With the presence of the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes, everyone was also relieved.

On the South City side, as long as Luo Ying can defeat the Seagod, then this time the imperial war will be completely over.

Su Ye's injuries were just better, so he hurried to Thousand Foot Town and stayed by Luo Changsheng, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

Now Luo Changsheng's hair is half white, and his face is a little old, and he doesn't look like a young man in his twenties at all.

Su Ye, who knew the inside story, looked at this scene with a painful heart.

During this time, Luo Changsheng had been fighting against the Sea God in the palace, and if it weren't for him, the situation of the empire would only be more difficult.

In the thousands of years that their Luo royal family had never experienced such humiliation.

Fortunately, everything is almost over.

The battle in Nancheng was not fierce, and the Seagod and the ten divine envoys she brought with her had not made a move until now.

After the affairs of the imperial capital came to fruition, the sea god seemed to have some intention of retiring.

After eliminating the other low-level pollutants, everyone returned to the palace.

Seeing that the place where he grew up became like this, Luo Cheng's expression was extremely heavy, and he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

In less than a year, how many people died in the empire?

Her father died, the first god of the empire, Zhuang Qiu, died, and the entire Zhuang family was destroyed, leaving only the only Dumiao Zhuang Yan.

The Paladins were annihilated, and even the strongest regiment leader, Yuanchen, was sacrificed.

The second strategic-level magic of the empire caused Reddy to be deposed, and Luo Changsheng is still unconscious.

The top combat power and high-end combat power of the empire were almost destroyed by more than ninety percent.

If Luo Ying is not counted, today's empire may not even be an opponent of Sakura Island.

Looking at the seat at the front of the palace, Xu Qin rushed directly over, sat on it with one butt, and said excitedly: "Taking advantage of the fact that the imperial throne is ownerless, I will first experience the fun of being an emperor."

Saying that, she pointed to Luo Cheng, pretending to be a man's voice, pinching her throat, and said strongly: "Orange loves Concubine, give Xu a bed." "

Luo Cheng: .

Well, with Xu Qin here, her mood simply can't be sad for too long.

Luo Cheng walked over and said, "Let's wait for Sister Ying to come over, she can defeat the empire, and her credit is the greatest." Hearing

this, Xu Qin nodded deeply and said seriously: "That's right, from beginning to end, you didn't do anything, and the credit should be regarded as Sister Luo Ying's."

Luo Cheng's face darkened.

Why does this person always speak so badly.

After the Seagod retreated, Luo Ying had already led the rebel army to the imperial capital, and it was estimated that it would not be long before Luo Ying, the eldest princess and others would come here.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue sat in the car and followed the large army of the rebel army to the imperial capital.

There are two RVs in total, the first is Chang Princess and Jingyue, and the second is Mu Yue and Mu Yixue.

"Unexpectedly, a rescue operation could bring this war to an end." Jingyue said.

"No, in fact, this war has ended from the moment the Asura God was defeated." The eldest princess said solemnly.

The fall of the Asura God and the nine divine envoys in Nancheng was a considerable loss for the Kingdom of the Gods.

Perhaps the peak empire was worth paying such a big price, but in today's empire, it was not worth losing any divine envoy.

Moreover, there is also the fall of the strategic level.

Luo Cheng and Luo Ying are determined to win the empire, as long as the sea god is guarding the imperial capital, a war between strategic levels is inevitable.

In order to prevent the losses from expanding, the kingdom of the gods should have withdrawn.

After all, today's empire is no longer so important to the kingdom of the gods.

Moreover, under Mo Zhixu's calculation, the Western United Nations and the Far North can be easily taken almost effortlessly.

At that time, the kingdom of the gods has occupied the two major countries and gathered the strength of the three major powers, and it can also retake the empire, even the magic capital, without any effort at all.

The Far North announced the cession of national sovereignty to the kingdom of the gods.

And the West United Nations is still fighting hard.

After King Arthur was seriously injured, there was no one to resist the god of fighting, and the battle situation was almost tilted upside down.

Even if he is not seriously injured and is not an opponent of the fighting god, the defeat of the Western United Nations is only a matter of time.

As for King Arthur, he was first secretly calculated by the ancestor Nine Tails, and then secretly calculated by the first knight, a strategic-level magician, and it was the first time in history that he had been so humiliated.

The next day, Doushen entered the round table of the Western United Nations, severely wounded King Arthur, who was already badly injured, and announced that he would take the Western United Nations as his own.

At this point, there are only two great powers left in the world.

The kingdom of the gods, and the empire.

The League of Nations had the intention to block, but it was stopped by the SE organization, and if it forcibly broke through the defense line of the SE organization, it would give rise to a more fierce war, so it could only stand still.

And the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes went through a day of chasing and killed the centipede elder at the border of the empire.

On this day, Luo Ying also led the rebel army to the imperial capital.

All the important people of the empire gathered here.

The throne of the empire is vacant, but no one wants to compete for this position.

Just because of one point.

This imperial throne has become a hot potato, and becoming the current king of the empire will face the full pressure of the kingdom of the gods.

There are only two choices, defiance and surrender.

This hard-won country is likely to be lost again soon.

After all, the situation of the world's two major powers is too embarrassing.

At the same time, the god king of the kingdom of the gods announced that the name of the country would be completely renamed the kingdom of God.

And everyone in the imperial palace is still thinking about what to do next.

The throne is vacant, and no one dares to sit.

In the end, Luo Ying pushed Luo Orange.

The latter was surprised: "Sister Sakura, the credit is yours, and the throne should also..."

Luo Ying smiled and said, "From the beginning, I have supported you as the king of the empire, and besides, do you really feel that you have not done anything?"

Luo Ying glanced back at the people behind him.

It is true that she is a strategic-level magician, and without her, the empire cannot be liberated, and this is also not false.

But the person who gathered her, and everyone in the rebel army, was Luo Cheng.

If there were no Luo Cheng, then today's empire is still under the rule of the Kingdom of the Gods, and the rebel armies that are rising everywhere will also be suppressed one by one.

She is the core point, and Luo Ying is just a card under Wang.

That is, trump cards.

"But... Can I really do it? "

Sitting in that position, you have to face the kingdom of the gods.

"Why not?"

Xu Qin crossed his hands at his waist, stared at Luo Cheng and said: "This country, but we fought back together, if you don't behave well, I will compete with you for the throne, and then I will be the emperor." Hearing

this, Luo Cheng smiled rarely.

And Luo Ying also looked at Xu Qin and Gao Xiaoshen, and sighed: "The little girl who couldn't be seen by anyone at the beginning now has so many reliable friends, so I am really relieved to take this throne."

"Indeed it is." Luo Zhihuang came over and said softly: "The imperial power of your generation will be much more wonderful than ours."

"In that case, three days later, the enthronement ceremony of Luo Cheng will be announced."

This also means that the empire country will give birth to an eighteen-year-old imperial female emperor.

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