Luo Cheng blocked in front of the God of War.

The latter said angrily: "Get away!"

He punched out, and Luo Cheng hurriedly blocked it with both hands, and at the same time, she condensed several huge leaves in front of her.

But nuclear energy is not so easily blocked.

The terrifying nuclear energy began to spread, breaking through Luo Cheng's condensed leaves almost instantly, burning her arms.

And the nuclear energy has not disappeared, the remaining force hit Luo Cheng head-on, she flew out upside down and fell to the ground.

This attack almost disfigured her whole person.

This time the disfigurement was very complete, even more serious than before in the empire.

Luo Cheng's whole person became blurred because of the amount of nuclear energy, and he was able to stand up at this time, relying entirely on willpower.

At the same time, on her eighteenth birthday, the bracelet that Xu Qin personally made for her was also burned by nuclear energy.

She could smell burnt on her arm, and she looked intently at the wrist of her left hand, where there was nothing she had been wearing.

An angry expression appeared on her face.

It was the most sincere gift she received from someone for the first time, the most important thing she grew up with.

And the god of war actually destroyed it!

Thinking of this, Luo Cheng stood up and took a difficult step forward.

"Tsundere!!" Xu Qin shouted in despair.

But Luo Cheng just waved his hand and only gave Xu Qin a back.

She is now like a monster, her whole face has been burned, this look, she doesn't want to be seen by Xu Qin, otherwise, she will be ridiculed by that violent woman again.

She raised her hand and continued to condense the grass element.

And the God of War had already rushed over, punched again, and pounded towards Luo Cheng.

He did not show mercy to his subordinates because the other party was a girl, and this punch, if hit, was almost certain death.

The next moment.

Yu Qingrui blocked in front of Luo Cheng.

This punch pierced her chest directly.

Looking at this scene, Luo Cheng's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but say: "Xiao... Xiaoyu, you

..." "Huh..."

Yu Qingrui spat out a mouthful of blood, she stretched out her hands, hugged the arm of the God of War, and said with difficulty: "I Yu Qingrui... Although all the bad things have been done... But...... I'm worthy of... My friend..."

she grabbed the arm of the God of War and did not let go, who frowned and transmitted nuclear energy into the other's body.

This thing is highly toxic to anyone other than him.

Soon, Yu Qingrui's face began to turn purple, and her eyes gradually lost their expression.

She died in front of the God of War, and before she died, she still held on to the God of War's arm.

The God of War forcefully pulled his arm out from the chest of the corpse in front of him.

At this time, he was covered in blood, and coupled with his beggar-like dress, people looked a little terrifying.

Luo Cheng looked at him blankly, as if he had not yet recovered from Yu Qingrui's death.

"Ugly dead, uglier than me." Chi Xiaotian looked at Luo Cheng's appearance at this time with even more disgust.

And hearing these words, the anger in Xu Qin's heart was ignited almost immediately.

She clenched the Thunder Spirit Bead in her hand, threw it in the direction of the God of War, and scolded in the angriest voice in her life: "You are ugly!" My tsundere is the most beautiful girl in the world! Saying

that, Lei Lingzhu bypassed Luo Cheng and hit the God of War.

The terrifying electromagnetism exploded from the Thunder Spirit Bead, instantly shrouding the God of War.

In the sea of thunder, Chi Xiaotian let out a painful wail.

And Xu Qin rushed over, took Luo Cheng's hand, and took her to the side.

The two sat on the ground with their butts, Luo Cheng covered his face, and said intermittently: "No... Don't look at me.

"I'll just look!"

Xu Qin stubbornly pulled Luo Cheng's hands away, she stared into Luo Cheng's eyes, and said solemnly: "I can accept any look of you, as long as you are that tsundere girl!" Hearing

this, Luo Cheng's bloodstained face shed two rows of tears.

Although the tears stained the wound hurt, she couldn't feel it at all.

Although she and the violent woman quarrel every day, she has to admit that she can't do without this guy.

If the violent woman were a man, she would have fallen in love with each other a long time ago.


Looking at Xu Qin's serious expression, and even a little tendon, Luo Cheng smiled and said, "Women are not bad." "

It is precisely because she is a woman that Xu Qin can approach Luo Cheng.

Otherwise, how could her arrogant character casually allow her to have men close to her.

It was just this smile that made her face finally feel pain.

She thought of Yu Qingrui's death, and looked in the direction of the God of War with some sadness.

Suddenly, her pupils contracted violently.

In that endless sea of electromagnetic thunder, a man whose whole body was almost baked rushed out and headed towards Mu Yixue's ice coffin.

Mu Yixue !! Tell me the secret of the breakthrough!! "

The God of War has gone crazy.

Decades of inner demons have made him insane and become a beggar-like figure.

Luo Cheng hurriedly pounced and hugged one of the legs of the God of War, preventing him from moving forward.

Xu Qin was puzzled, and when she looked back and saw the scene in front of her, her face also changed.

She also rushed over and hugged the other leg of the God of War.

At the same time, a powerful thunder and lightning bolt was released in her body, paralyzing the entire person of the God of War.

This thunder and lightning, while hurting the God of War, is also hurting her and Luo Cheng.

"Violent women!! Go on!!

Luo Cheng gritted his teeth and said.

In any case, they couldn't let the God of War hurt Yi Xue in the slightest.

Without Yixue, the two of them would probably have died a long time ago, and they would have died during the first Tyrant mission.

There will be no 0111 magic envoy squad, there will be no later empire, and there will be no everything now.

"Get out of here!!"

Chi Xiaotian roared, and nuclear energy began to gush out of his body, polluting the bodies of Xu Qin and Luo Cheng.

The two hugged his legs desperately, preventing him from advancing half a step.

Indescribable pain spread all over their bodies, and the two gritted their teeth, and they had just become strategic, and they had seriously injured the God of War.

It was already an amazing miracle, but they knew it wasn't over.

It had always been Yixue who had been protecting them.

Every mission, they were like a burden, if not for Mu Yixue always by their side and protecting them, the two would not know how many times they died.

And this time....

The only time, when Escher needed them.

They must... Be sure to protect Mu Yixue.

"Violent woman!!" Luo Cheng looked at Xu Qin.

Looking at Luo Cheng's eyes, Xu Qin suddenly understood what the other party meant.

She did not hesitate, but nodded solemnly.

In the bodies of the two, an even more terrifying power began to condense.

Sensing this power, the God of War turned back in horror and said in disbelief: "Elemental strengthening? How is it possible, with your magical qualifications, the power of elemental enhancement will explode and die in an instant... "Oh

, we are just two ants for you, and you didn't expect that you would die in the hands of two ants." Xu Qin sneered.

And Luo Cheng also said: "Thunder Spirit Beads and Wood Spirit Beads, can store our power, the moment we die, the elemental enhancement power of the strategic-level magic will be stored, and then the two beads will burst, heh... Let's die together, the world's number one strongman. "

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