After Luo Cheng and the others returned to the southern city, the sea god had already led the army to the city.

As the only strategic-level magic envoy in Nancheng, Luo Ying must defend Nancheng.

Only if she is there, the sea god will not easily make a move, and the victory or defeat of this war will drag on for a long time.

At the very least, they had to drag them back to save Luo Changsheng.

Luo Changsheng did not flee long in the imperial capital, and after the death of Yuanchen and Zhuang Qiu, he was also quickly arrested.

And the Holy Knights of the Imperial Capital were almost completely destroyed.

After being arrested, the head of the Sikong family left Luo Changsheng's life.

The reason is that the sea god wants to attack Nancheng.

As long as Luo Changsheng does not die, then Luo Ying will not be able to defeat the Seagod.

The kingdom of the gods cares about face and will not do such a thing as threatening hostages, but the Sikong family does not care about this kind of thing.

Therefore, if Nancheng wants to win, he can only delay time and wait for Luo Changsheng to be rescued before he can fight with all his strength.

After Luo Cheng and the others returned, they quickly determined the list of rescuers who went to the imperial capital.

Su Ye, Xu Qin, Gao Xiaoshen, Luo Cheng, and Demon Eye.

As for Mu Yixue, she is too famous, coupled with personality problems, it is easy to be discovered.

Mu Yue let the demon eye pass, it was also considered to be just in case.

After all, even the other ancestors had never seen the demon eye after hatching.

After they left, Murong Yueji was sitting next to her in a daze.

She left Murong's house for the first time, and there was no one around who she could order, and she was still a little unused to it for a while.

Facing Yi Xue's mother, Mu Yue didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, this guy wanted his life last time.

But Sansan, who had no heart and no lungs, didn't care so much at all, she came to Murong Yueji and asked curiously: "Grandma Murong, how old are you?"


As soon as Murong Yueji finished speaking, she frowned and said, "Don't call me by this title."

"Then what should I call you?" The master won't let me call you sister.

"The Lord ... Person?

The title made her frown.

She looked in the direction of Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, but didn't say anything more.

Although she is her daughter, she has not fulfilled her mother's responsibilities and is not qualified to meddle in her daughter's affairs.

Now that the original Ice God is determined to join Sky City and make the entire Murong family a force in Sky City, she must also obey Mu Yue at this time.

Although I don't know why the original ice god did that, after all, it was an ancestor thousands of years ago, and she must have a reason for doing this.

When the source of magic did not come to Blue Star, the five major families, except for the authorized family, were all world-class consortiums famous in Blue Star.

Every family's assets are enough to affect the world's economy.

Otherwise, how can they compete with the five powers and occupy more nuclear weapons?

And the Murong family, a thousand years ago, was the Murong Group of the Xia Kingdom.

Murong Xueyue's brother, Murong Yanyang, was the chairman of the Murong Group a thousand years ago.

If it weren't for managing the entire Murong family, Murong Yanyang's strength would not be lower than Murong Xueyue's.

But the two brothers and sisters are also the original bloodline, and the current Murong family is also Murong Yanyang's heir.

However, Murong Xueyue did not know what the reason was, and the relationship with her brother was not harmonious.

Among the two, Murong Yanyang's personality is the same as Murong Yueji, focusing on family interests, while Murong Xueyue prefers to be free.

But even so, Murong Xueyue is also their ancestor.

It's just that in terms of real age, Murong Xueyue is actually less than thirty years old, not as old as Murong Yueji.

Even so, Murong Yueji would unconditionally obey the original Ice God.

She fancy the interests of the family, and the first ice god is the greatest interest of the family.

Thinking like this, Murong Yueji looked at Mu Yixue again.

Before she knew it, her daughter had grown up.

Eleven years ago, her daughter, Murong Luoxi, left the family for the first time and was attacked by mysterious people, and all the guards died tragically.

Subsequently, Murong Xian'er searched all over the world for her little niece, and finally encountered a fifth-level pollutant [primordial giant] on Mad Demon Island near the Xia Kingdom.

In this battle, Murong Xian'er sealed the [Primordial Giant], and then returned to Murong Jiah.

Murong Yueji looked at Mu Yixue indifferently.

When they met again, a man had already appeared beside her daughter.

Moreover, he is an excellent to the extreme, alone, and has created a big force that can compete with the Tower of Heaven.

With the strength that Sky City has shown now, it is no longer comparable to the Murong family.

Suddenly, Mu Yue came over and said, "Murong Patriarch, aren't you still used to it?" "


Murong Yueji hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Don't you blame me for what happened last time?"

"How could it not be that you are to blame."

Mu Yue was also honest, and he was a little speechless: "If it weren't for Yixue and the Murong family's blood relationship, I would have rushed your last move, and I wouldn't have given the Murong family a chance."

Murong Yueji was dumb.

Yes, if someone wants her life, she won't give her a chance.

However, seeing that her daughter was living happily, Murong Yueji was also relieved.

As a mother, she did fail, but fortunately her daughter was not affected by it.

After Mu Yue left, the eldest princess came to Murong Yueji's side and said, "Mrs. Yueji, the past can't be changed, but you still need to create it in the future, right?" "


Murong Yueji's personality was also very cold, and in the face of Luo Zhihuang's comfort, she spoke with an indifferent face, and then left here alone and returned to her residence.

Seeing this, Luo Zhihuang shook his head.

It is very difficult for a person's personality to change.

Murong Yueji, who has lived in Murong's family since she was a child, wants to change and needs to experience too many things.

Luo Zhihuang walked up to Mu Yue and asked, "On behalf of the empire, I thank Sky City for your assistance." "

You should thank Luo Cheng, being able to be Yixue's friend is her ability, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't have helped the empire."

Luo Zhihuang smiled and said, "But I still have to thank you, the empire will always be your friend." "


Mu Yue took Mu Yixue back to his room.

Only Luo Zhihuang and Jingyue were left, sitting in the hall of the mansion.

"Her Royal Highness the eldest princess, the armies of Nancheng and the imperial capital are already at war, and the magic envoy has not made a move for the time being."

Hearing this, Luo Zhihuang said: "Jingyue, what do you think is the chance of winning this war?" "

Jingyue knows that Emperor Luo Zhi is not talking about the war between Nancheng and the imperial capital, but the empire and the kingdom of the gods.

"The odds... Less than 20%. Jingyue said tentatively.

Although they have the help of Sky City, the power of Sky City does not belong to the empire after all.

To retake the empire, they ultimately need their own power.

But now, in terms of top combat power, they only have one Luo Ying.

"Jingyue, in my opinion, the victory of this war will belong to us."

Saying that, Luo Zhihuang said with a smile: "Because the future of those young people has no limit. "

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