Wang Chenning fought with the Insect Emperor, and the two sides were like two rays of light, flying around in midair, and the aftermath of each collision could cause huge energy fluctuations.

The two of them have already stepped into the combat power of the fourth-level civilization, and they are also the top fourth-level civilization combat power.

And Blue Star is essentially just a planet of second-level civilization, so that the sea area of Darreis, the landslide and the ground are cracked, and they can't withstand their power at all.

Sky City, on the other hand, has been surrounded by several apostles.

Each of the top three apostles under the Worm Emperor Throne was stronger than the First Ancestor.

And Qi Tian held a ruyi stick and picked his opponent.

First Apostle.

Only the strongest of the same level is the opponent he wants to challenge.

And the first apostle, only one step away from becoming an envoy, its strength is unfathomable, even Mu Yixue, who has just eliminated an enchantment, facing this first apostle, within three moves, she cannot defeat the other party.

All the remaining apostles surrounded Mu Yixue.

Conservative estimates are also above ten.

They are equivalent to the ten ancestors of Blue Star, but they are stronger than the ten ancestors.

Mu Yixue looked at Mu Yue and said softly: "I'm going, brother." "


Mu Yixue flew up and began to face more than a dozen apostles.

With Mu Yixue's strength now, even if he dealt with ten apostles at the same time, it was not a problem.

However, there are too many Zergs under the Bug Emperor, almost all over the blue star, and still come from space continuously.

Even the energy shield of the Green Dragon Satellite was covered with Zerg, and these terrifying creatures were desperately tearing and biting on it.

With such a number, if the energy shield is bitten, I am afraid that the Green Dragon Satellite will also be destroyed.

However, the energy shield of the Blue Dragon satellite will not be broken.

Mu Yue came to the research institute of Sky City and put endless energy in the energy hub of the entire future technology.

Suddenly, all the energy sources in the entire future science and technology authority system became endless energy.

The energy shields of the Blue Dragon Satellite, Sky City, and Suzaku Battleship became indestructible, and if you want to destroy them, you must at least have the power to swallow endless energy.

But this is clearly unrealistic.

Subsequently, Sky City's mechs were also strengthened.

The power from endless energy has more than doubled the performance of the mecha.

However, the human-god mecha did not get this energy, after all, the birth of endless energy is behind the human-god mecha, and the two are not an energy system.

Under the influence of endless energy, the mecha of Sky City is becoming more and more courageous in the Vietnam War, and the four fierce beast mecha already have the power to resist the weaker apostles.


The other side.

There is only one person left in the top level of the SE organization today, except for Mu Yue.

Liu Ruobing.

After Yu Qingrui died, she walked aimlessly like a puppet.

Dozens of Zergs were approaching her, and she turned to look at these Zergs with a sad expression.

Like Mu Yixue, she was robbed of her feelings by artificial means.

Originally, she was planning to use the mutant power in her body to take revenge on the Sky Tower, but found that the SE Organization and the Sky Tower were cooperative.

And even if she unleashed the power of the mutant, she would not be able to shake the behemoth of the Sky Tower.

The night before the war, Yu Qingrui transformed Liu Ruobing into a perfect mutant.

Now even if she bursts out of mutant power, she will not lose her body, and like Yu Qingrui, she can switch back and forth between mutants and normal people.

And behind her, there is another mutant.

Queen of Flames, Gu Dongdong.

In the battle just now, after Ling Mu, Yu Qingrui, Li Chaodemon and other high-level officials died, Liu Ruobing became the first controller of the Flame Queen.

Looking at this woman, Liu Ruobing thought that this guy seemed to have a younger brother.

The Zergs that were close around were also defeated by the automatic counterattack of the Flame Queen, and the surroundings turned into a fire, burning flames everywhere.

Liu Ruobing looked at the Flame Queen in front of her and asked lightly, "Do you have any other wishes?" "

The Flame Queen didn't speak, she was dead and now just a complete monster.

Seeing this, Liu Ruobing sighed.

She took Gu Dongdong and left here step by step.

No one is immune to this war.

After they left the fire, they also joined the big melee.

If they can survive, Liu Ruobing wants to send the Flame Queen to Sky City and let her see her brother at least once.

And she, ready to find a random place, continue to study something, and spend the rest of her life like this.


Kingdom of God.

The God King was old, and such a high-intensity fight had already made his body overwhelmed.

The sea god supported him, and she herself was seriously injured, but she was still worried and asked: "God King, how are you?"

The God King showed a weak expression, and said a little distractedly: "It's over, the Kingdom of God... It's all over. "

The next moment, a fifth-level Zerg rushed over, and its huge body blocked the sunlight, leaving the Seagod and God King surrounded by shadows.

The God King pushed the sea god away and shouted, "Live!" There is still hope for the Kingdom of God, go to Sky City, go to them, and leave seeds for the Kingdom of God at all costs! "

God King!" The sea god stretched out his hand in despair.

She looked at the face of the God King getting farther and farther away, and could only watch as the highest god of the Kingdom of God was trampled to death by this fifth-level Zerg like an ant.

The sea god was lying on the ground, and there were screams everywhere in his ears.

She could hear that the citizens of the Kingdom of God were caught by the Zerg, and then in their terrified faces, no matter how they struggled, the Zerg did not show the slightest mercy.

Humans were swallowed by the Zerg and became nutrients for the Zerg.

In front of the Zerg, they who claim to be gods are no different from ordinary people.

Death treats everyone on the Blue Star equally.

On the other side, the Sun God was besieged by two fifth-level Zergs and eventually fell here.

And the Doushen sacrifice was even more tragic.

He single-handedly dealt with two Level 5 Zergs and an apostle.

His spear was stuck in the ground, the only fulcrum he could support his body when he was badly injured.

He glanced back at the sea god and gave the latter a look.

The sea god understood that this was to let her run.

As the only woman among the gods, she is also the princess of the kingdom of the gods who is favored by others.

Then, the Doushen pulled out his spear vigorously, ready to use the final blow to buy time for the Seagod to escape.

The sea god looked at this scene unwillingly.

I saw that the Dou God used the final magic that was originally used to defeat the God of War.

The God of War is dead, he is dying, and he has no chance to compete for the title of the strongest in the world.

Dou Shen is destined to end this proud but bright life with such a death.

He didn't have to die, originally all the forces on the blue star could stand with Sky City and face the Zerg at this time.

The sea god burst into tears, and she dragged her badly injured body, ready to leave here.

Not far away, the Mo family, the head of the five major families, also made the same choice.

Gather the strength of the entire family to let Mo Zhixu leave this place.

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