The fourth-level general outside looked back at this scene and showed a puzzled expression.

What's the situation?

Trouble in Suye?

No, the most powerful person here is himself, and he is not Su Ye's opponent, and he put Su Ye in to let him save His Majesty Immortal Life.

With Su Ye's strength, what kind of trouble will he encounter?

The next moment, chains rushed out and went in the direction of Su Ye.

This is...... Death?

The fourth-level general looked at this scene in shock.

Why is the Grim Reaper here?

Wait, the Grim Reaper is here, is it... Luo Changsheng is not here?

The whole prison is to attract the rebels to the rescue and let them throw themselves into the trap of the net.

In order to be perfect, even he, the warden, concealed it.

He should have thought long ago, after all, he was a general of the empire, how could the kingdom of the gods really trust him.

Su Ye is on the run, while death is chasing.

But how easy is it to escape in the face of death?

In another building, Luo Cheng watched this scene deadly.

Reinforcements from the palace are coming, and if they go to save Su Ye, they may also be in danger.

At that time, not only will Luo Changsheng not be rescued, but they will also be completely left in the imperial capital.

"What to do? Tsundere girl, you can't save it, as long as you open your mouth, I will accompany you. Xu Qin said.

She doesn't care about any sacrifices, Su Ye can also be regarded as their companion, seeing death without saving this kind of thing, she can't do it.

Luo Cheng said in a condensed voice: "Help!" "

Let's not talk about her own safety, if she can't save her at this time, why should she become the queen of the future empire."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Cheng and Xu Qin rushed out, and the two shot at the same time, blocking the chain of death.

Gao Xiaosheng was stunned.

But he quickly reacted and jumped out as well.

Demon Eye looked at this scene and said speechlessly: "Stupid human being, really can't measure himself. Luo

Cheng took out the Divine Chaos Knife and used his full strength to deal with the God of Death.

No matter how powerful the God of Death is, he is not a top divine envoy, and he cannot be an opponent in the face of Luo Cheng, who is holding a divine chaotic knife.

Luo Cheng swung out a knife and cut off all the chains in front of him.

Xu Qin shot a super electromagnetic cannon and knocked death away.

The latter flew out upside down, and the whole person's body was embedded in the wall outside the prison.

He looked at the two girls in front of him with difficulty, and many places on his body were electrocuted.


Luo Cheng and Xu Qin supported Su Ye at the same time, and then quickly fled.

Not far away, two divine envoys were approaching here.

And the armies and magic envoys from other parts of the imperial capital are also rushing in this direction.

Luo Changsheng was not in prison, and Luo Cheng no longer had the energy to think about where he was.

The most urgent task at the moment is to get rid of the pursuing soldiers.

But among the messengers who chased them was a wind god.

His wind element can make the earth gods who are chasing them together fly.

Two divine messengers!

"You guys go first."

Luo Cheng turned around, holding the Divine Chaos Knife, and stared at the two Divine Envoys in front of him.

"Tsundere!" Xu Qin was worried.

"It's okay, after solving them, I'll go find you."

Xu Qin gritted his teeth and said, "Good!" She

left with Su Ye.

And Luo Cheng was alone, blocking the pursuers.

The wind and earth gods of the kingdom of the gods, as well as dozens of other magicians.

Such a lineup... It's time to use that.

Luo Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

She withdrew the Divine Confusion Knife and took out the Wood Spirit Bead.

Seeing this, the Wind God sneered: "That elven weapon is the only strength you can resist us, without it, you can't even deal with one of us, why, give up resistance?" "

Give up resistance?"

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "I hope that in the future, you will not beg for mercy."

She closed her eyes and began to mobilize the grass elements in her body, gathering all the elements in the wood spirit bead.

She was already very skilled in this move, so it didn't take long.

Soon, she opened her eyes, and black poisonous gas was bubbling all over her body.

"Strategic-grade magic... Three lives on the other side. Hearing

this, everyone present was shocked.

Strategic-grade magic!

Luo Cheng was not even a strategic-level magician, and he actually said the five words of strategic-level magic.

Everyone was wondering, but the black poisonous gas had begun to spread rapidly.

The gas will envelop everyone present.

You know, the poison on the other side of the three lives, in Blue Star, only Sky City, and Luo Cheng's own wood spirit bead can be unraveled.

However, from poisoning to death, it will not take more than a minute.

Even if it is a strategic-level magician, if he is on the other side of the three lives, he will not survive this time.

The wind god reacted quickly, and he created a violent wind around him, blowing all the toxins away.

But the poisonous gas on the other side of the three lives comes from the plants created by Luo Cheng.

Even if the poisonous gas disappears for a while, dozens of highly toxic plants around Luo Cheng will release poisonous gas all the time.

If the Wind God condensed the Wind Element Barrier before Luo Cheng created these plants, he still had hope to survive.

But it's too late now.

He didn't expect Luo Cheng to be able to use strategic-level magic, let alone that the grass element could actually create poison.

This is an attack method that has not been used by any grass elemental magic envoy in the history of Blue Star.

The Wind God said angrily: "Damn, dare to fool us." The

poison didn't hurt or itch, and he thought Luo Cheng was fooling him.

He stepped forward and just wanted to attack, but found himself in a trance.

"Fengshin, you..." the

earth god looked at him in shock.

I saw that the face of the Wind God had begun to turn purple, and the seven tips were bleeding.

The same is true of the earth gods, as well as others present.

The poisonous gas released by the dozens of poisons around Luo Cheng began to spread again.

Mo Zhixu, who was rushing here, saw these black mist and said in a condensed voice: "Poison? "

As a magic enchanter of the wood element, she is sensitive to poison.

Mo Zhixu raised his hand and said lightly: "Towering heaven!" "

The next moment.

A huge towering tree grew out of the ground, and in just a few seconds, it grew to hundreds of meters high, covering the surrounding area of thousands of meters.

On the tree, a lot of dandelion-like willows grew and quickly fell off from them.

This is Mo Zhixu's magic, towering, capable of detoxification on a large scale.

But soon, Mo Zhixu showed a shocked expression.

Because this towering tree, the moment it touched the other side of the three lives, it began to wither.

Although the grass element is rarer than the wood element, it is a subordinate element of the wood element.

Wood contains grass, but grass does not contain wood.

But the scene in front of him has exceeded Mo Zhixu's understanding of the grass element.

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