The centipede elder of Thousand Foot Town is sealed.

It's like a labyrinth, and if it weren't for Mu Yue's red birds leading the way, I'm afraid they would easily get lost.

Xu Qin said a little impatiently: "Tsundere girl, why do you want to cultivate this place like this, I really obeyed."

Luo Cheng also said helplessly: "This is for centipedes to prevent them from leaving quickly, so they built a maze with hard materials, and unless it is a pollutant body above the second level, it is almost impossible to destroy these walls."

"What's the use?" Xu Qin sent out soul torture.

Luo Cheng fell into deep thought.

At this time, Mu Yue's red bird said: "It's still a little useful, the maze traps the seal of the centipede elder in the very center, and the sub-entities derived from it only have the strength of low-level pollutants at the beginning, and they can't break the walls of the maze at all, so many pollutants have been trapped in the maze all their lives." As

soon as the words fell, not far away, dozens of low-level pollutants rushed over.

Xu Qin showed an excited expression and immediately said: "Finally able to activate my muscles."

As soon as she was about to make a move, Luo Cheng came to her, stretched out his hands, pinched her face, and said angrily: "You idiot, just your thunder element, you can wake up the centipede elder with a casual shot."

Looking at Luo Cheng's face in front of him, Xu Qin was suddenly stunned.

Then, she didn't overdo it, and said with a slightly red face: "I just don't shoot."

Seeing this, Luo Cheng took two steps back and said with disgust: "What expression, let me tell you, my sexual orientation is very normal."

"Hey, tsundere, my sexuality is also very normal, who let you just get so close."

I have to say that Xu Qin looked at Luo Cheng with his face, and he really felt that the other party was very beautiful.

Luo Cheng was also a princess before, and her appearance was naturally exquisite.

The two quarreled, the low-level pollutant body had rushed up, Gao Xiaosheng sighed helplessly, he shook his head, moved the water blade of the water element, and silently eliminated this group of low-level pollutants.

Several people continued to move forward, deeper and deeper, closer and closer to the very center of the seal.

Mu Yue said that the current seal is like a decoration, and the centipede elder was able to enter and exit freely half a year ago.

So it's not afraid it's impossible, it's a fifth-level pollutant, and it's also Luo Cheng's childhood shadow.

Because of this, Luo Cheng has been afraid of bugs since he was a child.

Luo Changsheng must also be trapped here and can't get out.

Soon, they came to the very center of the seal.

It's no longer a maze, but an empty area, the size of a dozen basketball courts.

And the centipede elder slept in the very center.

The huge body of the centipede is stationary, and under the long body, there are sharp pointed legs.

Its body length has reached fifty-seven meters, which is second only to the fifty-nine-meter centipede immortal among the polluted bodies of the centipede vein.

But its shell is extremely hard, even compared to the fourth ancestor turtle.

You know, the centipede's action and lethality are crushing the meta turtle.

Luo Cheng swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "Mu... Mu Yue, where is my brother?

"Right behind the centipede elder..." Hearing

this, Luo Cheng looked at the terrifying creature in front of him, and then gritted his teeth and rushed forward without thinking.

Seeing this, Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng followed.

Mu Yue manipulated the red bird to come to the centipede elder.

The next moment.

Elder Centipede opened his eyes.

But after glancing at the red bird, it closed again.

The corner of Mu Yue's mouth twitched, feeling that you have always been awake, right?

I just felt the breath of the Demon Eye Ancestor, so I pretended to be dead here.

After all, it is not a pollutant body of the same vein, and it is worried that the other party will come and kill it.

Bypassing the centipede elder, Luo Cheng and the others stood in front of a secret room.

"This is?" Xu Qin wondered.

Luo Cheng did not speak, she stepped forward, turned the switch, and opened the stone door of the secret room.

Inside, she finally saw Luo Changsheng.

At this time, Luo Changsheng's appearance was already miserable.

After coming out of the palace, there was no safe place in the entire imperial capital, so he fled to the town of Thousand Feet.

Then attacked by countless contaminated bodies, he escaped into the maze and came here by mistake.

At that time, the centipede elder was indeed sleeping, so he quietly bypassed the other party and hid behind it in a hidden secret room to rest.

With the centipede elder present, the low-level pollutant body will not come close, and this hidden secret room was also built when it was originally built, in order to give a glimmer of life to those who strayed here.

Coupled with the fact that he had taken the drugs of the SE organization, he only had a year and a half of life left, and for a pollutant body of the level of the fifth level, even if he detected his breath, a late old man had no interest in letting it open his eyes.

At this time, Luo Changsheng was lying on the ground, and there was no place on his body that was intact.

Wounds large and small were all over the place, one arm had been twisted, his clothes were stained red with blood, and the blood had coagulated.

Luo Cheng hurriedly ran over and said worriedly, "Luo Changsheng, how are you?" The

red bird flew in, and Mu Yue said: "He is still alive, your task is completed, next, you have to think about how to leave."

Hearing this, Xu Qin wondered: "This is already the edge of the imperial capital, as long as you leave here, can't you leave the imperial capital?"

"Having said that, it's not good outside, you guys are in the maze, but you walked for three hours."

Hearing this, everyone's faces changed.

Three hours.

This time is enough for all the powerhouses in the imperial capital to come to Thousand Foot Town.

Outside the town of Millipede.

The Demon Eye is no longer facing Mo Zhixu, but the alliance of Mo Zhixu and Sikong Ohm.

The two strategic levels, although it is a little difficult to deal with, but they will not distinguish the victory or defeat in a short time.

But the remaining eight divine envoys in the imperial capital, plus six fourth-level generals, as well as the president of the mercenary association with two legendary mercenaries, all came here.

The Demon Eye is not good at fighting, and among the ten ancestors, he is the weakest one.

In the face of the siege of so many people, he has also appeared in decline and retreated step by step.

The president of the mercenary headquarters of the imperial capital, Yunjin, looked at Mo Zhixu and said: "The mercenary association is a neutral force in the imperial capital, but if it is to deal with pollutants, we will not stand idly by.

"Then thank you President Yun."

Several people attacked again, and it didn't take long for the Demon Eye to suffer some injuries.

But Mo Zhixu and Sikong Ohm were no better.

No matter how weak the ancestor is, he is also the ancestor, and the two of them can make each other injured, and they are already doing their best.


Sensing that the Demon Eye and the two strategic-level Centipede Elders had been injured, they finally opened their eyes completely at this moment.

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