Several people successfully entered the imperial capital.

This original imperial center city is now like a hell on earth, miserable.

This is the most serious city exploited by the Kingdom of the Gods in the empire, and more than ninety percent of the resources of the imperial capital have been transferred to the god capital by the sea god.

The resources of a central city of a large country are simply unimaginable to ordinary people.

The hometown that was once familiar has become extremely strange.

Luo Cheng walked on the side of the street wearing a cloak, looking at this scene with a heavy face.

Luo Changsheng was locked up in the most heavily fortified prison in the imperial capital, and several people were almost inaccessible.

That prison, even if there is no intervention from the Kingdom of Gods, there will usually be a fourth-level general of the empire guarding it.

In addition to this, there is a squad of magic envoys who are all third-level generals.

In addition, the location of the prison is located in the rear of the palace, and once the prison is attacked, the reinforcements of the palace can arrive within ten minutes.

If you want to rescue Luo Changsheng, you must fight quickly within ten minutes.

Therefore, they needed to know Luo Changsheng's location in advance.

Thinking of this, Su Ye said: "Let me go, I am the guard of His Highness Immortal, and I know the internal structure of the prison very well... What's more, I met the general who guarded the prison, I knew him, and he would not necessarily betray the empire.

"I'll go with you." Luo Cheng said.

"No, Your Highness, although I know him, just in case, if he betrays and I am alone, it doesn't matter what accident happens, but if you are with me, if something happens to Your Highness, then I will be the sinner of the entire empire."

Hearing this, Luo Cheng frowned and said, "Su Ye, I have said many times that my identity is not noble than yours, and my life and yours are equal. "


Su Ye smiled slightly, turned around and said: "Your Highness, I am a person of the old era, and I will only keep the ideas of the old era, and this set of theories of yours should be kept to educate the new empire in the future."

After saying this, he left everyone and walked in the direction of the prison.

As soon as Luo Cheng was about to follow, he was pulled by Xu Qin.

"Tsundere, this time, let him go by himself, this is indeed the best way, have you ever thought about what the empire will do if something happens to you?"

Hearing this, Luo Cheng gritted his teeth and hesitated: "But..." "

It's nothing, this is war, it is impossible to sacrifice without sacrifice, Su Ye is willing to sacrifice himself, this is your charm as a leader... What's more, Su Ye grew up with your brother since he was a child, perhaps it was his will. Luo

Cheng did not continue to dwell on this matter, as the leader of the rebel army, she knew these things better than Xu Qin.

It's just that it's really not a taste to watch your hands go down to a very dangerous place, and you can only sit and wait.

"Tsundere, let's wait for him to come back."

"Well, let's go near the prison."

Several people also left here.

Not long after, Sikong Om and Mo Zhixu returned to the imperial palace.

At the same time, the entire empire began to be on guard, and soldiers patrolled almost every street.

Especially near the prison, it is heavily guarded, and there are many magic envoys stationed in all directions.

Su Ye is the magic messenger of the fire element, this time the action is not very advantageous for him, once his element is used, there will be a great risk that it will be exposed.

The warden of the prison, the fourth-level general of the empire, was standing at the door at this time.

"What people?"

The two guards spotted Su Ye and walked over.

"During special periods, those who are close to the prison can be directly detained."

The guards pressed Su Ye to the ground and then held the handcuffs.

The fourth-level general glanced at him, and his eyes showed a look of surprise, but he did not debunk the other party, but said: "Press in."

"Yes, Warden."

The guards took Su Ye into prison.

Then, the fourth-level general said in a loud voice: "There is an order over there in the palace, any suspicious figure around our prison can be directly arrested, just in case. "


After Su Ye entered, he was put in a first-floor prison.

Here are just inconsequential prisoners, many of whom will be released after a while.

A jailer came over and asked, "What are you doing sneaking around near the prison?" "

I... My friend was getting out of jail, so I came to pick him up. "


The jailer was stunned, he looked at Su Ye, and wondered: "How do you feel that you are a little familiar?"

"You know me?" Su Ye was surprised.

Hearing this, the jailer walked over and looked at Su Ye's face very seriously.

"It feels like you're a bit like a paladin

..." As he spoke, the jailer was shocked: "You are a saint..." Before

he finished speaking, Su Ye melted the handcuffs instantly with high temperature, and then knocked the jailer in front of him unconscious.

After leaving the cell, Su Ye opened all the doors here, leaving the entire first floor in chaos.

He took advantage of the chaos to rush to the second level of prison.

The garrison here is more powerful, and the prisoners held are murderers measured in years, and those who guard here already have the existence of magical envoys.

Su Ye's punch turned the entire second-tier prison into a sea of fire.

Then he rushed to the third level of prison.

This is the location of life and death row prisoners.

The magic envoy guarding here is already a third-level general.

"Mr. Amaya."

The enchanter came over and bowed slightly, saying, "I didn't expect that the person who came to save His Majesty Immortal would be you.

"I'm sorry."

Su Ye knew that time was urgent, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all.

He rushed straight up.

Level four fights level three, although it is said to be crushing, but it cannot be defeated in a few moves.

As soon as Su Ye came up, he used all his strength to suppress this third-level general everywhere.

In less than two minutes, Su Ye had already made dozens of moves, knocking down the enemy in front of him.

Next, he will go to the fourth floor, which is the highest level of this prison.

There, there are sinners who are extremely important to the country, and the security is even stricter, and it is also the most likely place for Luo Changsheng to be detained.

Su Ye walked up.

As soon as he arrived on the fourth floor, Su Ye found that the place was deserted, and there was no one in every cell.

At the end of the prison, a scrawny man sat down.

Seeing him, Su Ye's face changed, and he turned his head and ran.

The kingdom of the gods, the god of death.

This guy's strength is very terrifying, and it is not something he can compete with at all.

"Want to go?"

The God of Death showed a sneering expression, and he stretched out his palm towards Su Ye and grabbed the void.

Several metal chains wrapped around Su Ye's body.

At the same time, the temperature of the chains is constantly rising, making the surface of these chains red.


The intense heat burned Su Ye's body, making him unbearable and almost fainting on the spot.

Death, Metal Flame Dual Elemental Magic.

He picked up the huge scythe beside him, walked in front of Su Ye, and said with a smile: "How do you want to die?" "

I... Won't die! Su

Ye's eyes froze and wrapped the power of the flame around the chain.


The high temperature melted the chains and turned them into molten iron, leaving Su Ye's body.

His body looked extremely fragile in front of molten iron, but only in this way could he break free from the shackles of his chains.

He fled quickly.

"Yes, I have the courage, the means, but I am the Grim Reaper, and no one can escape in front of me."

Death chased after him, and he swung his scythe and split the entire fourth floor of the prison.

The prison began to burn from the top floor, and the movement was so great that the outside world felt the movement.

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