After leaving her research institute, Yu Qingrui came to Darreis City alone.

As one of the high-ranking SE executives, she naturally knew the location of Mu Yixue.

The most luxurious city in the world, because of the coming war, is already empty.

The rest are the Kingdom of God, the Western United Nations, and millions of troops in the Far North.

Today's Darreis is a real soldier of the whole people, and this lineup, without exaggeration, is the peak lineup of Blue Star, and even more than that.

Although more than half of the twelve gods will leave, the remaining people are enough to make up for the combat power.

You know, the Kingdom of God plus the Mo family of the five major families, the number of strategic levels of the two is already close to ten.

Although their strength is not as good as the twelve god generals, they are also truly strategic, and in terms of high-end combat power, there are ancestors to make up for them.

Even if Murong Xian'er is gone, they still have a complete body of Shura.

As for the human-god mecha, they only hoped that the insect and the sharp soldiers of the American Federation could stop him, and the others had no matching strength.

Ella of the Western United Nations came to Sky City, and the strategic-level magic envoys of the Far North still joined the side of the Sky Tower.


Future Tech Company.

On the eve of the decisive battle, Mu Yue came here and saw Gao Chengming again.

Mu Yixue's affairs, Gao Chengming already knows.

Looking at Mu Yue's arrival, Gao Chengming sighed and said: "I don't blame you for this matter, no one knows, the whole world will suddenly point the finger at us." "

I'll get Ixue out." Mu Yue said firmly.

"I know you'll save her, but you two brothers and sisters, this is the first time they've been apart for so long, right? Are you okay without Yixue by your side? Hearing

this, Mu Yue was slightly stunned.

Gao Chengming was right, this time Yi Xue was not around for so long, he was like a changed person.

Become calm, even indifferent, not interested in anything.

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "It will be over soon."

"I believe you, but... Xiao Yue, after this matter is over, will you and Yi Xue stay here?

Gao Chengming seemed to realize something, and he asked with some concern.

Hearing this, Mu Yue looked at the man in front of him.

I don't know when Gao Chengming's hair has a lot more gray hair.

However, because he used to be a soldier, Gao Chengming's mental outlook is very good, just like a young man.

"No matter where I am, you are my father."

After saying this, Mu Yue was silent.

Acknowledging the identity of Gao Chengming's father, in fact, Mu Yue's heart was still a little embarrassed.

But he does owe the other party a lot of affection.

"Oh, you smelly boy."

Gao Chengming touched Mu Yue's head.

His hands were hard, but Mu Yue's hands were also hard because he had done too much research.

Gao Chengming touched Mu Yue's head, this feeling may also be the feeling of touching Yixue's head.

After chatting for a while, Mu Yue said goodbye to each other.

Looking at Mu Yue's figure gradually moving away, Gao Chengming took out his mobile phone and said, "Commander Yan, please your affairs, how have you thought about it?" "

Senior Brother Gao, it's not that I don't want to help you, you are Mu Yue's direct family, although you are currently the best commander in the entire ordinary army of the Demon Capital, but if something happens, how can I explain it to Mu Yue?"

Hearing this, Gao Chengming said: "Don't worry, I'm just commanding, I won't really participate in the war, and I can make the army of the magic capital exert its maximum combat effectiveness." Hearing

this, Yan Yunde was helpless, but still agreed to Gao Chengming.

The commander of the ordinary army of the magic capital, Gao Chengming, will lead 800,000 troops, 200,000 air forces and navies, and a total of one million divisions to participate in this war.

It was another week, and on Sky City, you could already see the figures of Darreis and Mechanical City.

The size of Sky City is the smallest of the three cities.

But in terms of sophistication, the city is even more beautiful than Darreis.

Subsequently, the height of Sky City gradually decreased, descending below the clouds, revealing its figure in the sky.

This war is finally about to begin.

The Blue Dragon satellite left a daughter spaceship to maintain the defense of the three-dimensional star and also returned to the vicinity of Sky City.

The Suzaku battleship, the Blue Dragon satellite, flew around Sky City, looking like a mythical beast.

Xiao Yi controlled the White Tiger Mecha, and Mu Er controlled the Xuan Armor and stood at the forefront of Sky City.

The four holy beasts of future science and technology authority gathered together.

This was also the first time that the four holy beasts appeared at the same time.

And the Sky Tower has been destroyed by Mu Yue, and at this moment, a black mecha is standing on the ruins, seemingly waiting for Sky City for a long time.

After seeing the figure of Sky City, he rushed forward.

At the same time, the white tiger mech also looked at him and rushed forward at the same time.

Two mechs of the same level are the first collision between the lineups of both sides.

"This feeling, enlightenment of man and machine." Ain sneered.

He had long heard that thousands of years ago, the enlightened man-machine created by the legendary doctor Mu Yue was more powerful than any sharp soldier, and possessed strength that was difficult for humans to achieve.

But he was never able to fight with the enlightened man-machine.

And now, head-on and enlightened man-machine, he knows how powerful this thing really is, for him, this is a very challenging opponent.

The shots of the mechs on both sides, everyone else was watching, and no one made a move.

The one who piloted the White Tiger mecha was Xiao Yi, and the enlightened man Mu Yue who fought with Ain last time was also Xiao Yi in the final analysis.

The two sides fought back and forth, and Ain, as the strongest sharp soldier, his strength has also reached the peak of human beings, and no one can help anyone for a while.

The building behind the Sky Tower is the military base of the League of Nations.

Renault, Jiang Haoxuan, and Ling Mu watched the exchange in midair, and Ling Mu frowned and asked, "Is this White Tiger mecha really so powerful?" Even the number one powerhouse in the alliance can't help it?

"Don't underestimate Mu Yue, his name is recorded in the history of the earth."

Hearing this, Ling Mu continued to look over.

In a short period of time, the battle between the two mechs should be indistinguishable from the victory or defeat.

And Sky City obviously did not have the idea of delaying time, and they also hoped to end the battle as quickly as possible.

The Qinglong satellite and the Suzaku battleship simultaneously launched a star orbit strike.

Renault's face changed, and he said solemnly: "Sure enough, they want to destroy us in one fell swoop with this method."

"But for such a simple end, huh... Not so easy.

Renault stood up, he gently raised his hand, and in his space compression device, the strongest energy defense of the American Federation wrapped the entire Darrys.

Unless it is a Star Destroyer Cannon, or more than ten Star Orbit strikes, this energy shield is difficult to break.

Watching the Qinglong satellite and the Suzaku battleship begin to charge again, Renault said in a condensed voice: "If we shoot, if we continue to let them launch, we won't be able to last long."

As soon as the words fell, many powerhouses of the Sky Tower Alliance began to attack in a big way.

The goal is to destroy the Blue Dragon Satellite and the Suzaku Battleship.

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