By the time the two arrived at the top of the mountain, they could already see the view of dusk.

At the top of Xuanwu Mountain, the rest area, more than a hundred people have gathered here.

Sky City itself is in the sky, and the dusk view here is a must.

Among these more than a hundred people, only two or three came from Sky City, and the rest were all foreign tourists.

Having said that, the Sky City residents themselves didn't know much about the city, after all, they hadn't been here for long.

The people here did not notice the arrival of Mu Yue and Mu Yixue for a while, and no one discovered their identities.

The two casually found a seat and sat down, then ordered two cups of coffee.

A few young men and women from other places at the next table were chatting about some of the recent events in the world.

They seemed to be magicians, and this time they took a few days off and came to Sky City to play.

The young people who can come to Sky City basically have some identity background.

After all, although Sky City has built a heavenly ladder, due to the limited number of places, only so many people can come to Sky City every day.

Those who can climb the ladder are either rich or expensive.

Just as Mu Yue thought, several young men and women beside him, one of them, was one of the rumored geniuses of the Big Dipper, named Jiang Chen.

And he is the true son of Jiang Haoxuan, the lord of Tata today.

He entered with the first place in the magic major of Dragon City University, and at a young age, he already had a third-level threat, and he could indeed be called a magical genius.

More importantly, he has inherited more than half of the twelve divine generals, except for black-clothed, Divine Palace Thousand Cranes, and so on, the rest of him can be called a master.

Because of this, he is also the head of the geniuses of the Big Dipper, with the honorary title of "Big Dipper".

And in the Magic Capital University, Zhao Yu, who is also one of the seven stars, is not his opponent.

However, it is worth mentioning that no one seems to know that he is the son of the Lord of the Heavenly Pagoda...

Mu Yue could know that it was because every tourist who came to Sky City would be investigated by the Qinglong Satellite Joint Butler Sequence.

And this group of young men and women are all the children of the former high-ranking officials and rich people of the Xia Kingdom, and they are also high-achieving students of Longcheng University.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue didn't care about them, their coffee had arrived, and they were chatting casually while drinking coffee.

"I heard that Mu Yixue, one of the double stars, is in Sky City, you say, double star or seven stars, which is stronger?" A girl next to her asked curiously.

"Then it needs to be said, it must be that the double star is strong, the double star is already the world's top powerhouse, and the seven stars are just geniuses."

It was a little fat man who said this.

Mu Yue also thought that there would be a bridge of genius and pride, saying that they must be better than Double Star, but he didn't expect that this group of young people still had self-awareness.

Jiang Chen hugged his chest with both hands and did not speak.

He stood up and walked to the guardrail of the rest area.

Beyond the guardrail, there is an endless cliff and a panoramic view of the entire Qinglong Lake.

He looked at the sunset in front of him and said a little withdrawn: "I will become stronger than Double Star in the future." "

The other young men and women felt that he could do it.

They had never seen the double star, but they had seen Jiang Chen's talent.

In their cognition, Jiang Chen is already the top genius, so he will definitely be able to become a strong person who surpasses the double star.

The little fat man swept away the afterglow and accidentally saw a man and a woman at the next table.

Then, his eyes widened and he said in shock, "Mu... Mu Yixue? Hearing

this, the rest of the people looked over.

Even Jiang Chen was no exception, he looked at Mu Yixue, his brows frowned slightly.

You must know that the two girls of the double star are now the most top strategic-level magicians.

And their current strength, in the face of strategic level, only have the qualifications to look up.

But Jiang Chen had seen too many strategic levels, and the twelve gods had seen him all over, so even if he faced Mu Yixue, he would not be as nervous as the others and couldn't speak.

He walked up, bowed slightly, and said very respectfully: "Mu... Senior Mu, hello! "

Although Mu Yixue is not necessarily older than him, he knows a lot of strategic levels, so he understands the importance of respecting strategic levels.

Although he was the son of the Lord of the Heavenly Pagoda, his quality was astonishingly good.

Needless to say, as a young man with a heavenly background, his upbringing is worthy of his identity.

Mu Yixue didn't react, Mu Yue said lightly: "Don't be nervous, you guys play yours, don't disturb us."


Jiang Chen stepped back respectfully.

Although Mu Yue is not as famous as Mu Yixue, and he has not revealed what his identity is in Sky City, he is obviously not small.

Just because of his relationship with Mu Yixue, it is also worth Jiang Chen's cautious treatment.

Jiang Chen took the classmates behind him, away from this table, and went to a farther place to rest.

One of the classmates couldn't help but ask: "Classmate Jiang Chen, she is at most one year older than us, why don't you even ignore you, this time next year, you will definitely be much more powerful than her."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's face changed, and he said angrily: "Become a strategic level next year? What are you kidding, do you think that becoming a strategic level is something I can do with hard work? "

Even the three most prosperous colleges have never become strategic students during their school years.

Even another double star, Senzuru Jingu, only became strategic-level after graduation.

Therefore, Mu Yixue is the first existence in the millennium to reach the strategic level as a trainee.

"You guys, don't you look down on the strategic level?" Jiang Chen looked at these students in front of him.

During this time, a lot of things happened to the major forces, the previous conflict between the Xia Kingdom and Sky City, as well as the war of the empire, and even the fall of the strategic level.

And a series of recent major events have a strategic figure, and almost every major news is inseparable from the word strategic level.

"Do you think that after watching more on the news, you think that the strategic level is something that you can easily touch?"

"You didn't think that when the news is broadcast around, there are always those few people who appear repeatedly, the world's tens of billions of people, the strategic level is only about 30."

Jiang Chen said angrily, and the fat man next to him brought a glass of water and signaled him to dissipate his anger.

The other students also lowered their heads, not daring to say anything.

After speaking, Jiang Chen calmed his mood and couldn't help but look in Mu Yixue's direction.

In the conflict between Xia Guo and Sky City, the Chi family, one of the five major families, was almost wiped out, if it weren't for Chi Jingxin becoming the new head of the Chi family, Mu Yue gave her face, otherwise she would be the only one left in the Chi family now.

In that conflict, the two strategic levels of the Chi family fell.

Imperial war, just became a strategic-level Asura God fall.

Coupled with the previous fall, Merte, one of the twelve gods, fell.

Strategic-level powerhouses have already died four.

In the future, there will only be more.

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