Mo Zhixu and Sikong Om had already left here with the divine envoy.

The only people who remain near Thousand Foot Town today are the former imperial general, as well as the president of the mercenary association, Yunjin.

The kingdom of the gods gave up the imperial capital, but they couldn't because their home was still here.

Luo Cheng took out the Divine Chaos Knife, and Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng were also ready to resist the enemy with all their might.

As for the Demon Eye, he got Mu Yue's order, withdrew the contaminated body shell, and watched the excitement on the side.

With him there, naturally the three of them will not be in any danger to their lives.

The three of them are not strategic-level magicians now, but they have fought with strategic-level existences many times.

In this way, the threshold for them to become strategic is getting lower and lower, and they will not be like Fang Pojun and those people, one card is decades.

When they become strategic, most of them will be the same as Feng Qiandao and Luo Ying.

However, the centipede elder was a fifty-seven-meter-level pollutant, the most powerful pollutant that the three had ever encountered in a head-to-head confrontation.

Luo Cheng said with difficulty: "Twenty years ago, my aunt could hold up the arrival of reinforcements in this guy's hands, and I could too."

"Oh, you can't, I have to come." Xu Qin said with disdain.

Luo Cheng's brain turned black, and he said angrily: "Violent woman, when is it, you still have to fight with me." Seeing

that the two were about to quarrel, Gao Xiaosheng showed a helpless expression.

Elder Centipede was the shadow of the entire Luo Clan, and he knew that Xu Qin was just helping Luo Cheng relieve the pressure.

And Elder Centipede looked at the two villains in front of him, a little confused for a while.

This was the first time it had encountered this situation, and the two prey were obviously about to die, and they quarreled at the last moment.

This is also quite a magical thing in its pollutant career.

Then, in a rage, it rushed towards the three.

The others were responsible for dealing with low-level pollutants, while the three of them were going to drag this centipede elder.

As for reinforcements, they don't know if there are any, and that's not something they can think about right now.

Luo Cheng swung the Divine Chaos Knife, jumped up, and slashed at the top of the centipede elder's head.

But its shell was too hard, and with this blow, Luo Cheng's blade body was shaking, and he almost failed to hold the hilt.

The centipede elder shook his head, and Luo Cheng flew out upside down.

And the super electromagnetic cannons of Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng combined with the water flow attack also quickly attacked.

But even if it was a super electromagnetic cannon, for Elder Centipede, it was just a crispy cold shower, and it couldn't do any harm at all.

The centipede elder moved quickly, and almost in the next instant, he rushed in front of the two and directly flew the two of them.

Just the first time they saw each other, the three of them were already injured to varying degrees.

"How the hell is this kind of thing going to fight?" Xu Qin said with some shock.

The previous generation of gravity queens, when they had not yet become strategic, could use their lives to drag the arrival of the twelve god generals.

Originally, Xu Qin thought that it would be very simple if he just dragged it out, but now it seems that not to mention delaying time, even escaping for his life is a matter of little hope.

With such a big size, why is the movement speed so exaggerated?

Without giving the three of them time to breathe, the centipede elder attacked again.

The three scattered.

The centipede elder seemed unable to attack multiple targets at the same time, so Luo Cheng decided to use guerrilla tactics.

This battle, regardless of victory or defeat, as long as it can hold out for a certain amount of time, it is their victory.

Elder Centipede chose to chase Luo Cheng.

After all, the Divine Chaos Knife in Luo Cheng's hand was the most threatening thing among the three.

Luo Cheng couldn't run away from the centipede elder at all, and seeing the latter's huge head rushing straight at it like a sharp sword, she turned around and condensed her magic.

In front of her, colorful flowers gathered together to form a strange flower shield.

She can use synthesis to give birth to plants that originally did not exist on the blue star, and she can also use the same principle to create other plants that did not exist originally.

But how could the centipede elder's attack be so easily resisted.

The flower shield did not hold on for a second, like paper paste, it was broken in an instant.

Luo Cheng hurriedly used the Divine Chaos Knife to resist, but he was still knocked away by the centipede elder.

The Divine Chaotic Knife broke away, and the centipede elder opened his terrifying mouth, biting the Divine Chaotic Knife in one bite, and then forcefully.

The Divine Chaos Knife instantly turned into fragments, and the elven energy inside also began to drain, like fireworks, exploding in the mouth of the centipede elder.

The only weapon close to strategic level was destroyed, and Luo Cheng had lost any way to counter the centipede elder.

She stood up from the ground and looked at the huge body of the centipede elder in front of her.

Beside her, Xu Qin also walked over, she chuckled, and couldn't help but say: "This guy is quite difficult to deal with."

Although Gao Xiaosheng was afraid, he also stood next to the two, and said with some trembling: "Are we going to die?"

"How is that possible? How could I, Xu Qin, die in such a place. The

three looked at the huge creature in front of them and showed an expression of righteousness.

The centipede elder's body quickly approached, and the huge head rushed over, wanting to completely get rid of these three ants.

"Boss, haven't I made a move yet?" Demon Eye asked with some doubt.

"No need."

Mu Yue's red bird spoke, "The strength of the three of them is more than that. I

saw that not far away, Luo Cheng, Xu Qin, and Gao Xiaosheng made the same action, and said in unison: "Three phantom gods!" "

The next moment.

All three of them' magic reserves were detached from their bodies.

This is a magic that was researched according to the phantom beast of the first ancestor, and Mu Yue had already informed his sister and these three people of the principle, and this was the first time it was used in actual combat.

The tiger phantom beast composed of the thunder element, the blue whale phantom beast composed of the water element, and the deer phantom beast composed of the grass element.

Three huge creatures composed entirely of elements collided with the centipede elder.

Subsequently, the three phantom beasts completely dissipated, but they also knocked the centipede elder out, and the huge body fell violently to the ground.

The three of Xu Qin also exhausted all their elemental reserves because of this.

You know, the three of them don't say the strategic level, even the first echelon below the strategic level is not counted.

In other words, now that the three of them have joined forces, they can't even beat the previous generation of gravity queens.

Being able to gain the upper hand at the cost of exhausting the elements in one of the centipede elders' attack is already something that is enough to be proud of.

This also proves that the magic of the phantom beast is powerful, and it can be compared with Mu Yixue's ice angel.

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