This scene made everyone present show shocked expressions.

Especially Yun Jin, the general president of the Mercenary Association.

Now that Mo Zhixu and Sikong Om have left the imperial capital, if the Seagod of Nancheng is defeated, then the empire will return to the hands of the Luo royal family.

Perhaps for other countries, today's scarred empires have lost their value worth exploiting.

But for them, the empire will always be their home.

No matter what, Yunjin can't offend Luo Cheng and them, when the imperial capital fell, the neutral attitude of their mercenary association was bound to cause a gap between the Luo royal family and the mercenary association.

Several fourth-level generals of the empire, and everyone from the mercenary association, are fiercely fighting with the pollutant body of the centipede vein.

Although the three of Luo Cheng shot off the centipede elder, they did not cause any damage to the latter.

Elder Centipede quickly got up and looked at the three Luo Cheng in front of him in amazement.

Its character is extremely cautious, otherwise it would not have stayed in the sealed land for so long, and only now did it seize the opportunity to break through.

It had just been shot off once, and a timid mood had already developed in its heart.

The three of Luo Orange stared at it, and even if the magic ran out, the three showed an unflinching expression.

For a while, the centipede elder did not move, but looked at the three of them, thinking about the next move.

Is it in or out?

Elder Centipede's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

Seeing this, Xu Qin pretended to be calm and said, "What's going on with this guy?" Why are we staring at us?

"I don't know." Luo Cheng said with a serious face.

Gao Xiaoshen's legs were shaking, his elements had been exhausted, and in the face of the fifth-level polluted body, he was already powerless at this time.

"Can't retreat."

Mu Yue's red bird flew onto Gao Xiaoshen's shoulder and said, "This centipede elder is very cautious, once you retreat, it will attack instantly.

"So..." Mu

Yue did not continue.

But Luo Cheng already understood what he meant.

No wonder, the previous generation of gravity queens was able to delay for so long.

"We rush, the momentum cannot be lost!" Luo Cheng said.

Hearing this, Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng nodded, and then the three rushed forward at the same time.

The three of them were still shouting angrily, and the scene was incomparably two, and everyone else watching was stunned.

The centipede elder was startled and pulled out his legs and ran.

The speed at which it fled, the three of them could not catch up at all, and soon the figure of the centipede elder was lost in front of him.

The guy didn't know where he fled.

Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng breathed a sigh of relief, but Luo Cheng's face was still solemn.

Because the direction in which Elder Centipede fled was the urban area of the imperial capital.

Just on the way to escape, it inadvertently destroyed countless buildings, hundreds of victims, and when it came back to its senses, it would unfold destruction in the imperial capital, and no one could stop it.

Once the centipede elder devoured the entire imperial capital, then it was possible to grow from fifty-seven meters to fifty-nine meters, becoming the limit of polluting the flesh shell of the body.

In that case, I am afraid that except for Mu Yixue, there will be no one in the entire imperial capital who is its opponent.

Now Luo Ying, the only one who has hope to confront the centipede elder, is still in a stalemate with the Seagod in Nancheng.

A fifth-level pollutant can be said to be able to do whatever he wants at this time.

The demon eye came to the three people and said to the red bird on the shoulder of the high little saint: "It's time for me to make a move now, right?"

"No need."

Mu Yue still refused.

The demon eye is the ancestor, and now the evolution of the demon on the blue star has not yet begun, if it attacks the fifth-level pollutant body under the hands of other ancestors, I am afraid that it will become an outlier in the ancestor.

What would happen then, Mu Yue was difficult to predict, so just in case, he contacted others to go on a crusade against Elder Centipede.

In the event of a Class 5 polluter, the forces involved can request assistance from the League of Nations.

And Mu Yue contacted a twelve god general as early as the very beginning of Luo Cheng's action.

Now, she is already in the city area of the imperial capital, waiting for the centipede elder to throw herself into the net.

I saw that not far away, a violent movement broke out, and a gust of wind swept in, even affecting the town of Thousand Foot in this suburb.

"This level of wind element, is she?"

Luo Cheng and Xu Qin thought of a person at the same time.

One of the double stars, Senzuru Jingu.

If it was her, dealing with the centipede elder would not be a problem at all.

Twenty years ago, the imperial capital paid a terrible price and delayed the arrival of the twelve god generals.

And today, twenty years later, history is always strikingly similar, and they did the same, and the appearance of a twelve god generals.

And this time, it was not to seal the centipede elder, but to completely eliminate it.

After becoming the original magic envoy, the strength of the Jingu Chizuru has increased to an incredible level.

Originally strategic-level, although she was known as one of the two geniuses that were rare in a thousand years, she was not much stronger than Mo Zhixu's strategic-level magic.

But now, the run-in between her and the divine embers given to her by Mu Yue has reached a peak, coupled with the battle with the demon king, the original brave used the residual power to help her become the original magic envoy.

In the past few months, the true strength of the Divine Palace Qianhe has not lost to other veteran twelve god generals, and even surpasses it.

Even in the face of the fifty-seven-meter centipede elder, she still had the upper hand and suppressed the other party everywhere.

Even if the centipede elder's speed is fast, it is not faster than the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes with strategic wind elements.

Even if its shell is extremely hard, the divine ember can bring some damage to it.

Facing this girl in a kimono, Elder Centipede was full of horror in his heart.

Can't beat, can't beat at all.

This girl, who seems to be only about twenty years old, why is her strength even stronger than the person who sealed it twenty years ago?

The fierce wind around him made the centipede elder move slowly, and he almost became a living target for the thousand cranes of the Divine Palace.

Dozens of slashes swept in and landed on the centipede elder's body, bringing it unbearable severe pain.

Feeling the scratches on the shell, Elder Centipede was full of thoughts about escaping.

It has been growing here for twenty years and doesn't want to die here just after coming out.

It burrowed quickly into the ground and wanted to get out of the place.

This was the first time that the Jingu Chizuru had encountered a Level 5 pollutant who fled without a fight.

She frowned, and then flew into the tunnel left by the centipede elder, wanting to catch up.

A level five pollutant body, if she wants to escape, she really can't help this guy.

But the shots of the twelve god generals cannot be returned in vain, otherwise what is the difference between it and the failure of the mission.

No one knows where the next centipede elder will appear and how many people will be killed.

So she must completely eliminate it this time.

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