After the discussion between the three, the door of the house was opened.

The people outside rushed in, especially the ape god, and rushed towards Wang Chenning like a monkey, shouting: "Master!

Wang Chenning's sideways turn flashed in disgust, causing Qi Tian to fall to the ground.

He quickly stood up, patted his butt, and said with a smile: "Master, try it with me." "

No time."

Wang Chenning walked towards the institute with Mu Yue.

As soon as Qi Tian wanted to catch up, he was stopped by Nan Nan.

"Do you still want weapons?" Nan Nan said.

Hearing this, Qi Tian's face was full of excitement.

Wang Chenning had great combat power, and Mu Yue could research the weapon he wanted most.

This is also what Nan Nan suggested, although Qi Tian's personality is irritable and his IQ is not high, but he is very reliable.

Especially the strength, among the three major disasters, in addition to defeating the human god mecha, facing other enemies, Qi Tian is the only one who has not been defeated, whether it is on the open or behind the ground.

As we all know, in personal combat power, the strongest of the three major disasters is the second ancestor, Yishi.

But in fact, Qi Tian's polluted body, that kind of ape-man form, only needs a little training to have the ability to use weapons.

The upper limit of the strength of the ape god Qi Tian is the highest that can be shaped among all polluting bodies.

In particular, he needs a weapon.


SE Organization.

Ain stood behind an old man and said, "The envoy of Blue Star sent Mu Yixue to us, but the scientists of our federation did not survive from the fortress, and even we can't do anything to this girl." "

Mu Yixue was lying in the ice coffin, and no one could open the ice coffin without hurting her.

As for really destroying Mu Yixue together with the ice coffin, they didn't dare.

After all, the Star Destroyer Cannon that destroyed the fortress was still something they feared incomparably.

"Compared to this, we still have to think about how to deal with Sky City." Ain said lightly.

The reappearance of the human god mecha, coupled with the identity of Nannan Time Witch, was enough to prove that the young man named Mu Yue in Sky City at this time should be the legendary scientist himself in Huaxia a thousand years ago.

Since this is the case, then they have to be treated solemnly.

A thousand years ago, the reason why they chose to leave the earth was because among the three major forces, Huaxia was too strong, and they were no longer able to compete with Huaxia.

And Huaxia's strength has a lot to do with Mu Yue.

Including now in Blue Star, if there is no Mu Yue from the beginning, this planet is just a low-level civilization.

And now because of the existence of endless energy, the birth of magic envoys, even their American Federation feels a headache.

"General, the entire Blue Star is surrounded by energy shields, we can't get out, this battle is inevitable."

Hearing this, the commander-in-chief of Noah's fortress, Reynolds said solemnly: "The other fortresses closest to here in the American Federation are fifty light years away, even if they are fast, it will take decades to come here, and we can't create a large-scale space folding platform now, this battle is indeed inevitable, we can only compete with Sky City head-on." "

Renault is the first commander of the American Federation, and Ain is the strongest soldier of this generation of the American Federation.

The two are the ceiling of command and combat power, respectively, and now the entire SE organization has to listen to him.

In addition, Jiang Haoxuan also listened to them, so it was possible to unite the Sky Tower and the SE Organization for the time being.

All that remains is for the enchantment, the Kingdom of God, and the five major families to join their alliance against Sky City, only in this way can there be any hope of winning the war.

After all, they used almost eighty percent of Blue Star's combat power to make the demon take matters into his own hands, and under the premise of calculating Mu Yue, they also failed to win Sky City.

Just like a thousand years ago, the ten great ancestors plus the demon insects joined forces, and they were not Wang Chenning's opponents.

And now, their enemy is not only Wang Chenning, but also the future technology authority led by Mu Yue.

Therefore, not only humans, but even pollutants must unite with them, otherwise no one will be an opponent of Sky City.

This war is bound to be the Armageddon of the entire Blue Star.

The kingdom of God is easy to solve, the problem is to make demons, is she willing to cooperate with them again?

"Ain, you take Ling Mu to Shendu in person." Renault said.


Ain looked at Ling Mu, who showed a respectful expression and said, "I have dealt with the enchanter, her purpose is the source of magic, as long as we use this as bait, she will cooperate with us." "

Hmm." Renault nodded.


On the other side, the Tower of Heaven held the last meeting of the twelve gods.

This time, even the mysterious black clothes were not absent.

Looking at Jiang Haoxuan, who was sitting in the front, Shen Tianyi asked, "Tower Lord, should we give us an explanation for cooperating with foreign forces and joining forces with Machinery City?"

"Nothing to explain."

Jiang Haoxuan no longer needs a wheelchair, he looked at everyone and said lightly: "Stay or leave, please take care of yourself." There

was a moment of silence.

The two of them, Jingu Chizuru and Yingjin, got up almost at the same time and left here without hesitation.

Heiqi Baiqi followed behind the Jingu Chizuru left and right, and left together.

Shen Tianyi looked at Jiang Haoxuan and said seriously: "Tower Master, you used to be the person I respected the most, do you really have to be obsessed?"

Hearing this, Jiang Haoxuan said in a deep voice: "Do I still have a way back?" From the moment I chose to stand on the side of the pioneers, I and their destinies have been bound together. "

This way."

Shen Tianyi showed a disappointed expression and left here as well.

The rest of the people, the God of War Chi Xiaotian, Geji Lan Xiya, Murong Xian'er, Yunhui, Hei Yi, and the computer that was communicating with the witch of the Ming God Temple, did not make a sound.

In the end, the witch said: "Yunhui, echo the temple, don't participate in these battles. "

Lord Witch... You know, all of our Buddhist sects died from the ancestor monks and demons, and now the monks and demons are in Sky City, and I want to avenge my ancestors. Hearing

this, the witch did not speak, but directly hung up the computer.

Murong Xian'er got up and also left here.

In that battle, the original ice god was sacrificed.

When Murong Yueji learned of this, she was extremely angry and asked Murong Xian'er to return to Murong's family and withdraw from the position of the twelve god generals.

The only explanation to the Murong family before the original Ice God was to stand on the side of Sky City.

In the end, Murong Xian'er chose to listen to her sister.

Seeing her back, Jiang Haoxuan said angrily, "Murong! Are you sure you want to go? Do you know that all forces want the source of magic, and once the source of magic is obtained by others, what will become of Blue Star? Hearing

this, Murong Xian'er turned back slightly and said indifferently: "Oh, I know." "

You know, so what?

Murong Xian'er still chose to leave.

She is the strongest ice in the world, but her personality is far more approachable than her sister's.

Murong Xian'er's departure also meant that the twelve god generals of the Heavenly Tower had already existed in name only.

Only the God of War, Ge Ji, Yun Hui, Black Yi, and Dongfang Jinyao remained.

And Geji was also hesitating at this time.

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