After returning to Sky City, Luo Ying's expression was still terrified, and he maintained a fearful expression on his face.

Since she was a child, she has hardly had such an expression.

But the strategic-level magic envoy is already the combat power of the Blue Star ceiling, and such a strength is like an ant in front of that person.

Such a big gap makes Luo Ying unacceptable until now.

It's not the first time she's faced death threats, but every time it's evenly matched, similar battles.

The feeling of being trampled to death like an ant was the first time she had encountered it.

Luo Ying was shocked and returned to his room without leaving the door.

Luo Ying and Luo Cheng have now locked themselves up.

Mu Yue sat in the research institute of the Sky Academy and asked, "Demon Eye, the black clothes should not be human, do you Zerg know anything?"

"It's not clear, we Zerg usually drift and sleep in the universe, until we find the life planet to wake up, only the demon can wander around the universe, the bug should know a lot."

Worm, the enchanter of Blue Star?

Thinking of the scene last time in the sinkhole, the insect and the black-clothed chess scene, Mu Yue knew that they knew each other.

But strong as a demon, in front of the black clothes like a coquettish little sister, it can be seen that they are not the same people.

After all, if the black-clad and the enchanter are companions, and the enchantment wants to obtain the source of magic, and the two of them strike together, who can stop Blue Star? There is no need for the assistance of the second enchantment.

Mu Yue also has strategic weapons, but he has never heard of this kind of thing to crush strategic level with personal strength.

However, if the black-clad has the strength to crush the strategic level, why hide in the Tower of Heaven as a Twelve God General?

She is in the Sky Tower and wants the source of magic, so she can't just take it.

She didn't want the source of magic, the battle of the great forces of Blue Star, she didn't participate either, Mu Yue really didn't understand what she wanted.

You can't eat melons in Blue Star without desire, right?

Such a strong person should not do such a thing.

It is clear that she can do whatever she wants in Blue Star, but she does not want anything, and she is not willing to leave Blue Star.

Why, exactly?

"Perhaps, what she wants is in Blue Star, but it hasn't appeared yet?"

Murong Xueyue said beside him.

She has a lot of say in this matter.

She searched the world and couldn't find Mu Yue, so she could only freeze herself and let the descendants of the Murong family find it for her.

Isn't what Black Yi is doing now very similar to her?

She knew that Blue Star had the person she was looking for, that person was important to her, and it was right in Blue Star, but she hadn't appeared yet, so she didn't participate in Blue Star's fight and didn't want to leave Blue Star.

"At least, she won't interfere with any forces."

Mu Yue couldn't figure out this matter, so he didn't want to, anyway, the black clothes had nothing to do with him, and he wouldn't take the initiative to come to him.

The black-clothed man was able to release Luo Ying after seeing the king, and he was already friendly with him, at least they would not be enemies.


Mu Yue looked at Murong Xueyue and wondered, "How did you get in?" "

This is the research institute, in addition to him, only Mu Yixue, Mu Er, Sansan, and Feng Qiandao, who has just become an intern researcher, can come in.

How did this Murong Xueyue come in?

Not far away, Feng Qiandao passed by with a book, and his other hand was still eating potato chips.

Seeing him, Mu Yue asked, "Feng Qiandao, you brought it in?"

Feng Qiandao said suspiciously: "Yes, she begged me for a long time, and I let her in." Hearing

this, Mu Yue looked at Murong Xueyue in surprise.


Still begged for half a day?

The original ice god asked for people?

Mu Yue couldn't imagine that scene.

Murong Xueyue was also slightly red-faced, a little embarrassed.

As a figure from a thousand years ago, she lowered her head to beg a young man, which was indeed a little difficult to cut her teeth.

But she still put down her face and begged, and the potato chips in Feng Qiandao's hand were sent by her.

Now that Mu Yixue is still at school, Mu Yue and Murong Xueyue are in the same room, with no sadness or joy on their faces.

Even if he didn't do anything, just being in the same room, Mu Yue had a sense of guilt towards Yi Xue in his heart.

"That's the end of today's research."

Mu Yue left the institute.

Only Murong Xueyue was left here.

Looking at the experimental equipment in front of her, she thought of the scene of Mu Yue's research in the laboratory prepared by their Murong family a thousand years ago.

In the end, her brother drove Mu Yue out in order to keep the Murong family out, and also privately possessed all of Mu Yue's research results...

At that time, Mu Yue did not have a future science and technology city, nor a sky city, no Mu Yi, Mu Two, Mu San, and no king.

He is just an ordinary person who is completely and completely powerless to resist.

After he came to Blue Star, he was picked up by Murong Xueyue, and he was also brought into Murong Xueyue's house by Murong Xueyue.

Maybe she shouldn't have brought her into Murong's house from the beginning.

The first person Mu Yue met in Blue Star was Murong Xueyue, and everything Mu Yixue had now was hers.

She would have had that opportunity.

Murong Xueyue walked out in disappointment.

If only she had been rebellious and didn't listen to her brother.

If only she were brave and treated Mu Yue like a sinner in the entire Murong family.

But she didn't, she was stopped behind by her brother, and in the face of the pressure of the entire family, she didn't have the courage to say half a word.

It's not her fault, but the relationship is not something she can have if she is not wrong.

Alone in a foreign land, what Mu Yue needed was to be able to have someone who was willing to accompany him when everyone regarded him as an outlier.

And that person is Mu Yixue.

Later, the pollutant appeared, and the Murong family had some of Mu Yue's authority because of Mu Yue's research results, and became the first batch of original magic envoys.

At that time, the Murong family knew what Mu Yue had brought to their family.

It was also from that time that no one in the family stopped Murong Xueyue, and she searched for Mu Yue all over the world.

It's just already late.

At that time, Mu Yue had lost any sense of belonging to this world.

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