Luo Ying's ear is wearing a nano earphone, which with Lanxing's current technology, it can't be found at all.

She is now going to a place to receive the summons of the king's sin.

After a thousand years, the reappearance of the king's crime has become the top priority of the entire mercenary association.

Among the seven sins, the crime of lust and the crime of arrogance are all in Sky City, but Phantom Light Dance is bent on quitting the mercenary association, so she did not participate in this Seven Sins party.

And the sin of anger Liu Ruobing, she will come here, involving the sin of the king, even Yu Qingrui is very curious, whether this guy is the sin of the king himself a thousand years ago, or is it another person entirely.

After all, what the king did a thousand years ago, there is no record in history, but this person is very famous, almost the entire mercenary association of believers.

Such a well-known person, it is impossible not to do anything thousands of years ago.

The previous sin of jealousy, the sin of gluttony, is dead.

So only greed, arrogance, anger, and laziness took part in this meeting.

and two murderers who have just become jealous and gluttonous.

Original forbidden land, West Continent Forest.

There was once a fifth-level pollutant sealed here, but it was attacked by the star orbit strike and turned into a desert.

At this time, there is a wooden house in the middle of the island.

The island is not large, it was only a few kilometers long and wide before, but after being attacked by the star orbit strike, it now looks like an area of up to a thousand square meters, and the length and width add up to only thirty meters.

The dilapidated wooden house stands in the middle, becoming the only building here.

In the wooden house, a beautiful girl with white hair and red eyes stood in front of the wall, wearing the accessory of the cross on her chest, and countless thin threads hung on the wall.

She looked at these thin lines, and there was a look of anticipation in her eyes.

The next moment, Luo Ying relied on gravitational elements and was the first to come here.

Feeling the arrival of someone, the white-haired girl put on black clothes.

After Luo Ying came in, he saw her figure and said in a condensed voice: "It's really you." "

One of the twelve god generals, black.

That is, the true sin of the king.

"I'm not trying to hide my identity."

The black clothes said lightly.

She wears black not to hide her identity, but to not want others to see her white hair and red eyes.

Once because of these two characteristics, she was called a monster.

Until I met someone who said she was handsome, beautiful, and beautiful.

So her appearance, as well as her unique white hair and red eyes, are only shown to that person.

It didn't take long for the other seven sins to arrive.

Liu Ruobing glanced at Luo Ying and did not speak.

And the sin of greed is a young man, the whole person looks destitute, obviously bears the name of greed, but seems to have no desire.

As for laziness, he is a struggling middle-aged man, who looks extremely passionate, and his body gives people a surging feeling.

The new Sin of Jealousy is very young, looks as gloomy as Chen Xiaowei, and from the perspective of the seven sins, he is still the only one normal.

And the crime of gluttony was a woman, who came in a nurse's uniform.

It was still quite revealing white nurse's uniform, with her long legs exposed, and her figure was so good that her nurse's uniform was dressed as a tights.

And on the side of her mouth, there was still a trace of blood, and she didn't know what she had just eaten.

Except for the sin of lust, all six remaining six were present.

"I don't know what the king's sin asked us to do?" The sin of jealousy said with a low expression.

"Let's do an experiment."

The black cloth said softly: "The mercenary association was not created by me, but a force created for me by humans a thousand years ago, but I don't need this force. "

That human being should be very famous on your planet, called... Bloodcoat? Hearing

this, everyone present was shocked.

A thousand years ago, after winning the war against contaminated bodies, humanity came forward with a terrifying magician.

Rare elements, blood magic, blood clothing.

The mercenary association was not created by black, but by the blind worship of black.

Black clothes do not need blood clothes, no matter how powerful the latter is, black clothes can't look at him.

In order to prove that he is a useful person, Bloodcoat single-handedly created the Mercenary Association and became one of the first and strongest of the Seven Sins.

He thought that black clothes should not be with him, that would defile black clothes, so he made up the name [The Sin of Kings].

At the same time, he said the words of the king's sin and the world's turmoil, which later became the king's sin appeared, and the world was in chaos.

This is the worship of black-clad strength.

But no matter what, the black clothes are not interested in him, and the attitude towards him is always the same as that of an ant.

Therefore, in order to prove his strength, Bloodcoat led the Seven Sins to attack the Tower of Heaven.

Because of this, the Mercenary Association has become a world-class evil force with the same name as the SE Organization.

And the bloody clothes were no match for the Sky Tower, and they were wiped out by the twelve gods of that generation, and the entire mercenary association was also hit hard, and now it seems that it is not worthy of the same name as the SE organization.

"Do you know why Bloodcoat is so obsessed with me?" The black clothes said lightly.

Everyone was silent, and the sin of gluttony asked curiously: "He is a magic messenger of blood, so you have the blood he likes."

"That's right, he knows that as long as he can get a drop of my blood, he can become a strong person who dominates the entire Blue Star, which is why he is so obsessed with me."

When they heard this, the only reaction of the crowd was disbelief.

A drop of blood dominates the blue star, really dare to say ah, everyone is human, your blood can be different except noble, and if it is dried, it will die.

"So, the Mercenary Association was originally created for me by Bloodcoat, and even if you die for me, it is only right?"

As soon as the words fell, a huge pressure swept over, causing all those present to kneel on the ground.

Luo Ying tried her best to raise her head, but found that she couldn't do it at all, and under this pressure, even her gravity was suppressed.

She is a strategic-level magician, how can she be so vulnerable.

Suddenly, something happened next to the sound of flesh and bone exploding.

The sin of jealousy, the sin of laziness, the sin of greed, they failed to withstand the pressure and died here on the spot.

"Oh? It seems that you are overestimating your body.

The black clothes said softly, and the pressure of the remaining three people eased a lot.

Luo Ying could barely raise her head, she knew that she was fierce at this time, so she wanted to use the gravitational element to escape here.

In the sky, two swords of Damocles appeared out of thin air.

Mu Yue knew that she was in danger and sent two kings to support.

The black clothes just glanced at it and lost interest.

She gently pushed Luo Ying away, and the latter was instantly shot out, fell violently outside the wooden house, and was caught by Bai Chenfan and solemn who was waiting at the door.

"Don't move you."

After speaking, the black clothes looked at Liu Ruobing, and said: "There is something else in your body that is useless to me." Liu

Ruobing's pressure suddenly disappeared.

Only the last sin of gluttony remained, crawling on the ground, trembling all over.

"Spare me... Lord King, spare me. "

The woman of the crime of gluttony did not know what she had done wrong, but three of the seven sins died on the spot, almost scaring her into peeing.

"In three years, he will be born, and there will be a lot of things to be done by then, and I am not enough alone, so you can follow me..."

The black clothes stretched out his slender fingers, and at the tips of his fingers, a drop of blood dripped down.

The body of the sin of gluttony raised her head uncontrollably, and blood dripped on her nose and down her nose to her mouth.

Liu Ruobing, who had no emotion, just looked at the scene in front of him faintly.

The woman in the nurse's uniform failed to withstand the power of the blood and turned into a complete monster.

"Sure enough, your human body only has this level, but... Forget it, make it happen. "

At this point, the Mercenary Association existed in name only, it was born because of black, and it was ended by black, and completely withdrew from the Blue Star stage.

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