"Unexpectedly, the mother of the real mutant turned out to be a child."

Yu Qingrui's twenty-year-old age is a little girl who has not dried up for Li Chaomo.

And she was indeed a little immature, came to this place alone to save Mu Yixue, and finally lost to the Flame Queen and became an experimental subject on the Li Chao Demon experimental table.

Although Yu Qingrui is a perfect mutant, she is not a match for the Flame Queen in terms of combat power alone.

Because she retained her consciousness, it affected her own strength.

Now, Yu Qingrui's consciousness is clear, but because of anesthesia, she can't move.

Looking at the man in front of him, Yu Qingrui asked with some fear: "Will I die?"

"Hmph, dare to come here to save people, you are still afraid of death!"

"Of course I'm afraid... I haven't been in a relationship yet. Thinking

of this, Yu Qingrui couldn't help but cry.

She was already timid, otherwise she would not have hidden her identity for so long.

But soon she fainted.

Li Chaomo didn't like to hear crying, so he gave Yu Qingrui more anesthetic.

Mu Yue looked at this scene, thinking about how to get past Li Chao Demon and open the door of the basement.

In addition to Li Chaodemon, there are many ordinary armed soldiers, as well as more than a dozen researchers.

Opening the basement door will definitely cause movement and attract the attention of everyone present.

Suddenly, Mu Yue thought of the way he broke away eleven years ago.

He walked next to Yu Qingrui, and Li Chaomo, who was standing in front of him, suddenly frowned.

The latter felt that there was someone in front of him, but it seemed that he did not see it very clearly.

"I'm short-sighted?" Li Chaomo said suspiciously.

And Mu Yue gently put his hand on Yu Qingrui's brain door and sent some nanocells into the latter's body.

The nanocells moved on Yu Qingrui's brain door and entered her body through the seven tips, invading her brain while releasing her anesthesia.

Yu Qingrui's strength is not strong, in the final analysis, it is because she has not participated in the battle at all, which is equivalent to ordinary people suddenly having strategic-level strength.

Such a strategic level, even the weakest strategic level magic envoy can't beat it.

The nanocells affected her consciousness, and although she said that she could not directly control the other party, she could also create some "instincts" for the other party to fight.

Soon, Yu Qingrui's anesthetic effect was completely engulfed by nanocells, and her consciousness gradually became clear.

Li Chao Demon felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out where it was.

I saw some flames appear on Yu Qingrui's body.

This is her mutant ability, which is also related to flames, but it is fundamentally different from the Flame Queen.

She is a mutant of the Phoenix, the Phoenix Woman.

"Not good!"

Feeling the temperature gradually rising, Li Chao Demon took a few steps back and turned on his armored armament at the same time.

Yu Qingrui's flame wings spread behind her, and she flew up from the experimental table, and then landed smoothly and stood in front of Mu Yue.

With her current strength, she was already able to sense Mu Yue.

Similarly, after Li Chao Demon put on the armor of the American Federation, Mu Yue's figure could also be seen.

"It's you!!" Li Chao Demon said angrily.

Mu Yue ignored him, but said to Yu Qingrui: "Don't use forces above the strategic level, the space here will collapse."

After that, Mu Yue came to the door of the basement and put his hand on the door.

"Wrong password."

[Informed, a forced invasion is being made...] The intrusion was successful. "

The password is correct."

The elevator door to the basement opened, and Mu Yue walked in.

Seeing this scene, Li Chaodemon looked at Yu Qingrui who stopped in front of him gloomyly, and asked: "Mu Yixue's location is claimed to be in prison, why can he know the exact location?"

"You think it's me snitching?" I'm sorry, but you underestimated him.

Yu Qingrui stopped the group of people in front of him.

She remembered Mu Yue's advice and did not use forces above the strategic level.

And Mu Yue's elevator began to descend downward.

The basement is fifteen meters high.

And the temperature of the basement is extremely high because of the existence of the Flame Queen, which has reached about eight hundred degrees.

Mu Yue turned on the energy shield and looked at the woman covered in flames in front of him.

And behind the Flame Queen is Mu Yixue's ice coffin.

With such a high temperature, the steaming took nearly half a month, and the ice coffin did not melt in the slightest.

Mu Yixue was able to elementalize a part of her body, so she elementalized her fatal parts and connected them with cold ice.

If the ice shattered, then her fatal parts would also shatter.

And this cold ice is not so easy to break, this is Mu Yixue's cold ice, even the top strategic-level magic envoy, may not be able to break.

At this time, the Flame Queen walked over step by step.

This was the first time that Mu Yue had faced a strategic level head-on without Xuanwu and White Tiger.

And this strategic level is Gu Xixi's sister, Gu Dongdong.

However, Gu Dongdong is dead, and the person in front of him is the fifth-level mutant of the SE organization, the Flame Queen.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Mu Yue took out the Rubik's Cube.

Instead of returning the cube to its original position, he turned it in the other direction.

[Inform and turn on core-level weapons, space singularity functions, space cages.] In

an instant, this alien space gradually shrunk, eventually shrouding the Flame Queen in it.

So much so that this institute is no longer in the space of the space singularity.

Mu Yue restored the Rubik's Cube to its original position, and the Flame Queen had already been locked up in the Rubik's Cube.

Similarly, time is an hour, and after an hour, she can break the alien space and destroy the spatial singularity.

The existence of strategic-level space, the space singularity cannot be completely limited.

At the same time, the powerful confrontation between Xu Qin and the third ranked Magic Squad in the International League has been discovered by the outside world.

Watching the space return to normal, Luo Cheng said in a condensed voice: "Mu Yue lifted the spatial singularity?

"He saved Yixue!" Xu Qin said excitedly.

The three stood together, all suffering some injuries.

However, this does not prevent them from using strategic-level magic.

This is also the only fusion magic that has appeared on Blue Star today.

Looking at the extremely powerful magic envoy squad in front of them, the three said in unison: "Core-level magic, three phantom gods!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge three phantom beasts almost emptied the magic reserves of the three people, and they condensed and rushed towards this magic envoy team, engulfing them directly.

But not far away, a steady stream of troops appeared and surrounded here.

In the basement, Mu Yue came to Mu Yixue's ice coffin.

Through the cold ice, he touched the position of the latter's cheek and said softly: "Yixue, my brother is coming to take you home."

Then, he connected Mu Er in his mind and said lightly: "Mission accomplished..."

Sky City, launch a general attack. "

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