In the battlefield, a huge bald head majestically wiped out one zombie after another.

Even in the face of some third-level tyrants, he did not fall behind, and he fought monsters with people, which looked very amazing.

After sending Gao Xiaosheng to the First People's Hospital of Sky City, Chen Jingyan returned to the battlefield.

Although Gao Xiaoshen's injuries were very serious, and he was even foaming at the mouth when he was sent to the hospital, his eyes were white, and he was almost in shock, as long as he was not dead, Sky City could probably be saved.

This cheap apprentice, Chen Jingyan can also be regarded as doing his best.

He has now returned to the battlefield, looking for Nan Nan's figure.

From the very beginning of the war, Nan Nan disappeared, and communication was completely cut off, and she could not be contacted at all.

Chen Jingyan came to the place where Nan Nan last appeared and was looking around.

It is also one of the islands that Darreth has split off, and although it is not large, it is full of zombies.

While destroying the zombies, Chen Jingyan dodged some high-level tyrants and looked for Nan Nan's figure.

This place, according to Mu Er, underwent some spatial distortions.

Simply put, it's time disorder.

And most of them have something to do with Nannan.

Mu Er sent several members of the maid sequence and had already come here to look for her, but she had not been found until now.

Chen Jingyan was not at ease, and also came to this place in person.

Among the dense zombie groups, there are some high-rise buildings.

Among them, on the window of the thirteenth floor, someone seemed to be waving.

Is that...... Civilian? Survivor? There are no escaped natives in the city of Darrys?

It is already a miracle that ordinary people can live to this point.

Chen Jingyan was not prepared to go to the rescue, it was imperative, he just wanted to find Nan Nan.

But the person in the window saw that the bald head seemed to be ready to leave, and suddenly became anxious, and couldn't help but shout: "Help!" The

childish female voice was mixed with a hint of familiarity.


Chen Jingyan turned back suddenly.

This voice is very similar to Nan Nan, but it seems to be different.

But he didn't have time to think, because the voice just now attracted the attention of many zombies and tyrants, and a level four tyrant was approaching here.

Chen Jingyan hurriedly rushed over, wanting to find out.

He crossed the zombie tide and came to the first floor of the building, only to find that the elevator was broken.

And that fourth-level tyrant was approaching, Chen Jingyan gritted his teeth and rushed towards the stairs.

The thirteenth floor is not something that ordinary people can climb up in a short time.

So Chen Jingyan turned on the element enhancement state, the speed increased several times, and he climbed this floor in less than a minute.

He gasped, only to find that the tyrant was near.

With the size of a fourth-level tyrant, its head was exactly the same height as the window on the thirteenth floor.

Chen Jingyan just glanced at the tyrant, who stretched out his hand and prepared to pull out the girl trapped in the room on the thirteenth floor.

Seeing this, Chen Jingyan's face changed, he rushed into the room first, and finally saw the girl in front of him.

The girl's eyes when she looked at Chen Jingyan were filled with a trace of incredulity, and there was a lot of panic, but more of them were the same eyes as the heroes who looked at the heavens and gods and saved the beauty of heroes.

It's Nannan!

Chen Jingyan's face was delighted, and he directly hugged Nan Nan, who exclaimed, Chen Jingyan stepped on the tyrant's arm and broke out of the window.

Outside, but more than forty meters high.

The girl immediately shouted, holding Chen Jingyan deadly.

Chen Jingyan was scratched by the girl, but relying on the physical fitness of the elemental enhancer, he used the wall of the building as a cushion and slid almost vertically to the ground.

Chen Jingyan held the girl and ran away.

At this time, two maid sequence robots arrived and grappled with the fourth-level tyrant, and the crisis was also temporarily contacted.

Chen Jingyan found a safe place and put the girl down, but found that the other party had been frightened.

Chen Jingyan showed a puzzled expression.

Looking at the appearance, this girl is undoubtedly Nan Nan.

But he just felt like something weird.

How did Nan Nan's personality change?

However, the other party was simply frightened, and Chen Jingyan did not care, but stayed by the girl's side, waiting for her to wake up.

He did not notice that some incomprehensible changes were taking place in the girl's body.

In an hour, Nan Nan went from being about twenty years old to eighteen years old.

She opened her eyes in confusion and wondered, "Which is this?"

Chen Jingyan turned around and smiled, "You're awake." Hearing

this, Nan Nan took a few steps back and said with a look of panic: "What situation?" You kidnapped me?

Hearing this, Chen Jingyan was puzzled: "What? Nan

Nan is also extremely smart, looking at Chen Jingyan's reaction, she also knows that she has not been kidnapped.

And although Chen Jingyan is bald, he has long not had that kind of squinting temperament, and now he looks quite righteous.

Nan Nan came over and asked, "Hey, I'm about to take the college entrance examination, where is this?" Where is the test room? Hearing

this, Chen Jingyan's heart suddenly burst.

He came to Nan Nan and couldn't help but ask, "Nan Nan..." "

How do you know what my name is?" I don't know you, who are you?

Looking at the guarded in the girl's eyes, Chen Jingyan didn't understand what was happening at all.

He thought of what Nan Nan said just now, and asked again: "College entrance examination?" Nannan, how old are you?

"Eighteen, how, you bald head likes a girl my age? Come on, I don't like bald heads. Nan

Nan's eyes showed a look of disgust, and even forgot about the fact that she was trapped in the building just now.

Chen Jingyan's heart sank, and he asked, "You don't remember me?"

Looking at Chen Jingyan's expression, Nan Nan didn't know why his heart hurt, but he still looked puzzled and said, "Who are you?" I don't remember knowing the bald head.

And at this time, Mu Er's communication called.

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Chen Jingyan connected the phone and quickly asked: "Mu Er, Nan Nan, she..." "

I have already understood the situation, although the master is not there, but I have also heard the master mention the theory of time."

"Time is one of the laws of the universe, and anyone who affects time will be punished..." As

soon as the words fell, the communication was directly cut off, Chen Jingyan felt a great pressure, he quickly turned around, but saw a man in black appear in front of him.

"The twelve gods will... Dressed in black! Chen

Jingyan was like a great enemy, and almost instantly burst out the elemental enhancement of his greatest strength.

But the black clothes did not pay attention to him, but looked at Nan Nan and sighed: "Time bond, you have indeed become a lost person in time." "

Time's... The lost?

Chen Jingyan looked at the black clothes a little blankly.

The latter seems to know something.

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