"Here we go."

Some leaders of neutral cities nervously watched the war videos on TV.

This is a full range of video live broadcasts of the entire battlefield broadcast by Sky City, and it is mandatory to watch, turn on any electronic screen device, only this live broadcast.

Of course, in addition to the virtual helmet, because the people who use the virtual helmet at this moment are veteran fans of "Mecha World", and they are also unknowingly involved in this war.

Jiang Haoxuan said in the base: "Although Sky City is strong, they lack the most basic combat power.

Ling Mu also nodded and said: "That's right, the League of Nations and Mechanical City have a large number of magic envoys and other combat powers, while those humanoid robots in Sky City are only a few thousand, and in the grassroots combat power of magic envoys, we can crush each other." "

The League of Nations' Magic Envoy Force is the most elite Envoy Force in the world.

Half of the graduates of the Academy of Magic will go to the five major countries, and the other half will come to the League of Nations.

More than half of the magic envoys of the entire Blue Star have gathered here, and the number is tens of thousands, among which the top 100 magic envoy squads, each of which is a strong person who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Sky City, what to make up for this flaw?

The two showed confident expressions.

As early as three hours ago, the [Moon Base] activity of Mecha World had already begun.

Tens of thousands of veteran players from all over the world participated in this event, and in the virtual world, they boarded a spaceship to Blue Star.

At this moment, these spacecraft have passed through the defenses of the three-pointed star and come to the space of the blue star.

Subsequently, hundreds of huge spaceships appeared above Sky City, covering the sky, like the pressure of the alien army, terrifying.

These hundreds of spaceships are a group of warships born together with the moon base, in order to become the army of space cities.

After all, if a space city is to roam the universe, it needs an army of warships that can fight in the universe.

The flagship of this army is the Qinglong satellite.

With a dragon roar from the Qinglong satellite, the violent sound resounded throughout the battlefield like a clarion call for attack.

Hundreds of warships opened their hatches, and countless mechs came out of them.

Ordinary players have Warfighter Mechs, while veteran players have Warlord Mechs, some high-play, and even have Ares mechs.

Together, the number of the three is close to 30,000.

Although there is not as many as the number of the League of Nations magic troops, it has formed an army of mecha that is enough to counter the grassroots forces of the League of Nations.

From the moment of its birth, the lunar base has been producing these mechs non-stop.

War soldiers, war generals, and God of War mecha are all mass-produced mecha, except for the God of War mecha project is more complicated, the remaining two, as long as the material is enough, can be on the assembly line.

So that in a short period of time, through the game "Mecha World", every player obtains a soldier mecha in the game, and the moon base will assemble a physical soldier mecha.

Now, these players control the mecha and come to this battlefield.

For them, this game is very real, whether it is the environment, the sound, and even the characters.

The rewards for this event are extremely generous, and the more enemies you kill, the more experience they earn, upgrade their ranks, and earn more advanced mechs.

The armies of the two sides made contact, and war was on the verge of breaking out.

This is a war between magic messengers and mechs.

The one-on-one battle between the White Tiger mecha and the sharp soldier mecha hit from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the sea.

And in the army of mecha, four obviously different mechs appeared in the war.

After some players saw them, they were surprised: "This is a god-level player in the game, the top four in the combat power list!"

"That's Gu Xixi! Battle power list one! "

Gu Xixi controlled the Poor Qi mecha, and in the war, he easily eliminated the enemy in front of him.

Without Wang Chenning, Gu Xixi would be the person with the highest talent in Blue Star Mecha, and there would be no one.

The core-level mecha he piloted already really has the strength to compete with the strategic level.

Not long after, a fifth-level pollutant came in front of him.

In the virtual world, Gu Xixi also saw the introduction of this pollutant.

[BOSS: Mother of Spiders.]

Strength: Strategic level.

Body length: 52 meters.

Abilities: Able to use corrosive venom, move quickly, and spawn quickly, creating an army of polluting bodies.

Bounty: 200 million tokens, 300,000 experience. Seeing

the final bounty, Gu Xixi's heart was extremely moved.

His current rank is already colonel, and with these 300,000 experiences, he can become the first general in the game to reach the rank of major general.

And the 200 million tokens are also eye-catching.

With such wealth, you can buy a villa in the most prosperous city in Mecha World.

Gu Xixi is addicted to games and almost treats them as his real world.

At this time, seeing this fifth-level pollutant body in front of him, he seemed to see a piece of cooked fat meat, and quickly rushed over, wanting to swallow it in one bite.

But the fifth-level pollutant body is obviously not so easy to deal with, and he is fighting with the poor qi mecha.

The mother of spiders spat out spider silk and weaved a spider web thousands of meters in diameter in the battlefield.

Ordinary combat mecha, entangled in cobwebs, can hardly get out, and declare death on the spot.

After death, players can choose to revive and ride a new mech to join the battlefield again.

So in the battleship, mecha kept flying out of the hatch and joining the battlefield.

This scene made Ling Mu and Jiang Haoxuan in the base extremely gloomy.

Reynolds, who was sitting in the middle, said with a smile: "It is worthy of Mu Yue, even this technology has been reproduced, if there is this technology, how much sacrifice will my Noah Fortress reduce in this thousand-year space voyage."

Renault sighed.

Now that Noah's fortress has been destroyed by Mu Yue, it makes no sense to think about it anymore.

Except for the White Tiger Mecha and the Sharp Soldier Mecha, the real combat power of both sides has not yet been shot.

The battlefield is still a war between magic messengers and mechs.

Sky City is in the sky, while Darreis is on the sea.

Mechanical City is the most brutal battlefield.

And this cruelty, only for the magic messenger, soon they found that they paid a great price, and even the teammates sacrificed in front of them, and the mecha that was finally eliminated was unmanned.

At this moment, they felt an aura of despair that enveloped the entire battlefield.

Their sacrifice ... What's the point, exactly?

They're fighting a bunch of mechanics to the death.

Is this really still war?

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