In the realm of the universe, swords and shadows.

Armed with a black epee and demon-like wings spreading behind him, Hades is fighting a maiden in kimono armed with a sword.

This time, the Demon King, because he was transformed into a final beast, did not have any left hands.

The Jingu Chizuru was unilaterally suppressed, and soon he was knocked away by the opponent's heavy sword, fell on an elemental planet, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

She looked at Hades, gritted her teeth, supported her body with a knife, and stood up again.

Hades, who became the final beast, is stronger.

This is not the world of fiction, and the power of feelings does not instantly make a person stronger.

Jingu Chizuru can't beat the Demon King, she just can't beat the Demon King.

She was also not prepared to defeat the Demon King.

Who said that the demon king and the brave must be divided between victory and defeat? Who said that the brave will definitely win the Demon King?

Jingu Chizuru looked at Hades, she raised the divine ember in her hand and said lightly: "Hades, next, I will use your power." In

her body, black power emerged.

This is the power of Hades, and the Jingu Chizuru can also use it.

This power can appear in the body of the Jingu Chizuru, and it is also caused by Hades.

Subsequently, this power fused with the power of Jingu Chizuru's own power, forming an even more powerful thing.

"See... The power of the demon king and the brave coexisted.

She inserted the ember back into its scabbard, intending to use her most ordinary, but best move.

Knife pulling.

She closed her eyes and felt the breath of the demon king.

Hades looked at her and rushed straight over, wanting to kill the girl in front of him.

At the moment when the Demon King approached the Divine Palace Chizuru, the latter suddenly opened his eyes.

The ember pulled out of its scabbard and slashed through, colliding with Hades' black epee.

The terrifying power spread around, causing Mu Yixue's universe realm to begin to shake.

The next moment, the unparalleled tearing aura cut the field open.

The field disappeared, and in the battlefield, the figures of the two were also revealed.

They stood there motionless, and Luo Ying wondered, "Who won?" "

Demon King." Mu Yixue shook her head.

I saw a huge wound in front of the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes.

The divine ember was cut off by the black epee, and the black epee fell on the body of the Jingu Chizuru, and blood gushed out, which is still flowing now.

And the Demon King's final core was also accurately hit by the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes and directly destroyed.

This also brought the Demon King back to normal, and he looked at the girl covered in blood in front of him, his face filled with indescribable emotions.

"Is it worth saving me a pollutant?"

Jingu Chizuru knelt on the ground and looked at him weakly.

Feeling the passage of life, she smiled bitterly and said with difficulty: "I don't know..."

Hades shook his head, and the Jingu Chizuru had already fallen to the ground, unable to support.

Luo Ying wanted to go over, but was stopped by Mu Yixue, and she said lightly: "This is the choice of the Divine Palace and Hades." The

Demon King came over and hugged the body of Senzuru of the Divine Palace.

The brave of this generation was cultivated by his own hands.

He is the smartest of the Blue Star pollutants, a thousand-year calculation, and he has left the evolutionary path of the Zerg race by his own strength.

Everything is just to survive.

But now, his desire to live has completely disappeared.

How can humans have such feelings with polluted bodies?

The Zerg were born to devour humans, and the two are natural enemies and cannot coexist anyway.

Jingu Chizuru was in Hades' arms, and she stretched out her hand forcefully and touched the face of the demon king.


"Now ... Tell me...... Is the answer? Seeing

that the girl only took her last breath, just to listen to his final answer, Hades's eyes finally showed an unbearable look.

"You are an opponent that I personally cultivated, and in you, I see the shadow of Jingu Ling, but you are different from her."

Hades sat on the ground, holding the Jingu Chizuru, and he said softly: "You are my man... She's not, so I saved you before and I don't want to see you die. Hearing

this answer, Jingu Chizuru showed a smile.

"So... But...... I'm still going to die.

Tears welled up in Jingu Chizuru's eyes, and she said a little unwillingly: "We... Haven't gone through many stories yet... Not yet...... Appointment...... Not yet...... Watch a movie... Not yet...... Vindicate...... I'm so reluctant. She

knew better than anyone that the Demon King couldn't accompany her to do these things.

Hades is the only one who has grown up with Senzuru Jingu, even if her knife drawing skills are weak at the beginning, Hades will clap his hands and praise her without hesitation.

No one cares if she is happy or not, only Hades, who from time to time asks "Where does Jingu-sama want to go?" That

day, she said she wanted to go to Xia Guo and take a look at another double star.

Everyone was against it, how could a strategic-level enchanter let her walk around at will? What's more, Xia Guo did not have a strategic level, and she went, which was enough to make that country panic.

It was also Hades who said to her: "Lord Jingu can go wherever he wants, as for punishment or something, let's talk about it then." In

the eyes of Jingu Chizuru, Hades at the beginning was just an ordinary person, she let the other party stay by her side and become a retinue, and she could feel that the other party really cared about herself.

Until...... She learned the identity of the other party and was the mortal enemy of their Jingu family.

The ups and downs in her identity made Jingu Chizuru hate each other, and even now, she hates him.

Hate why he is a demon king, why not a human.

In this way, won't she be unable to express her heart for the rest of her life?

It was only when she was close to death that she dared to say these words.

She also got the answer she wanted.

"There will be, Jingu-sama."

One of Hades' hands grabbed the hand of Chizuru Jingu touching his face.

The girl's hand, he also touched for the first time, when humans love each other, they like the emotion of physical contact, and he also understood a little at this time.

This hand is extremely soft, but it holds a knife that is enough to cut off the city, carrying the name of the strongest brave.

How can such a hand make him bear not to love?

It's just that at this time, the hand of the Jingu Chizuru has no strength.

Hades continued: "Lord Jingu, I will give you everything you want, and I will accompany you in everything you want to do. He

held the Jingu Chizuru and left here step by step, and soon disappeared.

"Mu Yixue... Does Jingu die? Luo Ying asked.

"Hades won't let her die." Mu Yixue said with conviction.

"Why are you so sure, just now the Divine Palace is clear... There is only one breath left. Luo Ying said puzzled.

"Because, in the same situation, my brother will definitely not let me die."

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