After flying out of the basement, Mu Yue found that the research institute outside had been razed to the ground.

At the same time, the Rubik's Cube in his hand also began to crack.

Mu Yue threw the Rubik's Cube out.

After the cube was thrown out, it exploded like a bomb.

The Flame Queen walked out of the spatial singularity.

Coalition forces from Blue Star have also surrounded the place.

Among them, a long spear fell from the sky and was inserted in the middle of Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, and Gao Xiaoshen, and the fluctuation of the spear landing on the ground knocked the three people out.

Then, a man in armor landed on the edge of the spear and pulled it out of the ground.

Seeing this person, everyone was shocked.

The first strong man in the Kingdom of God, Dou Shen.

His appearance made Xu Qin and the three show difficult expressions.

But soon, Mu Er came here with Luo Ying, Feng Qiandao, and Phantom Light Dance.

And some players from Mecha World also came to this place in a team.

This mech team consists of one core-level mech, ten God of War mechs, fifty general mechs, and two hundred battle mechs.

Such a number, it is not too much to say that it is a mecha regiment.

But everyone is following the core-level mecha, wanting to rub experience behind the big guy.

And this core-level mecha is the poor qi mecha.

That is, Gu Xixi.

He had just successfully eliminated a Level 5 pollutant and became the number one in the entire Mecha World in one fell swoop.

Looking at the woman in front of her who was wrapped in flames, Gu Xixi was surprised: "Sister? But...... Isn't that a game? Gu

Xixi didn't understand why she could see her sister who had become a mutant in the game.

But it's a game, and it's what he does best.

In reality, his sister is caught and he can't do anything, and if he still does nothing in the game, then his belief in the game will collapse.

The Flame Queen is Gu Xixi's opponent.

And Feng Qiandao and Luo Ying faced the fighting god of the Kingdom of God.

The ordinary armies of the Kingdom of God, the United Nations in the West, and the Far North have also begun to act.

Tanks, planes, like locust presses, are densely coming towards the battlefield, and countless missiles are coming towards Sky City and the players of "Mecha World".

Among them, a black missile is very conspicuous and attracts everyone's attention.

Nuclear weapon!

Which force launched it?

This nuclear weapon is set to explode at a timed time, and this time they learned to be smart and wanted to detonate before Sky City could take control of the nuclear weapon.

Soon, the nuclear weapon approached Sky City and began to explode in an instant.

However, a person suddenly appeared and said lightly: "Five Element Seal." "

The five elements came together to envelop the explosion of a nuclear weapon.

The Winning Array, the owner of the Five Elements, is able to use the most powerful sealing magic in the world.

The five elements form an indestructible seal that binds the explosion of a nuclear weapon securely.

The explosion broke through the layers of seals, and the seals kept regenerating and repairing, and the two sides were deadlocked.

However, the seal is maintained, and the explosion of nuclear weapons will stop.

Soon, the explosion of nuclear weapons was completely limited, and the nuclear contamination in it was also sealed by the Winging Array, and then Jingu Chizuru struck out and blew the seal of the Winning Array into the sky with the wind element, including the nuclear pollution.


Ying Jin showed an expression of approval.

The progress of the Jingu Chizuru is fast, and now even he is not necessarily the opponent of the Jingu Chizuru at this time.

The girl seemed to have other things to do, though.

She wants to find Hades and get him out.

Although the ancestors were all involved in this war, Hades was still missing.

But he should be in this place.

In Sky City, all seven kings struck.

Seven swords of Damocles hang high around the city.

As the Seven Guardians of Sky City, they will destroy all enemies who attempt to invade Sky City.

Seven huge giant swords, what a spectacular scene.

And if the seven giant swords crashed at the same time, their power could even be compared with the star orbital strike that was strengthened by the Xuanyuan sword.

With these seven swords of Damocles, the sky is almost invincible.

The other strategic-level magic envoys of the Divine Kingdom, the strategic-level magic envoys of the Mo family, and the patriarch of the Sikong family all attacked Sky City.

The seven kings stand together against all incoming enemies.

After Mu Yixue was rescued, there was only one thing to do for Sky City now.

Reclaim the source of magic that was taken away by Blue Star thousands of years ago.

The endless energy has been sealed in the underground of the Heavenly Tower that has become a ruin, by hundreds of magic spells set up by the twelve gods and generals over the past thousand years.

Natural water emerges from the icebreaker and is once again revealed.

Murong Xian'er and Murong Yueji got up from the ice seat and began to fight together against natural water again.

The other side.

Yun Hui had already fought with the Fifth Ancestor Monk Demon.

The latter, as the ancestor, dealt with a twelve god generals and gained the upper hand.

And at this moment, the entire Darreis is at war, even the ancient city of Narugami Town is not out of the way.

At this level of war, the only Fourth Ancestor Yuan Turtle that did not hatch woke up from the underground of the Ming God Temple.

The witch seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and she pulled out the saber at her waist, and the blade flashed with thunder and lightning.

This time, she wants to represent the witch vein and completely eliminate the Yuan Turtle.

And under the leadership of the Divine Palace Qianzuru, Black Qi Baiqi, White Snake, and even Blazing Angel all struck.

The pollutant body of the Demon King's vein began to compete with the other fifth-level pollutant bodies participating in the battle.

The number of Grade 5 pollutants in the world has reached more than thirty, much more than human powerhouses.

Of these thirty-odd animals, at least fifteen were in the battlefield, and other fifth-level pollutants also took advantage of the chaos to attack humans around the world.

And the combat power of the human race is concentrated here, and it cannot support other places.

As a result, Shen Tianyi was under a lot of pressure.

She traveled to places around the world where pollutant disasters occurred, and eliminated level five pollutants one by one.

Even if she is a twelve god general, she has the strength to destroy the fifth-level pollutant body, and she is a little unable to deal with the fifth-level pollutant body continuously.

And Mu Yue's side is facing a terrible guy.

God of War, Chi Xiaotian.

"See you again, little friend."

Looking at Mu Yue now, Chi Xiaotian showed a smile on his face.

The last time they met, he almost lost to Mu Yixue.

However, since he knew that Mu Yixue had the strength to defeat the First Ancestor, he also understood that this girl was stronger than him.

He is the strongest in the world, and he wants to break through to become a stronger magician, but he has not found a way.

And the girl in the ice coffin in front of her seems to have broken through this limit.

Chi Xiaotian stared at Mu Yue and said in a deep voice: "Tell me, how to break through the limit?"

Mu Yue knew what the other party was asking, but he didn't bother to deal with the God of War, but turned around and prepared to return to the sky.

But the God of War did not want to give him a chance to leave.

The strongest twelve god generals aimed their spearhead at Mu Yue.

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