This monkey made Ishi's face change.

She was shocked: "Ape God..." Ape God

Qi Tian, one of the three major disasters.

I have to admit that in terms of personal combat power alone, even if Ape God Qi Tian is the eighth place of the ancestor, he is also the strongest of the three major disasters.

But no matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than the First Ancestor.

What's going on?

After Michael stood up, he stared at the stick in the ape god's hand and said solemnly: "What is this?"

"This is a core-level weapon, Ruyi Stick, how about it?" Handsome or not? Qi

Tian was proud.

With the Ruyi Stick, he felt that even if he was the First Ancestor, he could knock the other party to death with a stick.

"Hmph, as a Zerg, with the help of external forces, you really lost our face."

Hearing this, Qi Tian picked his nose and said in disgust: "I can kill you." "

The ancestors are enemies, and Qi Tian has long been unhappy with Michael.

A thousand years ago, this guy looked down on Qi Tian and felt that Qi Tian was a simple-minded monkey.

And now, Qi Tian had to use this ruyi stick to put a stick on the head of the first ancestor to let him know how powerful it was to splash monkeys.

The second ancestor in mid-air was still in surprise.

In terms of IQ, she was not much higher than Qi Tian, which was the degree to which the demon capital disliked her.

But as one of the three major disasters, her strength is still not to be underestimated, and it is also invincible to the extent that human beings cannot defeat.

Her ability to recover can almost be described as an immortal body.

But what she faced was the Suzaku battleship.

Suzaku let out a high cry and rushed towards Izuku.

And Issei's body began to split, gradually becoming extremely huge, summoning his own contaminated body shell.

The second ancestor, who is fifty-nine meters tall, wants to confront the six-hundred-meter-long Suzaku head-on.

The result was obvious, and Ishai was smashed.

But soon, her body recovered as before, and almost instantly returned to its original appearance.

The Suzaku battleship was staring at her, and she was also staring at Suzaku.

Then, Yi Shi said disdainfully: "Just by you? Want to deal with me too? Behind

her, two terrifying creatures gradually approached.

A fifth-level pollutant, a fifty-nine-meter one-eyed falcon, named Yun, has a calm and stable personality, but his shots are decisive and ruthless.

For humans, he is a legendary monster, and his strength is infinitely close to the second ancestor, and it is even rumored that he is no weaker than the second ancestor.

Another fifth-level pollutant, also a fifty-nine-meter one-eyed flaw, is named Cheng.

Although the strength is not as strong as Yun, it is also the right and left hand of Yi Shi, which is equivalent to the level of the four demon king beasts under the demon throne.

Two huge and terrifying creatures, one left and one right, stood behind Ishi, and seemed to treat Ishi like a princess.

Subsequently, the bodies of the three gradually fused together.

Led by Izuku, he turned into a flesh and blood black dragon comparable to the Suzaku battleship.

No one knows how powerful the fusion of three 59-meter pollutants will become.

And such a scene is unheard of by humans on the entire blue star.

Human knowledge of pollutants is still too little.

Jiang Haoxuan looked at this scene with a frown.

Even he never thought that the pollutant would be so powerful.

The second ancestor, as well as the two one-eyed scoundrels, took out one casually, I am afraid that it will be difficult to match in human combat power.

Now that the three are one, if they are not dealing with Sky City, but against the Sky Tower, what should they use to block it?

After this war, the polluters, the League of Nations, the pioneers, and even the Kingdom of God will continue to fight.

It was the strength of Sky City that forced them to join forces temporarily.

The Suzaku battleship and the black dragon tore each other in midair, and for a while Suzaku was even in the downwind.

After all, this black dragon also has a strong self-healing ability.

Looking at the figure of this dragon, everyone understood why the name of the second ancestor was called [Dragon].

But the Suzaku battleship does not necessarily have to be defeated.

Although it can't defeat the demon, it is also very difficult for other ancestors to destroy it.

Suzaku activated the energy shield, and flames began to appear on his body.

Its mechanical feathers turned into bullet-like swords, shooting towards the black dragon like ten thousand arrows in unison.

The latter rushed forward in response to Suzaku's attack and slammed into Suzaku's energy shield.

Two behemoths fell on the ice at the same time.

At the same time, cracks continued to appear on the ice surface, and violent shaking began to occur all around.

The seventh ancestor, natural water, it was about to break the joint seal of Murong Xian'er and Murong Yueji.

However, the most crucial thing in this war is still the battle between the human-god mecha and the enchantment.

On the surface, they didn't seem to make a move, but in fact, the two had broken through the protection of the three-pointed star and came to fight in the universe.

Wang Chenning stood in the human-god mecha.

Mecha above the core level are all human-machine driving methods, synchronizing the driver's senses with the mecha.

And the insect stared at Wang Chenning deadly, and said in a condensed voice: "The universe is my home field, it's time to avenge the revenge of a thousand years ago." Hearing

this, Wang Chenning said lightly: "Endless energy can't give you. "

I want it!" The insect said stubbornly like a little girl.

"Then we have a reason to fight."

The body of the human-god mech began to emit golden light.

This is the energy source of the Human-God Mecha, known as particle energy.

In the next instant, the human-god mecha disappeared in place.

The place where Wang Chenning was just now turned into a mass of light particles that gradually dissipated.

"The particle transformation of the human-god mecha." The insect said in a condensed voice.

The maximum speed of the human-god mecha can reach the speed of light.

But she made a demon, but the cosmic creature that was born after devouring the life of an entire planet, how could she stop for a thousand years.

She turned around and seemed to have anticipated Wang Chenning's attack.

But her behavior has been predicted by Wang Chenning.

The insect was slashed in the front of the human god mecha, and the whole person was cut out and smashed on the surface of the moon.

Wang Chenning instantly chased after him.

With the physical strength of the insect, this knife is not painful or itchy for her.

But this familiar feeling comes again.

The feeling of powerlessness in the face of the human-god mecha.

The other party is like a fighting monster, able to predict all her actions.

This was also the real reason why Wang Chenning was able to single-handedly fight the Devil and the Ten Great Ancestors a thousand years ago.

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