In a week's time, Mu Yue had already determined Mu Yixue's location.

Right at the headquarters of the League of Nations, Sky Tower.

Today, the Sky Tower, the Kingdom of God, the SE Organization, and even the Polluent have formed an alliance, and this is also the most powerful and outrageous alliance in history.

By the way, against Sky City, even the polluters were involved.

It can involve the pollutant body because the strength of Sky City is completely unequal to theirs.

Mu Yue's future technology authority, and Wang Chenning's human god mecha, each of which is an existence that is difficult to solve.

At the same time, this week, Mu Yue made a weapon for Qi Tian that was very suitable for him.

With this weapon, even in the face of the second ancestor, or even a stronger existence, Qi Tian can face those guys head-on.

And the pollutant is not completely cooperative with the Sky Tower.

After all, the Eighth Ancestor Ape God, the Fifth Ancestor Monk Demon, and the Tenth Ancestor Demon Eye, and even all the pollutants of the Third Ancestor Hades' vein, were all on the side of Sky City.

In order to save the demon king from the hands of the enchanter, Jingu Chizuru brought several strong people who could not be ignored.

Among the four demon king beasts, Baiqi Heiqi, as well as the Blazing Angel, plus the white snake with the ancestral bloodline.

Among the three great ancestors, only the pollutant of the Demon King vein was the strongest and the most numerous.

Moreover, the winning array, Murong Xian'er, also came with the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes.

As for Shen Tianyi, although she did not participate in the alliance on the other side of the Sky Tower, she did not want to join Sky City.

As the League of Nations' chief instructor, the only thing she cared about was the sacrifices of the war, and she didn't want too many people to die.

At that time, she should be outside the battlefield, protecting the ordinary people of Blue Star.

Although there are many powerhouses in Sky City, the Sky Tower side is also not to be underestimated.

Sky City is moving in the direction of Darrys, and it is moving much faster than Mechanical City.

Mu Yue hadn't seen Mu Yixue for a week.

For the first time in eleven years.

And the Tower of Heaven is also responding to the upcoming attack of Sky City like a great enemy.

As for other ordinary people, they all feel the oppression of the end of the world and are slowly approaching.

In a war of this level, ordinary people's heads dare not come out.

But that doesn't mean that all ordinary people don't feel engaged.

Modu, near Modu University, Xingrong Internet Cafe.

Four college students are surfing the internet here.

Now that the world is in turmoil, few people go out to go online, but these four young people still come here and use the virtual game box.

Tens of thousands of virtual devices, ordinary people can not afford to use, but fortunately in the Internet café has opened a virtual game area, you can come here to use virtual game equipment.

The female lady of the Internet café looked at the four young people, and also shook her head helplessly, and complained: "It's almost the end of the world, and these Internet addicted teenagers still have to go online." But

she also knows how much young people love the game Mecha World.

And recently, in "Mecha World", there seems to be a new hot event.

[Lunar Base] activities.

Background: The fall of the Blue Star, the entire Blue Star is full of contaminated bodies, and the evil organization that has betrayed humanity, even aliens.

And humans retreat to the moon, away from here to accumulate strength, ready to counterattack Blue Star.

Players enter the event, appear on the moon, and pilot mechs, log into spaceships in the lunar base, and join the survivors struggling to survive on Blue Star to attack contaminated bodies and human traitors.

The campaign has not yet started, but the test of the event began a week ago.

This event attracted tens of thousands of players, and all the top ten bigwigs in the battle power list participated.

Yan Yunde is also an insider of the [Player Plan], and many of them in the Magic Capital Military Region are participants in this plan.

He has a subordinate, the driver of one of the top four fierce beast mecha.

Today, the only countries that have united their front with Sky City are the Empire and their neutral city Magic Capital.

Although Sky City has a luxurious high-end combat power lineup, the grassroots combat power and the bottom combat power are really too far behind.

They face all the V-level magic squads, pollutants, mutants, zombies, genetic warriors, and so on from the entire League of Nations.

At the same time, the Far North, the Western United Nations, ruled by the Kingdom of God, also provided a large number of troops for the Tower of Heaven.

The war between magic envoys, today's magic capital and empire can't help much, but in terms of the combat effectiveness of the army, this is the only thing they can help.

Now the entire Demon Capital is training troops, preparing for the final decisive battle in a few days.

On the other side, the city of Darreis.

In a very luxurious villa, Geji Lan Xiya is putting makeup on her sister Lan Nian.

Looking at her sister's sad face, Lan Nian couldn't help but ask, "Sister, do we really want to help the Tower of Heaven?" This

question also made Lan Xiya's movements in her hands pause, obviously she was also confused.

As a singer, she is the most famous star in the whole world, which is why she is very discerning between right and wrong, and has strict requirements for her three views, and can distinguish what is right and what is wrong.

She knew that the Tower of Heaven was heading for the abyss today, but... The source of magic really can't leave the Sky Tower.

She is a magic messenger of rare element vibrations, but this magic does not bring her all benefits.

At birth, her mother's body was greatly damaged because she could not control the vibrations, until she left this world not long after giving birth to her sister two years later.

And the power of vibration also made her vocal cords congenitally damaged and unable to speak.

If the source of magic is no longer in the Tower of Heaven, there is a one in ten thousand chance that there is no more magic in this world...

She, the world's number one singer, will completely lose her voice.

She will lose everything she has now.

Lan Nian understood what her sister was worried about.

Thinking of the girl who grabbed dolls very well last time in the mall, her expression gradually became firm.

That girl was so beautiful, so cute, so simple...

When she was with that young man, her expression was so happy.

Why, to destroy them?

Lan Nian hugged Lan Xiya and said: "Sister, we are singers, we can't be sorry for our fans, what is right and what is wrong, at this time, it is the time for us stars to stand up."

Hearing this, Lan Xiya hesitated, "But..."

I have already debuted, in the future, I can raise you. "

Today's Lan Nian, because she carries the popularity of her sister's world's first singer, also has the title of little singer.

Looking at her sister's immature but firm eyes, Lan Xiya smiled slightly and said, "Okay, listen to you." "

Although she may lose her voice, her sister will become the new singer.

The legacy continues and never ends.

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