The Far North.

Several hours had passed since Nangong Yi and the Sun God fight, and both sides were exhausted.

The two looked at each other, and the sun god said in a condensed voice: "I can't imagine that after so many years, your ice element has been able to compete with my sun."

"Huh... You are, for so many years, there is no growth at all. Hearing

this, the sun god frowned, he felt the element reserves in his body, and then the corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and said lightly: "In that case, let you see my Yanyang."

Nangong Yi's face changed slightly.

Strategic-level magic, [Yanyang], is the sun god's fame magic that can turn a city to ashes.

To deal with this move, Nangong Yi can't dodge, once she dodges, the radius of tens of kilometers will turn into a sea of fire, I don't know how many people will die.

And Yanyang's move, since she knew the sun god, she has not seen the other party miss a hand.

Including herself, she could not fight head-on.

Soon, a huge sun condensed in the sky.

The high temperature began to cover the land under Nangong Yi's feet, and some places where the ice and snow had melted accumulated into rivers, and even turned into boiling water.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Yi knew that if she couldn't take this move, she would die here.

Her eyes froze, and she said in a deep voice: "Strategic-level magic, extremely sudden.

But before she could release it, a voice came from behind her.

I saw a white-haired woman looking at the sun god expressionlessly, she bowed slightly, and said softly: "On behalf of the Far North, I express my submission to the kingdom of the gods."

Hearing this, Nangong Yi said in disbelief: "Mother!

"Xiao B, step down."

The strategic-level magic envoy of the Far North, Nangong Yi, is also the Grand Princess of the Far North.

And her mother, Chen Lan, is the wife of the president of the Far North.

Nangong Fenghua, the great president of the Far North, has been lying ill for many years, and his strength is also stuck below the strategic level, and with his physical condition, it is estimated that he will not be able to break through in this life.

Nangong Yi came to Chen Lan's side, and said a little unwillingly: "Is there really no way?"

Chen Lan shook his head and said, "Xiao Yi, that woman from the Mo family is too terrible, she rebelled against half of our important figures, if you do not obey, the leadership of the entire Far North will break out into a serious civil war, at that time, this place will also be occupied by the sun god, it is better to have less war."

Chen Lan looked at her daughter and said helplessly: "If you continue to fight, you will also die, if you die, our Far North is truly hopeless." Hearing

this, Nangong Yi said in a deep voice, "It's Han Shen." "

Han Shen of the Far North is known as a genius on a par with the Night God, Ella, and Feng Qiandao.

He is also Nangong Yi's best student.

But at this moment, this person has become a knife around the neck of the Kingdom of Gods in the Far North, and can set off civil strife in the country at any time.

"Looks like you've thought about it?"

The sun god withdrew his magic, smiled, and said, "That's it, follow God's will to bring grace to the people of this land."

"You wait, don't kneel down and submit?"

Hearing this, Chen Lan knelt down without hesitation.

Nangong Yi hesitated.

The dignity of the strategic level seems somewhat insignificant at this moment compared to the lives of more than a billion people in the Far North.

She gritted her teeth and was just about to kneel, but found that cold air was blowing around her that even she felt tingling.

"This is..."

Nangong Yi raised his head.

I saw mid-air, I don't know when, a woman appeared.

The woman sat on the throne made of cold ice, looking at everyone condescendingly, her slender legs folded together, one hand on the armrest of the throne, supporting one cheek, a beautiful face, with a somewhat ruthless gaze, looking at the sun god below.

The strongest ice in the world, one of the twelve god generals, Murong Xian'er.

The sun god showed an obsessive expression and asked, "Did Xian'er come here to witness my majestic wind?"

Murong Xian'er looked at him indifferently and said lightly: "Last time it brought trouble here, this time, come to redeem the mistake." "

Fairy girl."

Chen Lan said in a loud voice: "We have received your kindness, but surrendering to the kingdom of the gods is our own choice. "

Now they have no choice.

Murong Xian'er couldn't have been here all the time guarding them, even if this time drove away the Sun God, what about the next time?

The ending will not change.

The sun god smiled and said: "Xian'er, you also saw that it was they themselves who chose to submit, even so, do you have to risk being punished by the League of Nations and meddle in this matter?"

Murong Xian'er didn't speak, but there was a trace of disappointment in Nangong Yi's eyes.

If she didn't even have the courage to confront her, her strategic level would never have progressed.

Seeing that Murong Xian'er did not move, the Sun God asked, "How did you think about the matter last time?" Hearing

this, Murong Xian'er's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said in a condensed voice: "Last time? "

Xian'er is really forgetful, of course... Become my concubine.

The sun god showed a confident expression.

In this world, only a peerless beauty like Murong Xian'er, a peerless powerhouse, is worthy of being his concubine.

The temperature around is dropping.

Murong Xian'er said coldly: "It's all coming, I can't come in vain."

This sentence made everyone present confused.

I saw Murong Xian'er continue to say: "Your fame stunt, what is it said to be called... Hot sun?

"Use it and let you see how big the gap is between you and me."

Hearing this, the Sun God showed a gloomy expression.

"Don't be sorry..."

He re-condensed the terrifying little sun in midair, and the heat swept in again.

Nangong Yi was worried: "Murong, his Yanyang, no one has ever been able to take it head-on..."

I saw that the even more terrifying ice wrapped the hot sun.

The flames above were extinguished visibly with the naked eye.

Murong Xian'er grabbed the little sun void and said lightly: "Strategic-level magic... Forget it, I don't know much about names. "

The next moment.

The sun god's hot sun was completely frozen and turned into a huge ice ball.

The ice ball exploded in mid-air, turning into something like hail, falling from the sky and smashing on the heads of everyone.

For the sun god, these things are painless.

But shame was deeply engraved in his heart.

"It's up to you... Also matched?

"Last time to give you face, this time to give you a lesson, if there is a next time, you are ready to let your God King crown prepare a divine coffin for you to lie in."


Murong Xian'er failed to stop the choice of the Far North, and the Western United Nations is still fighting hard with the Fighting God.

You know, they are facing the second strongest in the world today.

And still in the case of King Arthur's injury.

The current situation of the United Nations in the West is something that the Far North tries to avoid.

Civil strife.

The first knight countered the other four knights of the Round Table and received the fighting god from the inside.

The fall of that great power is only a matter of time, and the victims will reach an unimaginable level.

This is the moment.

Empire, imperial capital.

Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, and Gao Xiaosheng are facing the most formidable opponents they have ever encountered.

Centipede Elder.

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