
A soldier broke into the temporary headquarters of the magic capital and hurriedly said: "General Gao, the 358th Regiment and the Independent Regiment joined forces to destroy one of the enemy's divisions and won the battlefield east of the city!" "Good


Gao Chengming pulled out an enemy flag on the sand table, and then planted the flag of his own side.

He looked at the sand table, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said lightly: "Although what we have done is insignificant, we have occupied the cities around the enemy without a trace... Once Sky City is victorious, no enemy can escape this encirclement. Hearing

this, the guard next to him asked, "General, what if Sky City is defeated?" "

Sky City will not be defeated."

Gao Chengming is convinced of this.

Once Sky City is defeated, even if they surround the enemy, they will be instantly destroyed by the enemy's magic.

So this war is not lost, only won.

If you lose, there will be nothing.

Suddenly, in mid-air, dozens of missiles struck towards this place.

Seeing this, the guards pulled Gao Chengming and quickly ran into the underground shelter.

The location of the headquarters was found by the enemy, who faced the most elite troops in the Kingdom of God.

A special forces unit of the Kingdom of God has infiltrated the headquarters.

"Hmph, are we really bullies?"

Gao Chengming was ready for everything, he knew that after the enemy's bombing was over, he would immediately send the most elite team to destroy their headquarters.

"Guard Company, follow me!"

With nearly a hundred soldiers in the shelter, he prepared to face the most elite special forces in the Kingdom of God.

"General, let's run, that's the [Divine Soldier] of the Kingdom of God, the world's number one special forces."

Listening to the panicked voice of the guard, Gao Chengming turned his head and said seriously: "Divine weapon? What is that... Standing in front of you, but the first commander of the former Xia Kingdom. "

With the strength of ordinary people, command the troops to eliminate the third-level pollutant body.

Such a record is incomparably brilliant to this day.

Just as the guard company was engaged with the [Divine Soldier] special forces, the sound of missiles crossed the sky.

Gao Chengming raised his head and suddenly understood something.

[Divine Soldier], not only special forces, but also world-renowned death squads.

Although they are powerful, in the eyes of the commander of the Kingdom of God, they are far less important than their own lives.

Therefore, the Kingdom of God intends to sacrifice [Divine Soldier] to complete the killing of itself.

The divine soldier came here just to find Gao Chengming's exact location.

Once found, the Kingdom of God will directly carry out an indiscriminate missile attack, together with the Demon Capital Command and the [Divine Soldier] Special Forces, to raze this place to the ground.

Looking at the approaching missile, Gao Chengming regretted his previous decision for a moment.

He shouldn't have come to this battlefield....

But he also wants to do something for his children.

If the child is fighting to the death on the front line, and he, as a father, is hiding in the rear, then what qualifies him to be the father of those two?

He concealed Mu Yue and begged Yan Yunde to come here, and he was also ready to leave his life behind.


He also had a trace of regret.

I didn't see Yi Xue wearing a wedding dress.

Thinking of this, Gao Chengming suddenly realized a problem.

That is, he himself was not married.

The first missile landed, almost already blowing dozens of people away.

Gao Chengming was lucky to avoid a disaster, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, took a sip, and then the corners of his mouth hooked slightly.

He regretted that he had not been able to accompany his children to a more distant future.

But he also has no regrets, because their children are very good, and they will create the future they want, the peaceful and prosperous era that they have fantasized about countless times.

It's just that the future is already without him.

Never mind.

Xiao Yue and Yi Xue will watch for him....

With another explosion, Gao Chengming's body was also covered in flames, completely losing his figure.

Perhaps, eleven years ago, he had died with his subordinates the moment he saw the primordial giant.

Because he met the young Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, in order to take care of these two children, he was saved by Murong Xian'er and extended his life for eleven years.

His troops were completely destroyed in the battle with the primordial giants, which is the biggest reason for his retirement.

And now, he is going to meet his comrades and tell them all the wonderful things that have happened in the past eleven years.

Tell them what kind of future their children will create.


Xu Qin and Luo Cheng were shot off again, and the corners of the latter's mouth had begun to spill a trace of blood.

At this time, Yu Qingrui also joined the battle, and she asked worriedly: "Luo Cheng, are you okay?"

"It's okay. Minor injuries.

Luo Cheng wiped the blood from his mouth and asked, "What about the little saint?"

"A bald head is coming and taking him to the hospital."

Hearing this, the two were also relieved.

The God of War looked at the three people in front of him and said disdainfully: "What about one more, but it just takes some work." "

He rushed forward, having lost all patience.

Each of his attacks caused violent explosions around him, almost making it impossible to approach.

Seeing this, Luo Cheng said in a condensed voice: "It's not a way to go on like this, violent woman, your magic is the most lethal among us, I'll attract his attention, you come to use the super electromagnetic cannon."

Hearing this, Xu Qin hurriedly said, "No, it's too dangerous." "

No, you have to do it, your Thunder Spirit Bead can make your super electromagnetic cannon quickly charge, but now you are already strategic, if you spend longer to charge a more lethal electromagnetic cannon, is it possible to break through the nuclear energy of the God of War and kill him?"

"I... I do not know. Xu

Qin, who has always been confident, doubted his strength at this time.

"You can!" Luo Cheng looked at her firmly.

Then, without giving Xu Qin time to react, she had already rushed towards the God of War.

Yu Qingrui also smiled and said, "You two... Xu Qin, I also believe you can, don't let us down.

She followed in Luo Cheng's footsteps and attacked the God of War together.

Xu Qin was slightly stunned, and then began to use the power of Lei Lingzhu to condense the super electromagnetic cannon.

When she was not strategic, she could use the Thunder Spirit Bead to instantly fire electromagnetic cannons.

But now she has become a strategic-level magician, and because of the original, the magic reserves in her body are almost endless, so in theory, as long as her charging time is long enough, the power of the super electromagnetic cannon has almost no upper limit.

How long it can be charged, depends on how long Luo Cheng and Yu Qingrui can hold the God of War.

Xu Qin knew that from now on, every minute was precious, and she couldn't waste the time that Luo Cheng and Yu Qingrui were fighting.

The terrifying electromagnetism began to condense in the thunder spirit bead, and for a while, even the God of War noticed him.

With the eyes of the God of War, he almost instantly judged what these three people wanted to do, and immediately wanted to get rid of Luo Cheng and Yu Qingrui, and attack Xu Qin first.

Obviously, the two could not let him pass.

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