After Mu Yixue heard her brother's words, she began to attack the weak parts of the opponent's body.

The terrifying ice began to condense continuously, and hundreds of thousands of ice swords appeared in the sky.

Then, like ten thousand arrows firing in unison, they came towards the insect.

Seeing the large number of weapons rushing towards him, the insect frowned.

There were so many ice swords that she couldn't dodge them at all.

She began to flee, pulling something out of her body as she fled.

Mu Yue's blue eyes fixed on him, and then his face was surprised.

Is that...... Something similar to a space compression device?

Does the Devil have that kind of thing too?

What's in there?

I saw the insect unlocking the space compression device.

Suddenly, a huge black vortex appeared in the sky.

In the vortex, a palm emerges from it.

Just one palm, the size is the size of Suzaku battleship.

Then if all of this thing comes out, I'm afraid it will be bigger than the Qinglong satellite.

[Inform that the target is presumed to be thirteen kilometers long and is a mechanical mecha.] This

thing... It turned out to be a mecha?

Soon, this mecha was revealed.

It stands on the surface of the sea and gives a terrifying visual impact.

It's so big, big that every movement can cause a tsunami.

Is this the biggest hole card that the demon didn't use thousands of years ago?

The insect had entered the mech, and she controlled the mecha, swinging a black giant sword, smashing all the ice swords around her.

Looking at Mu Yixue in front of her, she sneered: "This mecha is the ultimate weapon created by the civilization where I was born, in order to deal with me, they gathered the power of the entire civilization and created it, but they didn't have the luck to use it." "

After I got it, I modified it again, and the inspiration for the creation of the final beast was also found from this mecha, its name is... Zeus. "

Zeus . .

This name Mu Yue is not unfamiliar, the place where the insect was born will not have anything to do with other fortresses in the American Federation, right?

But even if there is a relationship, most of the fortress has been destroyed by insects.

This huge mech originally had many defects, but it was optimized by insects.

Mu Yue looked at this scene and said again: "Yixue, hold on for thirty minutes."

"I see, brother."

Although Mu Yixue didn't know how Mu Yue could think of a way in thirty minutes, she would never doubt Mu Yue.

Mu Yue said thirty minutes, and after thirty minutes, he would definitely be able to destroy this huge mecha.

Mu Yixue rushed up and engaged this huge mecha.

The mech threw a punch that almost affected the climate, forming terrifying typhoons and tsunamis.

The human figure is incomparably small in the face of such a huge object.

Mu Yixue was blown away by the fierce wind almost instantly, looking at the huge fist that was coming towards her, she raised her hand and said lightly: "God-level magic, ice god." "

This is the Ice Angel's upgrade magic.

The next moment, the huge ice element giant condensed.

This is on the sea, which is also conducive to Mu Yixue's battle.

A behemoth comparable to Zeus condensed from the sea.

Seeing this, the insect said disdainfully: "Ice cubes, how can you beat my Zeus!"

Mu Yixue looked at this scene expressionlessly, she controlled the ice god, and the two giants punched each other on the sea.

Zeus took a step back, and the Ice God's arm turned directly into pieces.

However, she soon reunited her new arms.

Seeing this scene, the insect gritted his teeth and said: "What if you can regenerate, see how you solve this trick." "

She controls Zeus, and the barrel of the cannon is exposed in many places on the mechanical body.

Thousands of laser emitters appeared, and then they were fired at the same time, converging in front of the mech, forming an even more terrifying laser.

Its power is probably equivalent to ten star orbit strikes.

The high temperature instantly melted the ice god and went in the direction of Mu Yixue.

The latter's expression was neither sad nor joyful, if a single star orbit strike could destroy a strategic-level magic envoy, then the power equivalent to ten shots could indeed cause damage to her, and it was even possible to evaporate her in an instant.

But she never let Mu Yue down.

Mu Yixue's eyes froze, she looked at the laser that was rapidly coming in front of her, and actually closed her eyes.

The next moment, the temperature of the laser began to decrease, from high temperature to low temperature, and from low temperature to frozen laser.

Such a laser could not cause any harm to Mu Yixue at all.

She passed through the middle of the frozen laser and flew in the direction of Zeus.

Soon, she had come to Zeus's chest.

She reached out and lightly tapped Zeus's body.

At that moment, ice vines began to spread from Mu Yixue's fingertips, spreading rapidly, and it didn't take long to freeze Zeus' entire body.

The huge metal body couldn't move, and the insect let the mech release high heat in the cab, ready to start thawing.

The cold ice was melting, and Mu Yixue vibrated the ice wings, flying from Zeus's chest to the top of its head.

Then, the Snow Moon Sword and the Snow Moon Sword appeared in her hand, and the swords came out in unison and stuck on the top of Zeus' head.

This little injury, for Zeus, is not as good as being bitten by an ant, but Mu Yixue will not do such a meaningless thing.

The two blades were extremely sharp, and the moment they were inserted into Zeus's head, they burrowed into Zeus's body and began to search for the location of the worm.

She wanted to attack the other from the inside.

Soon, the ice and snow on Zeus's body melted, and it regained its momentum and attacked Mu Yixue again.

Zeus's size, its attacks were almost impossible to dodge, and Mu Yixue had to fight head-on every time.

Looking at the oncoming metal iron fist, Mu Yixue remained motionless.

The next moment, two huge ice element chains emerged from the sea water and bound Zeus's fist.

This was followed by dozens of ice element chains, which bound Zeus' limbs and neck respectively, making it immobile again.

The insect controlled the mecha and said angrily: "What's the use of this!" It's just delaying time, you can't beat me! As

soon as the words fell, a knife, a sword, passed through the layers of metal obstacles, came to the cab, and rushed towards the insect.

Sensing the coming crisis, she turned back abruptly, instinctively dodging, but still a step late.

Two weapons were inserted into her chest and shoulder, and blood suddenly gushed out.

The insect showed a pained expression, it pulled out the two weapons, and the blood that flowed quickly returned to her body.

Her blood is part of the core, and she can naturally control it.

The two weapons made it difficult to inflict damage on her, but they diverted her attention for a moment.

And in just a few seconds, in front of Zeus, Mu Yixue's figure had been lost.

The insect looked shocked and said, "What's going on?"

She could feel that an aura that was enough to destroy her was condensing.

At the moment when she was distracted, that breath appeared in the battlefield.

At this time, it was too late for her to dodge, and Mu Yixue's chains were still binding Zeus.

The source of this terrifying power came from Sky City.

That was....

The second shot... Star Destroyer.

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