The power of terror has been recharged.

The insect's face changed drastically, and in order to survive, she almost did not hesitate to break away from Zeus's body and flee in the direction of the universe.

Seeing this, Mu Yue hurriedly said: "Yixue! Mu

Yixue flew towards the insect, and the Xueyue knife and the Xueyue sword returned to her hand, and she swung two weapons to pierce the insect's body.

The Star Destroyer Cannon is only to force the worm out of Zeus's body and will not actually fire.

Otherwise, all creatures on the Blue Star will be destroyed, including the Magic Capital, the Empire, and the Sky City.

Even space cities are in the range of influence of the Star Destroyer, and only to the edge of the Blue Star star system can they be unaffected.

The insect screamed, she looked at Mu Yixue behind her and cried: "Let go of me!" You let me go! "

Just looking at her face, people who don't know will really think that she is just a simple little girl.

The two fell from the sky and fell into the sea.

Under Mu Yixue's ice element, the sea surface was instantly frozen into extreme ice.

Originally, in order to eliminate the natural water of the seventh ancestor, Mu Yixue had already frozen the entire blue star's sea water.

But when Dongfang Jinyao came out, it melted the sea near Darreus.

The two fought in the sea, and the insects were in extreme panic, and they had fallen into the downwind little by little.

She now lost her will to fight, and all she thought about was how to escape.

Endless energy she didn't want anymore, she still wanted to live, leave Blue Star, leave this star system, go somewhere else to get other powers.

The place was so dangerous that she never wanted to come back.

But Mu Yixue chased after her, and in the deep sea, the insects were almost completely controlled by her.

The surrounding sea water can turn into ice at any time and become Mu Yixue's weapon.

The two soon sank to depths where humans could not dive.

But Mu Yixue's body can be elementalized and not affected at all.

But even if the insect is a demon, as it gets deeper and deeper, the strong sea pressure will affect her actions to some extent.

Soon, her body was trapped in the ice.

She knocked on the cold ice, looked at the cold ice, the girl's indifferent face, and begged for mercy: "I don't want to die, let me out, I won't come again, let me go." "

The cute little girl is sobs, and ordinary people may really soften when they see it.

But what she faced was Mu Yixue.

The ice is gradually spreading, assimilating the surrounding sea water little by little.

Soon, the body of the insect was also frozen, and the blood and various organs in her body were also immersed in the polar ice.

The body of the insect also sank completely to the deeper bottom of the sea.

She was dead, the moment her whole body froze.

The human organs conjured up by her Origin Core have all died in the polar ice.

At this moment, she finally died on this planet, which was completely over.

Mu Yixue was just about to leave, but suddenly noticed something.

She looked down, looked deeper at the bottom of the sea, and wondered: "Brother, something seems to have flashed just now..."

Mu Yue's voice sounded in her mind: "But Yixue, the demon is dead, you come out first." "


Mu Yixue left the depths of the sea.

After she left, a strangely shaped submarine appeared in this place.

The submarine took back the frozen bugs.

Inside, a man looked at the envoy in the ice and was surprised: "I didn't expect that on this planet, someone was able to destroy the enchantment, but... For the creation stone, my galactic civilization lurked for thousands of years, only waiting for the best time to strike.

"Soon, when the Insect Emperor and Sky City are both defeated, by then, the Genesis Stone will be ours."


The black clothes saw this scene and finally understood one thing.

"Unexpectedly, in the deep sea of Blue Star, there is a hegemon of the galaxy hidden."

Galactic civilization, the fourth-level civilization of the galaxy, it is no wonder that Mu Yue did not find them.

No one would have thought that a fourth-level civilization would monitor this planet for thousands of years.

Thousands of years ago, endless energy attracted enchantments, and naturally other advanced civilizations in the galaxy also noticed.

And even without endless energy, the galactic civilization, as a hegemon, has monitored almost all civilizations in the galaxy.

Every civilization will have the presence of a galactic civilization.

It's just that they lay dormant too deeply, hiding from everyone's gaze and hiding until the end.

As soon as a civilization has the potential to surpass them, they immediately carry out the plan to exterminate.

This is also the most important reason for the drying up of the earth's energy.

Mu Yue's last crisis in Blue Star was probably related to them.


After Mu Yixue returned to Sky City, she ran towards Mu Yue almost non-stop.

She threw herself into Mu Yue's arms, who took two steps back and turned around in place twice.

A dignified scientist will also hold his girlfriend in a circle, which is something that people who have known Mu Yue dare not think about.

"Brother, I won!" Mu Yixue said happily, and also showed a praising expression.

Mu Yue smiled and said, "Yixue is the best." "

But then, there's an uphill battle to be fought.

After putting Mu Yixue down, Mu Yue showed a pensive expression.

The sea area where Yixue is just located is a triangular sea.

It is also one of the forbidden places of Blue Star.

It is said that thousands of years ago, when magic messengers and pollutants were not in Blue Star, this place was already forbidden.

However, last time Mu Yue smashed it with a star orbit strike, he didn't care about this place.

Unexpectedly, that star orbit strike only eliminated the fifth-level pollutant on the surface, and did not solve all the troubles in the triangular sea.

In this way, the fifth-level pollutant body was only used by something in the triangular sea to hide itself.

If you think about it, Earth has a similar triangular sea.

Two different planets, but one place in common, don't they...

Without waiting for Mu to think more, the top of his head suddenly darkened.

In the sky, a large number of figures appeared that covered the sky.

Countless zergs spread all over the sky, like a meteorite that destroyed the sky and the earth, falling to the blue star.

The main battlefield of this war has finally come to Blue Star.

Wang Chenning drove the Renshen mecha back to Sky City, he left the mecha and came to Mu Yixue and Mu Yue's side, and said: "Old Mu, there are too many of them..."

Mu Yue said.

Perhaps Blue Star itself will not be able to escape this war.

In mid-air, the Zerg Emperor was standing above the head of a flying fifth-level Zerg.

His gaze was distant from Mu Yue, staring at the endless energy in Mu Yue's hand.

Even he showed a shocked expression at this moment.

This is... The legendary Genesis Stone?

I didn't expect that such a rare peerless thing would exist in this kind of place.

Meeting the gaze of the Insect Emperor, Mu Yue lifted the endless energy in his hand and said softly: "Want? Behind

him, Mu Yixue and Wang Chenning took a step forward and protected him one left and one right.

Then, Mu Yue looked at the insect emperor and said lightly: "Then come and grab it." As

soon as the words fell, Qinglong and Suzaku revealed their figures, and several star orbit strikes fell from the sky.

At the same time, Wang Chenning returned to the mecha and rushed towards the Insect Emperor again.

And Mu Yixue looked back at Mu Yue and said, "Brother, the last battle is over."


Mu Yue touched Mu Yixue's head and said, "After fighting this battle, we will be able to return to the previous days." "

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