Qinglong Commercial Street.

The arrival of Mu Yue and Mu Yixue was no less than that of top stars, which instantly attracted many young people to watch.

There were even a few people who rushed up and asked for a group photo with a sincere face.

Several of the girls rushed over, and Mu Yixue's face instantly darkened.

But these girls did not come to find Mu Yue, but to find Mu Yixue.

They surrounded Mu Yixue and asked with gold stars in their eyes: "Sister Yixue, can we take a picture with you?" Obviously

, Mu Yixue's fame is far greater than Mu Yue's.

For a while, she didn't know whether she should agree or refuse, so she could only look at Mu Yue helplessly.

After the latter nodded, she took a big photo with several girls with a blank face.

The commercial street was actually not much fun, and the two left here to go to another attraction in Sky City.

Xuanwu Mountain.

There are few people here, and on the top of Xuanwu Mountain, there is a totem stone statue of a snake, and a summer rest area called Xuanwu Manor, which is also a small attraction, which records a lot of history about the earth and some famous things.

This is an artificial mountain range that protrudes 1,500 meters on the ground of Sky City, and it takes about four kilometers to walk up on foot, although it is not too long, but it is definitely not short.

Before going up the mountain, Xiao Yi spoke: [Inform me that with the physical fitness of the owner, it is difficult to complete the mountaineering goal.

"What did you say?"

Mu Yue's brain turned black, and he immediately said: "I'll go up today and break your doubts." "

[Inform that the judgment of the system is based on the actual situation, please do not challenge the professionalism of this artificial intelligence.] "The

facts are true."

Mu Yue took Mu Yixue's hand and walked directly into the entrance of the scenic area of Xuanwu Mountain.

At the foot of Xuanwu Mountain, the person in charge of Xuanwu Hotel showed a relieved expression.

These two big figures in Sky City finally came to Xuanwu Mountain to play.

Looking at the back of the two going up the mountain, the person in charge of the hotel, who is also the person in charge of the scenic spot, looked at today's ticket purchase information.

At present, there are about 500 tourists in Xuanwu Mountain, of which sixteen are locals, and the rest are all outsiders who come to Sky City through the ladder.

Mu Yue climbed about eight hundred meters and suddenly discovered an amazing fact.

He was tired.

Mu Yue's figure is relatively thin, plus his own physical fitness is three times weaker than that of the Blue Star people, at this time, seeing that the tourists coming behind have surpassed him, he can't help but be a little anxious.

It seems that he really should exercise more.

His physical fitness now, not to mention Blue Star, even the standard of ordinary people on Earth, he may not be able to reach it.

"Brother, I'll hold you."

Mu Yixue hugged Mu Yue's arm.

The girl next to her was cold and cold, at least on the way up the mountain, Mu Yue would not feel the heat.

[Informed, a tourist is unconscious at the top of the mountain, and maid sequence 0079 goes to be processed.]

Mu Yue was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that someone fainted while climbing Xuanwu Mountain.

The two continued their walk up the hill.

When walking two kilometers, Mu Yue came to the rest area halfway up the mountain and bought two ice creams.

Here, you can already see the Qinglong Lake next door.

Qinglong Lake and Xuanwu Mountain, located on the edge of the two districts, are equivalent to a dividing line, and it is also convenient for tourists to visit more places in a short time.

Qinglong Lake looks spectacular and is a dragon-shaped lake district.

After eating ice cream, the two rested for a while.

It's just two kilometers away, of course, Mu Yue won't get tired, but his legs and feet have already begun to feel fatigued.

At this time, Mu Yue very much recognized what Xiao Yi said, and after going back, he would customize an exercise plan and become a macho man.

Thinking like this, Mu Yue raised his head and found that a person was carried down by the maid sequence 0079.

Is this the one who fainted?

It was a white-haired woman.

Mu Yue felt that this person was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

[Inform that the individual's name is Xia Xin, the same school of the master's high school, and also a student of the ordinary class of the original academy Holy Land, a first-level threat magician, due to taking SE organization drugs, resulting in exhaustion of vitality, so as to come to Sky City to find the last chance. ] ]

Xia Xin?

Mu Yue remembered.

It was the girl who was used by the SE organization to release the fifth-level pollutant Sirius on Academy Island.

During this time, the girl went around asking doctors, but no one had a way.

And the Xuanwu Mountain in Sky City, also known as Longevity Mountain, is a spectacular waterfall under the cliff on the other side of Xuanwu Mountain.

The mountain spring water there has the effect of prolonging life, and it is also the main brand of mineral water that Sky City residents drink.

However, only normal people who drink regularly can reduce disease, and if they are lucky, they can live for two more years.

Xia Xin's lost vitality could not be recovered no matter what.

Looking at the unconscious girl in front of him, obviously about the same age as himself, but already gray-haired, Mu Yue sighed.

After all, she paid for her actions.

This time fainting, Xia Xin may have a hard time opening his eyes.

Everything starts with the sacrifice of the girl who Wang Chenning called the beauty class leader.

Suddenly, Xia Xin's eyelids moved, and she slowly opened her eyes and saw an old classmate she was not familiar with.

In a year's time, things are different people, and two people who used to attend the same high school have completely lost any intersection.

Xia Xin's arm moved, as if he wanted to grab something.

Mu Yue said: "You should know that it is difficult for you to survive. Hearing

this, Xia Xin's arm stopped moving.

Her eyes were full of tears of unwillingness.

Obviously, she also wants to become stronger, in order not to let Li Mengyao's tragedy happen again, in order to protect the people around her, she obviously wants to become stronger.

But why has everything changed?

It's hard for her to even survive now.

When she applied to the academy holy place, she listened to the words of scientific extremist organizations and took drugs that could quickly become stronger.

From that time on, her end was already preordained.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Mu Yue may not necessarily help her, but she is also a classmate, and she can't be said to be an irrelevant person, Mu Yue may not necessarily help her, but she is also ready to hear what she wants to say in the end.

I saw Xia Xin looking at Mu Yue and asked tremblingly, "Live." "


Mu Yue showed a slightly puzzled expression.

Her last words turned out to be to let others live?

Xia Xin showed a bleak smile and said weakly: "My best friend died in front of me, the last time Xichuan City was captured by a pollutant body and fell, my parents also died, and now, I am also going to die."

"So... Your happiness, I envy it.

Mu Yue was silent and did not speak.

And the look in Xia Xin's eyes became darker and darker, she looked at the sky and seemed to see a lot of things.

Her best friend Li Mengyao is still alive, there are no polluted bodies, no magic messengers, and no wars in this world.

They graduated from high school together, were admitted to the same university, found the people they loved, became neighbors together, got married and had children, one of them gave birth to a son, the other gave birth to a daughter, and then set up a doll and lived the most ordinary life.

Xia Xin seemed to have fantasized that the two of them grew old together, lay together in the hospital ward, and walked towards the end of their lives....

She looked to the side, there was obviously nothing, but she saw Li Mengyao's old appearance, and the two held hands and passed away together.

A beautiful butterfly fluttered its wings and landed on her finger.

She is just an ordinary person, who has just walked out of school and was used by others, so ordinary that she does not even have the ability to resist her fate.

The only thing she could do was to fantasize about a very different life at the end of her life.

Before dying, she also deceived herself.

"Master, she has no relatives anymore, how to dispose of this corpse?" Maid Sequence 0079 asked.

"Buried in Sky City, I hope that in her next life, she will be born in a world she fantasizes."

After speaking, Mu Yue raised his head, took Mu Yixue's hand, and said softly: "Yixue, let's continue." "


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