After leaving Su Ye in the banker's house, Mu Yue sent two mechanical birds to lead Xu Qin and the others to Thousand Foot Town to find the specific location of Luo Changsheng.

Among them, the red bird is Mu Yue, and the blue bird is Mu Yixue.

I saw the blue bird flying backwards, as if it had drunk too much, and fell to the ground after flying twice.

Xu Qin was puzzled: "Yixue, you bird is so strange."

"I don't know much about it yet." The blue bird spoke.

Hearing Mu Yixue's voice, Xu Qin was amazed.

This gadget is really fun, after going back, I will definitely let Mu Yue give her the whole two to play with.

Mu Yixue's blue bird can't fly, so it stopped on the head of the demon eye, just because the demon eye can't walk, and it floats all the time.

This aunt was above her head, and the arrogant and domineering momentum of the demon eye instantly disappeared without a trace, and the whole person seemed to have really become an obedient child, revealing an honest look.

Everyone soon arrived at the entrance of Thousand Foot Town.

The magic that guarded the place had already withdrawn the troops, but for some reason, the contaminated body inside did not come out.

The red bird said: "Be careful, the seal of the centipede elder was loosened half a year ago, it is accumulating strength here, and it wants to destroy the imperial capital in one fell swoop, so the strongest pollutant body inside is not what it seems on the surface." "

After the Seagod led ten divine envoys to leave the imperial capital, it was originally the best opportunity for the centipede elder to attack the imperial capital.

But at this time, the intervention of the Sikong family and the Mo family made the centipede elder begin to wait and see.

There was an ordinary army stationed near the town of Thousand Feet, and a few people easily broke through their defenses, and then broke into the town of Thousand Feet.

Under Mu Yue's leadership, every street that several people walked on was a relatively small number of pollutants.

Soon, everyone came to Luo Changsheng's location.

And here, it is already the sealing place of the centipede elder.

Luo Changsheng was very smart, he knew that hiding here, he would not be attacked by some low-level pollutants.

And Elder Centipede is still sleeping, as long as he is careful and does not make any big movements, he will not let the other party wake up.

"In addition to the centipede elder, there are three fourth-level pollutant bodies here, which are forty meters, forty-two meters, and forty-four meters, for your current strength, such a pollutant body is no longer your opponent, but once they fight, they will definitely wake up the centipede elder, so be careful after entering." Mu Yue said.

"We understand." Luo Cheng nodded.

At this time, Mu Yue frowned.

In the monitoring of the Qinglong satellite, Mo Zhixu actually chased after Qianzu Town.

However, as a strategic-level magician, even if she is in a forbidden place, she will not necessarily be in danger, and it is normal to be able to come here.

But this woman was extremely intelligent, and almost the next moment Luo Cheng and the others came here, she rushed here.

"Demon Eye, you go stop her and buy time for Luo Cheng and them."


The Demon Eye was excited.

During this time, he lived in Sky City extremely suffocated, and now that someone can finally beat him, he can't mention how excited he is.

The demon eye let out a strange smile, like a big villain, flew up and went in the direction of Mo Zhixu.

The blue bird above his head had an unstable center of gravity and fell directly from the sky.

Panicked, Mu Yixue hurriedly began to operate, the blue bird rolled dozens of times in midair, and its wings fluttered like falling water.

Eventually, it fell to the ground and turned into a pile of parts.

This was originally a small toy made by Mu Yue, so it was easy to break.

Mu Yixue saw the blue bird that had been shattered and fell apart through Mu Yue's red bird, and the whole person became bad.

The demon eye, who was very excited, suddenly felt a tremble, as if some breath of death was coming towards him.

He was stunned and said in amazement: "This Mo family is so terrible, I haven't seen anyone yet, I actually feel that a catastrophe is coming." "

The next moment.

The Demon Eye had left Millipede Town and summoned his Zerg body.

And Mo Zhixu has also come here, looking at this huge monster from the air.

She was veiled, but even so, she could feel how beautiful she was under the veil.

Looking at the demon eye, Mo Zhixu said lightly: "I'm really curious about why the ancestor cooperates with humans."

"Little girl, I am the ancestor, even if it is your ancestor, it is not my opponent." Demon Eye said with great confidence.

"The ancestors... And how?

Mo Zhixu's emerald-colored eyes narrowed slightly.

For thousands of years, the ancestors had never appeared, so much so that the twelve gods would deal with other fifth-level polluting bodies and never had a defeat.

And now, the first ancestor appeared, but there are only two people who have really faced the ancestor and confronted them head-on.

That's a double star.

And she Mo Zhixu, the strongest family of the five major families, a peerless genius that the Mo family rarely encountered in a thousand years, became a strategic-level magic envoy at the age of twenty-four.

Even if she doesn't seem to be shocked, she also has her pride, and in her eyes, she is a genius of the same level as Double Star.

If the double star can fight, she can also fight.

It is worth mentioning that the Divine Palace Chizuru became a strategic-level magic envoy at the age of twenty-one, while Mu Yixue had the power of the Elf King at the age of eight.

Even if there is no Elf King, with Mu Yue present, Mu Yixue will become a strategic-level magic envoy at the age of eleven.

"Wood element?"

The huge eyes of the demon eye stared at the villain in front of him, and sneered: "The Mo family is really still that Mo family." "

A thousand years ago, the Mo family was a medical family, and under the title of curing diseases and saving people, monopolized almost the entire medical technology of Blue Star.

Even now, the Mojia Medical Association led by the Mojia branch also occupies eighty percent of the medical resources of Blue Star.

Originally, it was ten percent, but then a man who looked like a frog, with his super high medical skills, did not know what means he used, and took two percent from the Mo family, and shared the resources with the five major countries.

Therefore, that Doctor Tai, who traveled in the five major countries, was regarded as a guest by all the hospitals, even the city where the Tower of Heaven is located, Darres City, welcomed this doctor very much.

And the iconic wooden element of the Mo family, thousands of years ago, was originally only to cure diseases and save people.

Later, the heart of their family changed, gradually immersed in desire, colluded with other families, and even relied on monopoly medical technology to become the strongest family among the five major families.

After all, no one wants to offend doctors.

Mo Zhixu stood on the ground, she squatted down, touched the ground with a green jade finger, and said softly: "Strategic-level magic, Great Venerable." "

The next moment, the ground began to shake.

A towering tree grows rapidly.

Then, the tree began to change, as if it was being carved by something, and the bark began to fall off, gradually turning into a human form.

It was carved into a humanoid giant.

The giant has three heads and six arms, and his expression is extremely fierce.

Seeing this scene, the demon eye directly stretched out its tentacles and slapped the giant's head away.

In Mo Zhixu's shocked expression, the demon eye said a little bored: "Little girl, do you have any misunderstanding about the ancestor? Fool me with this kind of stuff? "

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