared, and the demon eye almost disappeared.

However, the moment he was about to slip away, he was captured by Mu Yue again.

It was the enchantment on the blue star that sent the signal of the apostles' summoning, gathering almost all the apostles.

No one knows what she is planning, but it is certainly not a good thing for Blue Star humans.

Not long after, 0111 magic caused the group of the squad to enter the small transport plane and prepare to go directly to the south city.

Mu Yue and Demon Eye also got on the transport plane.

Seeing this floating little brat, Xu Qin was surprised: "This thing is the tenth ancestor?" How do you look so ugly?

Hearing this, the demon eye said angrily: "What did you say? Stupid human beings simply do not understand what true beauty is. "

Ugly, little brat, ugly is dead." Xu Qin spoke without mercy.

And the appearance of the demon eye belongs to the big head and short limbs, which is indeed quite ugly for humans.

And Mu Yue also wore a diaper for him, lest he fly around all day long and violate customs.

The transport plane leaves in Sky City.

The Suzaku battleship was above the transport plane, closely behind.


South City.

Xu Qingfeng and Su Ye came to the house of the eldest princess, with a serious expression, and were studying how to go to the imperial capital and rescue Luo Changsheng.

At the same time, there are also people who will stay in the southern city to fight against the sea god who is about to come here.

The only strategic level, Luo Ying is definitely going to stay here.

Otherwise, the southern city will be directly occupied by the sea god.

Although the imperial capital is extremely dangerous, if it is only to save people, there is no need to dispatch strategic-level magic envoys.

"General Xu, I grew up with His Royal Highness Immortal since I was a child, I'll go." Su Ye said.

"I know you know about His Royal Highness Immortal, but this matter will have to wait for the princess to return, after all, it is the imperial capital, and you alone, if you encounter someone from the Sikong family or a divine envoy, it will be difficult for you to even escape."

Hearing this, although Su Ye was very unwilling, he also understood that he was only sending him to death alone.

To go to the imperial capital to save people, at the very least, you must send a V-class squad equivalent to the top 20 in the League of Nations.

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