The battlefield of Mechanical City is already dark, and although the comprehensive combat power and number of magic envoys are much higher than those from "Mecha World", the latter is a remote control that is not afraid of death at all, and this war is basically two concepts for the meaning of both sides.

And at the moment when Mu Yixue was successfully rescued, Mu Er, wearing Xuan armor, led Feng Qiandao, Luo Ying, and Phantom Light Dance to a certain position in Darreis.

They were ready to rescue Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, who were trapped there.

And in that place, Yu Qingrui was fighting with Li Chaodemon.

Getting rid of Li Chaodemon is also the ultimate goal of Phantom Light Dance.

In Darreis's research institute, Mu Yue couldn't untie Mu Yixue's ice seal for the time being.

She is now in a state of deep sleep, and the ice element not only seals her body, but also her spirit.

And the battle outside is still going on, fortunately, here is more than ten meters underground, not greatly affected, Mu Yue is safe for the time being.

Looking at Mu Yixue's stunning face, Mu Yue squatted next to her, and for a while she didn't know what to do.

Soon, he began to think about how he could lift the ice around her.

To let her come out of it, you must first lift her body elementalization, otherwise anyone who destroys the ice will destroy it along with her.

So much so that the only way to let Mu Yixue lift the ice seal is for her to lift it herself.

This means that the only way to do this is to wake her up.

But how to wake her up?

Mu Yixue's deep sleep is no different from the state of suspended animation, she can't feel outside, can't hear sound, and doesn't have any touch.

The more Mu Yue thought about it, the more anxious he became, when it came to Mu Yixue's affairs, his mind seemed to be burned by fire, restless.

And the fighting continues.

The three of Xu Qin exhausted all their magic, but the core-level weapons of the three of them were upgraded by Mu Yue.

The Thunder Spirit Bead, the Wood Spirit Bead, and the Water Spirit Bead became the perfect elven weapons, although they could not reach Mu Yixue's strength, but at least they could reserve a large number of elements.

Before this war, the three of Xu Qin had been merging magic into their elemental beads, and now, it was still no problem to use the three illusion gods three or four times.

They are like charging treasures, restoring the elements that Xu Qin and the three have just exhausted to their heyday.

Around them, countless enemies surrounded here, among which there were even several divine envoys, Knights of the Round Table and such level powerhouses.

Reinforcements from Sky City have also arrived, and the war is gradually spreading from Mechanical City towards Darrys.

Similarly, Sky City has also become a battlefield, the familiar [Iron Curtain] has opened, and the three cities have all become war zones.

For a strategic level, a city is barely a battlefield.

And this war gathered almost all the strategic-level powerhouses in the world.

The battlefield of the three cities seems a little small.

As a result, the war continued to expand and soon affected the surrounding cities.

The closest country here is the Western United Nations.

This war will soon affect them, as well as the more than a billion citizens on the territory of the United Nations in the west.

Everyone was watching this scene nervously, and the people of the United Nations in the West were terrified every minute.

A war of this level, even the destruction of a country, is completely out of the question.

The surrounding sea is turbulent, and something seems to be controlling the water.

In Sky City, Murong Yueji, the head of the Murong family, looked at this scene and said to Murong Xian'er next to him: "It's it." "

Seventh ancestor, natural water.

When she was inland in the magic capital, Murong Yueji was still no match for natural water.

Now, below Sky City, there is an endless ocean.

The ocean surrounded Darreis and Mechanical City, and Murong Yueji simply could not imagine how strong the natural water would be at this moment.

And Murong Xian'er looked at her sister and said lightly: "How long have we not dealt with the enemy together?" Hearing

this, Murong Yueji was stunned, she thought about it, and said a little silently: "After Yixue was born... It's been almost nineteen years. "


Murong Xian'er smiled slightly and said, "The world has almost forgotten that our Murong family's double pride was originally a double star genius.

Murong Yueji shook her head lightly and sighed, "But for the sake of my family, I gave up the path of magic, and I haven't made progress for more than ten years... But..."

Murong Yueji looked at the current that was rushing towards him, which was enough to overturn the entire Sky City, and said lightly: "It's rare to join forces with my sister, even if it is the seventh ancestor, you have to weigh how many pounds and taels you have." The

two stood up and jumped down from the edge of Sky City.

At the same time, in mid-air, two thrones made of pure ice condensed.

Murong Yueji and Murong Xian'er slowly landed on the throne and looked at the natural water.

The two struck at the same time, and the terrifying ice froze the entire ocean.

Even in the coastal cities of the United Nations in the west, you can see that the ocean in front of you turns into polar ice in an instant.

Under the joint efforts of Murong Yueji and Murong Xian'er, the natural water was sealed at once.

But as the ancestor of Blue Star that no one has defeated for thousands of years, the strength of natural water is definitely more than that.

Farther away, the ocean, as if alive, began to stir and spread towards the place where the battlefield was.

The huge tsunami, which can easily subvert a neutral city, begins to move gradually.

Where the sea moved, some neutral cities were completely submerged, and countless lives were sunk into the sea.

The confrontation between the twelve gods and the ancestor level is definitely not the crushing situation of the former and the fifth-level pollutant.

These monsters who have brought great disasters to Blue Star, in this thousand years of stability, their strength has grown to an incomparably terrifying point.

The anger of the ocean, Murong Yueji and Murong Xian'er's faces changed at the same time.

The sealed natural water will break through the ice.

Frozen below sea level, something seemed to be coming out.

Blue Star's ocean area accounts for almost ninety percent of the entire planet, and no matter how strong Murong Xian'er is, she can't freeze all the seawater.

So far, they still don't know how to deal with the seventh ancestor.

And it's not just the seventh ancestor who is in trouble.

Not far away, the First Ancestor World, which had recovered to its heyday, and the Second Ancestor Dragon also rushed over.

In the absence of Mu Yixue, who will deal with these two.


A figure that stood tall rushed over and quickly approached the First Ancestor.

He hugged the first ancestor, and the two fell at great speed and smashed on the ice.

The Second Ancestor was shocked: "Michael! "

Who is it?

Apart from Mu Yixue, insects, and human god mecha, who else on this planet can collide with the First Ancestor like this?

I saw that on the ice, a monkey holding a long stick slowly got up and gradually showed a smile.

"Old monkey comes."

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