Mu Yue knew that if they didn't knock the God of War down, it would be impossible for them to leave here easily.

Mu Yue put the ice coffin behind him.

Xu Qin and the three hurriedly rushed over and guarded around the ice coffin.

Luo Cheng said: "Mu Yue, don't worry, here we are."

Mu Yue nodded, and then came to the opposite side of the God of War.

Looking at Chi Xiaotian in front of him, Mu Yue asked lightly: "Blue Star people, your greed will eventually make you pay. "

The cost?"

The God of War was dressed like a beggar, and at this time, he was even on crutches, and said without care: "I don't even care about the family, I still care about what Blue Star." "

After becoming the number one in the world, his strength has almost never improved again.

His lifelong wish is to become the legendary god of magic.

He threw a punch at Mu Yue.

A terrifying nuclear explosion erupted from in front of him, and Mu Yue confronted head-on, decomposing the special substances in the nuclear explosion.

The two attacked one and defused the other, and no one could help the other.

But the God of War is an elemental enhancer, and his physical fitness is much higher than that of other strategic-level magicians.

He quickly rushed forward and engaged the Xuanwu mech in close combat.

Now that Xiao Yi is driving the White Tiger Mecha to deal with the sharp soldiers, he has no way to turn on the enlightened man-machine mode for the time being.

In the face of the God of War's fist and foot attack, Mu Yue is not an opponent, fortunately, he has learned something from Wang Chenning during this time, so that he will not even have the ability to fight back.

"Unexpectedly, the real master of Sky City is really just a scientist."

As the time of the fight became longer and longer, the God of War gradually understood this matter.

In battle, Mu Yue was completely a layman.

First, Blue Star scientists created the SE organization that can compete with the Sky Tower, and now, the creation of Sky City also shows the importance of science.

Sure enough, Bluestar's choice to develop magic was the wrong decision.

After all, magic is nothing more than a product of science.

Mu Yue did not speak, but continued to fight him.

The latter asked again: "Mu Yue, I will give you one last chance, Sky City is indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, there is no way to deal with the entire Blue Star and the pollutant body, and the pioneers joined forces, tell me, how can I become a god of magic, when I become a god of magic, I will save your life, and Sky City will always be there." "

When they fight, the painting cake from the opponent, Mu Yue is not the first time to hear it.

But who will believe the promises of their opponents?

So far, the God of War has a bad impression on Mu Yue, he is a person who will stop at nothing to achieve his ends.

He could watch the entire Chi family being wiped out by Sky City and be indifferent.

Seeing that Mu Yue did not answer, the expression of the God of War sank, and he spoke: "In that case, I can only arrest you and torture you."

He attacked Mu Yue again, and the latter began to dodge.

Although the Enlightenment Human-Machine cannot be turned on at present, many of the auxiliary functions of the Xuan Armor are still there.

Anti-predict, dodge, automatic aiming.

These functions allow Mu Yue not to easily lose when facing the God of War.

But his purpose is not to delay time, but to destroy the God of War, after all, every minute of time is precious now.

Wang Chenning was delaying time in space, and the demon insect did not know where to hide and wait for the opportunity.

With every extra minute, Wang Chenning's pressure will be one point greater.

Thinking of this, Mu Yue raised his hand and shot out a laser.

And the God of War punched in the air, and the nuclear explosion and the laser collided together, sending out a violent explosion.

In the flames of the explosion, the two continued to fight.

As the strongest of the Blue Star humans, the strength of the God of War is indeed terrifying, but for Mu Yue. Not unfathomable.

The three Xu Qin next to them stayed around the ice coffin for a while, and there were wars everywhere nearby, which seemed that the three of them were very small.

Dou Shen fought one against two, and dealt with Luo Ying and Feng Qiandao at the same time.

He is a veteran powerhouse, dealing with two newly promoted strategic ranks, although the pressure is great, but he still has the upper hand.

After all, he is also the second strongest in the world on the bright side of Blue Star, and he only lost the God of War move many years ago.

"The Queen of Gravity, the gas element, and the two rare elements are just that."

Dou Shen showed a disdainful expression.

The biggest difference between him and the God of War is that the Doushen is extremely conceited, he inherited the common illness of the gods in the previous kingdom of the gods, and he looked high all day.

Hearing this, Feng Qiandao's face showed a crazy expression, and he sneered: "A group of clowns who claim to be gods, I want to see how your blood is different from mine."

As soon as the words fell, he rushed forward, and before Luo Ying could come to his senses, Feng Qiandao burst out with a more powerful force than just now.

"This guy, when did he get stronger again?"

Feng Qiandao is originally a dual personality, crazy on one side and calm on the other.

Since he joined Sky City, his crazy personality seems to be asleep, and he has hardly appeared.

Someone once asked Feng Qiandao, where did that crazy you go.

He said...... That personality doesn't want to be a worker.

So all this time, what everyone saw was a calm Feng Qian Dao.

Only now, having encountered his difficult enemies, that crazy him has reappeared.

In Luo Ying's line of sight, Feng Qiandao was still pressed and beaten, but he seemed to be fighting more and more courageously, and while releasing magic, he laughed maniacally, and even the Dou Shen was surprised.

He waved the spear in his hand and stuck a shot into Feng Qiandao's shoulder.

Blood popped out, and Feng Qiandao showed a pained expression, but the corners of his mouth grinned, and he said in a deep voice: "Let me get hurt, and I will let you lose a layer of skin."

He gripped the spear that the other man had stuck in his shoulder.

The air vibrated at high frequencies above the spear, making the palm of the fighting god numb, and he released the hand that was holding the spear.

Seeing this scene, Dou Shen showed a gloomy expression.

The opponent who let him get rid of his weapon, except for the God of War, this is the first time.

Luo Ying was just about to come over to help, but was yelled at by Feng Qiandao.

"Don't come over... This is my prey! "

It is clear that he is being pressed and beaten, but Feng Qiandao's battle intent is high, as if he is the one who has the upper hand.

Today's Feng Qiandao is the first old man in Sky City, and he is also the dean of Sky Academy.

If he couldn't even beat the so-called second strongest of Blue Star, he was sorry for the cultivation of Sky City.

Live footage of this battle has been broadcast all over the world.

Many fans of Feng Qiandao screamed, shouting Feng Qiandao to cheer.


Two gorgeously dressed girls holding microphones walked leisurely to the very center of the battlefield.

One of the twelve god generals, Geji Lan Xiya, and her sister Lan Nian.

Listening to the screams and sounds of war around her, Lan Nian hugged her sister's arm with some fear.

But she still plucked up her courage and asked in a low voice: "Sister, shall we start?" "


A beautiful song, vibrating through her rare elements, resounded throughout the battlefield.

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