The voice of the singer, no matter when it appears, can calm the mind.

The spell that was in the middle of the battle brought the troops and mech troops to a halt.

Players can hear the voice from the singer even in the virtual world.

They are in the virtual world, they can't see the live broadcast outside, and they don't know that the world war has already broken out, and they can only sigh:

the future technology company is really powerful, and the game is so realistic.

Listening to the voice of Goji, the players looked at the magic messengers in the game and suddenly felt that they were a little pitiful.

None of these magical faces are repetitive, as if they were real people.

On their faces, many people are confused, and there is no desire to fight at all.

In this way, many people died in the attack of the mecha, with questions about the world and confusion about themselves, and passed away without clarity.

Most of them don't know what they're fighting for.

For hometown?

However, Sky City did not harm ordinary people, on the contrary, they saved many people and did not pose any threat to their hometown.

For the scramble for the source of magic?

However, no matter who obtained the source of magic, it was impossible for them to reach the hands of these grassroots magic envoys, let alone other ordinary soldiers.

This war, whether won or lost, does not mean anything to them.

If they win Sky City, they won't get anything, and if they lose Sky City, they will die.

In order to survive, so you are the enemy of Sky City?

But this is the Sky City they actively provoked.

A decision by the top of Blue Star, a war was born.

They ordinary people will die senselessly.

A magic envoy who watched the three teammates who had been getting along for more than ten years all die in front of him, coupled with Goji's voice, it had already made him lose his will to fight.

The mecha in front of him also stopped attacking, and the player looked at this magic messenger and said helplessly: "You go." "

They are just players, not professional soldiers, and when they see this scene, they can't get off at all.

But the magic in front of him has already chosen to commit suicide.

Just now, he learned that his hometown had been sunk into the sea by the tsunami of natural water of the seventh ancestor.

He has no relatives, and now that three of his closest comrades have died in front of him, he does not plan to survive alone.

Seeing this scene, the player in front of him was slightly stunned.

Then, he showed an angry expression.

"I know!"

He posted a message on the World Channel, saying: "I know what the hidden main quest of this event is!

"I know too."

Other players resonated.

Their enemies should not be these enchanters and soldiers, but the higher echelons who stand in Darreth and command everything.

There are no magic messengers in the battlefield, but also zombies, low-level tyrants, mutants, gene warriors, elven messengers.

But why are these things not the product of innocents?

The predecessors of these five types of enemies are all humans.

And the culprit who caused all this is their real mission goal.

Thinking of this, a steady stream of players rushed towards Darreis.

The next moment.

The corners of Ling Mu's mouth curled slightly, and he pressed a button without noticing a trace.

The nuclear weapons buried in the center of the Mechanical City began to operate, detonating the entire surface of the Mechanical City.

Tens of thousands of mecha instantly disappeared, and only some of the God of War mecha and the three core-level mecha in Mechanical City barely survived.

At the same time, almost fifty percent of the troops involved in the war died in nuclear weapons.

And in this war, the SE organization did not send all the elven envoys, gene warriors, etc.

Most of those who died in Mechanical City were just some zombies and monsters like tyrants, which were useless.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Haoxuan's face distorted, he grabbed the collar of the man next to him, and said angrily: "What do you mean!!" You ruined the foundation of Blue Star!! "

The League of Nations has half of the world's magic envoys, and now, in addition to going out on missions, and stationed in the League of Nations branches in major cities in the world, and the magic envoys who are fighting in Darrys, the remaining fifty percent are in Mechanical City, all of them have died.

The top 100 V-class squads sacrificed at least forty in the nuclear explosion.

The other half, fortunately, did not suffer from nuclear weapons during the war in Darreis.

"Don't be impatient, Lord of the Heavenly Pagoda, you see, the enemy's mecha troops are almost completely destroyed, so this war is won by us."

Hearing this, Jiang Haoxuan punched Ling Mu in the face, he pointed to the black mushroom cloud that was rising in the battlefield, and said angrily: "This is called winning?!!! You tell me, how many people died in the explosion ?! Tell me!! However

, Ling Mu didn't care how many people died, and Reno of the American Federation didn't care about the life or death of the Ant Natives.

The nuclear weapon almost blew off the surface of the mechanical city, and under the explosion coordinates like a crater, the pure metal structure inside the mechanical city was exposed.

The interior of the city seems to hide a huge mechanical monster, and the nuclear weapon only blows out a gap in its shell to facilitate its access.

In a place in Machinery City, Lan Xiya was seriously injured, she vomited a large mouthful of blood, and was almost dying from the nuclear bomb.

She got up with difficulty, and she had lost her sister beside her.

She showed a panicked expression and spoke with vibration, shouting Lan Nian's name.


The surroundings were lifeless, lifeless, and full of nuclear contamination, and it didn't look like anyone was alive at all.

Lan Xiya showed a desperate expression.

If it weren't for her conditioned reflex to use vibration elements to protect herself, otherwise, even she, the twelve god generals, would die instantly in the midst of a nuclear explosion.

Her sister... It is simply impossible to survive here.

I'm afraid that at this time, it has already disappeared.

Thinking of this, Lan Xiya knelt on the ground, she raised her head and looked angrily in the direction of Darris, and the whole island was shaking.

This war singer was originally a symbol of peace, and every concert she performed, there would be no pollutants.

She herself is gentle and kind, and no one has even seen her angry.

The world's number one singer also said a word that did not belong to her at this time.

"Let's go to my sister's funeral..." As

soon as the words fell, she poured out all her elemental power and burst out instantly.

Among the many elements, only Goji has the greatest influence.

She can create a devastating disaster like an earthquake.

The earthquake affected Darreis, causing various gradually lengthening cracks to appear on the island, almost splitting the island directly.

Lan Xiya has lost her mind, and she wants to immerse Darreis, who has lived for several years, into the sea.


The other side.

Out of the metal ruins, a dirty girl emerged.

She looked back at the metal ruins behind her and thought of the scene just now.

At the moment of the nuclear explosion, hundreds of mechs around rushed over, and the players voluntarily protected Lan Nian and Ge Ji.

But Goji's vibration element is too powerful, and the mecha are vibrated by her.

The other mechs protected Lan Nian and kept her alive.

"Thank you, brothers." Lan Nian bowed and said.

In a mecha, a player's father-like voice came: "Little Geji, even in the virtual world, we don't want you and Geji to be harmed." Hearing

this, Lan Nian was confused.

And the player laughed: "We'll be right back." "

However, the event is over, and with the destruction of the moon base, players who have scrapped mecha can no longer return.

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