In Darreis, Mu Yue sneaked here with the war maid Sansan, as well as Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, and Gao Xiaoshen.

They investigated Mu Yixue's location and wanted to go in to the rescue.

The outcome of this war is not important at all, only two things matter.

Rescue Mu Yixue.

Reclaim endless energy.

Even if they lose this war, as long as they recapture the endless energy, they can instantly turn defeat into victory.

So that's the core of war.

Several people turned on the optical camouflage and began to infiltrate a secret research institute in Darreis.

This research institute, which even the former twelve god generals did not know, was the place where Jiang Haoxuan and Li Mo once co-created.

It seems that the cooperation between the Skytower and the SE organization began a long time ago.

The two world's largest hostile organizations have deceived the world and put on a cat-and-mouse drama for everyone.

Until Ling Mu became one of the four high-level leaders of scientific extremism, the relationship between the two sides changed from cooperation to mutual use.

Coming to the institute, there is a team of magic messengers ranked third in the international league.

The top three squads, known as the Twelve Gods General Candidate, are extremely powerful, and each of them has the strength of the first echelon below the strategic level.

Optical camouflage, it is difficult to hide from the perception of the elements by this strong person.

Mu Yue took out a Rubik's Cube from his hand, and then gently turned it.

Suddenly, the surrounding space changed, shrouding several people and the entire research institute.

The surroundings become unreal, as if you are in a different world.

Seeing such a magical scene, Xu Qin couldn't help but ask, "Mu Yue, what is this?"

"The core-level weapon, the space singularity, can create an independent small world, but it is not stable here, it can only last for an hour, after an hour, I have to restore the Rubik's Cube, otherwise the space will collapse and we will disappear together."

Hearing this, Xu Qin couldn't help but tremble, only feeling a little terrible.

Luo Cheng seemed to understand and said: "So we have to rescue Yi Xue within an hour, otherwise after this place is lifted, we will be discovered by others in the outside world?"

"That's right."

Mu Yue nodded.

The energy of Endless Energy is too strong to be in the space singularity, so this core-level weapon can only be used on Yixue's body.

They must first rescue Yixue.

After all, Mu Yue threatened the Tower of Heaven with the Star Destroyer, and likewise, the Tower of Heaven was threatening him with Yixue.

At that time, if Sky City wins the war, Sky Tower threatens with Yixue.

Or the Tower of Heaven killed Yixue, and Sky City used the Star Destroyer.

Which kind of situation is not what Mu Yue wants to see, but these two situations, if Yi Xue is not rescued, one of them will definitely happen.

"So what are you waiting for, let's get on!"

Xu Qin and the three broke into the research institute.

Suddenly, a violent alarm sounded at the institute.

Xu Qin and the three instantly fought with the magic envoy team guarding here.

Once the three of them joined forces and could not necessarily fight one of them, but now they have to fight three against four, which is quite a difficult thing for them.

Mu Yue also thought about bringing a few strategic-level magic envoys with him, but after all, it was a temporary space, and if the strategic-level made a move, the space would be damaged almost instantly.

So Xu Qin and the three are the best choice.

Taking advantage of their efforts to deal with the enemy and share each other's energy, Mu Yue and Sansan ran deeper into the research institute.

However, as one of the cores of this war, how could there be only one team of magic messengers guarding the institute.

Suddenly, a man suddenly appeared in front of Mu Yue's eyes.

Looking at him, Mu Yue said lightly: "Mutant of the speed of sound?

At the same time, the invisible attack struck, Sansan had a premonition, she raised her hand, blocked the attack, and then swung a sword with her backhand.

The other party hurriedly dodged and stood beside the man.

Sansan said: "Master, it is invisible. At

the same time, a red-haired woman walked over, and a ring of red power wrapped around her arm.

"A mutant of Nianli."

The three guys, except for the invisible mutants who were no threat to Mu Yue, the other two were tricky.

Facing them, Sansan held two swords in his hand and said with a warm expression: "Master, leave it to me here." "


Mu Yue nodded and continued forward.

And the mutant of the speed of sound instantly came to Mu Yue's face and wanted to stop him.

The next moment.

Sansan appeared in front of him, her speed, almost keeping up with the speed of sound.

These three mutants, all of whom are among the best in ability among all mutants, are also known as level four mutants.

Now Sansan wants to be like her name, one against three.

She looked at the three mutants who surrounded her, and said lightly: "If the opponent is a human, I will not lose." "

Although she has always been useless, and her combat power is not very strong, she is an artificial intelligence created by Mu Yue himself, and the enlightened man-machine that is juxtaposed with Qilin, Mu Yi, and Mu Er.

She rushed forward and killed the invisible mutant with a single sword, and then faced the mutant at the speed of sound, almost indiscriminately.

But Sansan's skills were clearly superior, and they were quickly eliminated.

And only the trickiest one remained.

A mutant of Nian Li.

This ability makes it difficult for Sansan to get close.

But for the sake of her master and lady, she must do everything in her power to stop the enemy.


On the other side, Mu Yue had already come to the deepest part of the institute.

Human Laboratory.

The laboratory is huge, almost five hundred square meters.

In the state of optical camouflage, Mu Yue walked here.

And here besides him, there are two others.

Li Chaodemon... And lying on the lab bench ... Fish Qingrui.

What's going on here?

Yu Qingrui's body was scarred, and it seemed that there was a big battle, and she lost the battle.

Mu Yixue is not here, but in the basement in the human laboratory.

If you want to enter the basement, you must pass through this place.

And the scene in front of him also gave Mu Yue some familiar feelings.

The arrangement here is exactly the same as the scene he saw when he first opened his eyes in Blue Star.

This should be the former's human laboratory when Li Mo and Jiang Haoxuan cooperated.

Today, it is Li Chaomo's laboratory.

There are a hundred petri dishes, and in each petri dish is a child.

Their magical qualifications are excellent.

It seems that Li Chaomo has never given up the study of the perfect elf.

And Mu Yixue's appearance also made him more obsessed with the pursuit of perfect elves, and even reproduced Li Mo's experiment at that time.

And this experiment is now underway.

Yu Qingrui is just a fly that accidentally broke in.

But to be able to hurt Yu Qingrui like this, there should still be a strategic-level existence here.

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