Only in Sky City is everyone's mood relaxed.

For them, it's absolutely safe here.

The citizens of Sky City have also become accustomed to living here, and life here seems like paradise compared to those neutral cities and previous empires.

Mu Yue took Mu Yixue's hand and came to the Qinglong Lake.

The two wore casual clothes, Mu Yue vest with shorts and slippers, while Mu Yixue wore a white dress and small sandals.

As an iconic attraction in the Qinglong District of Sky City, Qinglong Lake has developed into a scenic spot, and there is a bustling commercial street next to it.

Sky City has a population of 300,000, not many people, and some places can even be described as sparsely populated, but there are still many people in the scenic spots of the four regions.

At this time, seeing Mu Yue and Mu Yixue sitting on a bench by the lake, many people passing by said hello.

Next to the two, there were several fishing uncles.

The oldest of them was already a gray-haired old man.

Behind him, sat an equally gray-haired grandmother.

This grandmother's IQ seems to have some problems, at this time, like a little girl, seeing her wife catch a big fish, she clapped her hands and said happily: "There are fish to eat tonight." "

This grandfather, when the pollutant appeared, desperately protected the grandmother, and was selected to become a Sky City citizen together.

The old man glanced at Mu Yue and asked, "Come and try it?"

Mu Yue sat on the bench and said, "I haven't caught a fish yet. Saying

that, Mu Yue asked a maid sequence to send him an ordinary fishing rod, then got up from the bench, came to the old man's side, and threw the fish hook directly into the lake.

Seeing this, the old man was surprised: "Young man, you haven't put the bait yet, how can the fish be hooked?"

"Old man, if a fish bites a hook without bait, it means that it simply likes hooks, and you don't think it's more interesting than other fish to catch such a fish neuropathy?"

Hearing this, the old man was stunned.

What a fallacy is this.

But it sounds interesting.

"Young man, how long have you been with your little girlfriend?"

"Eleven years, but less than a year since we became a couple."

"It's a childhood sweetheart."

The old man sighed and said with some sadness: "My son and daughter-in-law are also childhood sweethearts, our two are neighbors, they have grown up together since childhood, from elementary school to university, they are fairy couples in the mouths of relatives and friends."

"But the pollutant appeared, my son died in the mouth of the pollutant in order to protect his beloved girl, and the daughter-in-law could not accept this fact, and soon committed suicide, and my wife was also crazy because of this."

"You said, if there was Sky City at that time, my son and daughter-in-law, wouldn't I have to die, maybe I would be full of children and grandchildren now, hahahaha."

The old man's fish hook moved, and he let out an exclamation, and quickly said: "It's a big one!"

Mu Yue looked at the old man's appearance, not knowing what to say.

In the years since he came to Blue Star, in his eyes, the so-called Blue Star people are no different from the NPCs in the game.

He doesn't kill NPCs at will, but he doesn't care about NPCs' deaths.

After all, this is not his planet, let alone his country, how many people die here, and what does it have to do with him.

But the longer he lived here, he found that Blue Star people and earthlings were not different except that they lived in different places.

The 300,000 citizens of Sky City were all chosen from the moment of life and death.

They are the blue star that represents the positive side of humanity.

And the war that is being staged on the blue star, SE, the Kingdom of God, the Tower of Heaven.

Negative human nature is also endless.

Li Chao Demon restarted the tyrant plan, the birth of a fifth-level tyrant, let the zombie virus spread rapidly, how many people died in that neutral city?

Several hundred thousand? Millions?

If Mu Yue used the Star Destroyer Cannon to destroy the fortress of the American Federation, it was for self-preservation.

So whose safety does the neutral urban human being, who became the nourishment of the tyrant, unarmed, threaten?

A large fish was fished out of the lake and fell on the grass by the lake.

Today's Sky City is very good, and little by little, it has a feeling of home.

Even if he can't control Blue Star, at least protect the city.

This is his and Ixue's home.


Mu Yue's fish hook moved.

The old man smiled and said, "Look, the fish world neuropathy was caught by you."

Even Mu Yue showed a surprised expression.

He just said casually, but he didn't expect that there was really this kind of fish.

Presumably in schools of fish, this thing is also an interesting soul.

Mu Yue dragged the fish up without hesitation.

But soon he found that he couldn't move.

"It's a big guy." The old man said.

The surrounding anglers all came behind Mu Yue to help, and several people fished out the big guys in the lake together.

Soon, a pitch-black figure jumped out of the lake and fell on the grass.

Seeing this figure, everyone's faces showed black lines.

Mu Yue was even more angry and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Sansan touched his head, and then spit out his tongue mischievously, and said with some embarrassment: "I saw that the master couldn't catch it for a long time, and I felt that the owner was a little pitiful, so I went down and bit the hook myself." Hearing

this, Mu Yue helplessly patted the door of his head.

He didn't see the neuropathy in the fish world, and he saw the neuropathy in the artificial intelligence world.

This is one of the three major artificial intelligence he invented himself.

How can such an outrageous thing be done.

Simply unheard of.

"Sansan, clean all the toilets in Sky City."

Hearing this, Sansan's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Nani Meow? Wash the toilet again? Master, can you not punish me every time it has something to do with the toilet. "

Oh, then you go to work on the Qinglong satellite."

"Master, or do you know me and know that I like the toilet, so I'll go wash the toilet."

After Sansan left, Mu Yue looked at Mu Yixue, who was still sitting on the bench behind her, and then walked over and touched her head, and said: "I'm sorry, Yixue, I originally came to accompany you out to play, but I ended up playing by myself."

Mu Yixue smiled slightly.

As long as Mu Yue was by her side, she was already very satisfied when she looked at the other party... If it was Murong Xueyue, she would probably think so.

But she is Mu Yixue.

I saw that she hugged Mu Yue's arm, showed a grievance expression, and pouted and said: "Then the rest of the time will be spent with me." "

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