Mu Yue stretched out his hand and gently touched the endless energy.

He can feel the intimacy of the other party and himself, and he can also feel the recognition and surrender of the other party to him.

Only I can't feel the power of the other party.

He and Endless Energy have a feeling of intimacy, but there seems to be some gap in between, so that the power of Endless Energy cannot come to his body.

Because of this, Mu Yue has always been an ordinary person.

He deduced that he was dead, but he was absolutely certain that he was alive now.

After all, he couldn't even know if he was alive or dead.

In Xiaoyi's test data, all the vital signs told him that he was indeed alive.

Then why, the power of endless energy could not come to his body?

Mu Yue can make endless energy give power to others, but he can't make anyone other than Mu Yixue become a god of magic.

This point is easy to explain, Endless Energy only recognizes Mu Yue as the master, and will not give the core power to people outside Mu Yue, even if Mu Yue wants to give it.

And Mu Yixue has the breath of Mu Yue on his body, so he obtained part of the power of endless energy and became an ice messenger.

But if this is the case, then Mu Yue is also able to become a god of magic, after all, he is the true master of endless energy.

But why...

Mu Yue looked at the endless energy in front of him and revealed a pensive expression.

After all, how was endless energy born?

Because he was bent on developing energy that could save the planet, Endless Energy was born.

So where does this power come from, can't it be born out of thin air?

In the last act of Earth, he researched endless energy, and then came to Blue Star.

Many places about Endless Energy were in an unknown, and he didn't have time to study these things.

But at this moment, he needs the power of endless energy to completely end this war.

Outside of Sky City, the number of enemies is increasing, and except for Wang Chenning and Mu Yixue, the others are already difficult to deal with.

The seven kings of Sky City, except for the Silver King, who has an immortal body, is still fighting, and the other six have died with the crash of the Sword of Damocles, along with several fifth-level zergs.

Their data is back in the future technology system, waiting to be reborn, and the Silver King itself is a data-based entity, even if it dies, it can be rematerialized on the spot.

If you want to kill the Silver King, you can only destroy the data core about the Silver King in the future technology system, otherwise he will have the ability to resurrect like a game character.

Not long after, only Mu Yixue and Wang Chenning were left in the battlefield.

The other mechs, including the White Tiger mech, have all been scrapped.

But the losses of the Zerg were even worse, even the apostles died a full eight, not to mention the fifth-level Zerg.

Now behind the Worm Emperor, there are only five apostles left.

Behind Mu Yixue and the Renshen mecha are the Qinglong Satellite and the Suzaku Battleship.

Looking at the two figures in front of him, the Insect Emperor focused on Mu Yixue's body, revealing a puzzled expression.

Just now he was immersed in the fight with Wang Chenning, and did not notice this girl, at this time, seeing Mu Yixue, he suddenly found an interesting thing.

This girl's body actually had the breath of a genesis stone.

But how is this possible....

The Genesis Stone, no one but its owner can carry its power.

Therefore, even if he wanted to get the Genesis Stone, he had to kill Mu Yue first.

But what's going on with this girl in front of you? Why is Mu Yue still alive, but she has the power of the Genesis Stone in her?

Although it is only a part, not even one-thousandth of the power of the genesis stone, it already has the strength to face it squarely.

If it is the full power of the Genesis Stone, it must be able to easily destroy a fourth-level civilization.

What a terrible force that is.

Thinking of this, the Insect Emperor showed a fanatical expression again.

He must... Get the Genesis Stone!

The Insect Emperor once again opened the spatial crack.

This time, the power in the spatial crack was even more terrifying than just now.

He lived for tens of thousands of years and possessed an unimaginable number of horrible weapons.

The terrifying power gushed out from the spatial compression, forming a black ball of energy in mid-air.

The energy is almost embodied and growing rapidly.

After the energy is gathered, it turns into a small black sun in the sky, and this power, not lost to the Star Destroyer, can destroy the entire Blue Star.

Watching the black energy ball slowly descend, Wang Chenning controlled the mecha to launch the maximum power laser and passed through the Xuanyuan Sword Array.

At the same time, Mu Yixue also condensed all her ice elements.

At that moment, the temperature of the entire blue star dropped to freezing, and it came early to winter, which was also the coldest winter on record.

It is precisely because of Mu Yixue's magic this time that Blue Star will be in ice and snow for a long time in the future.

Blue Star, which turned into an ice-blue ice planet.

The three forces collided together, and in an instant, the surface of this side of the blue star was flattened, leaving only Sky City, the Blue Dragon Satellite, and the Suzaku battleship relying on the energy shield of endless energy, which still existed in the world.

Fortunately, on the other side, the magic capital, the empire, and cherry blossom island were not affected.

But this is only the beginning of the collision of forces.

If the collision continues, the blue star will be destroyed 100%.

However, whether the blue star is destroyed or not, the insect emperor does not care at all, and Mu Yixue does not care at all.

Only Wang Chenning was a little worried about Luo Ying, who was still in the empire.

The strength of the three continued to balance each other, the body of the insect emperor appeared cracks, and the degree of wear and tear of the human god mecha was also expanding.

Mu Yixue's body gradually began to be unable to bear it.

Mu Yue held endless energy, stepped on the flying machine of Sansan, and came behind Mu Yixue.

He took the girl's hand and said, "Let's come together." "Good


The power of endless energy protected Mu Yixue, who began to condense cold ice and continue to resist the energy balls released by the Insect Emperor.

The surface of the blue star began to shake, and the planet deviated from the original orbit of the star system, which seemed to explode at any moment.

Soon, the loss of the human-god mecha reached seventy percent, which had exceeded the standard for scrapping.

Losing the power of the human god mecha, Mu Yixue could not resist the insect emperor, and the black energy ball landed towards the three.

This blow, even if the endless energy can resist, the blue star will be destroyed.

Is it all going to end? Are they destined to drift in the universe?

It was at this very moment.

Suddenly, a figure came from space, it passed through the clouds, like a shooting star, and came to the front of Mu Yue and the three.

This figure was covered in silver and covered in metal, it was a mecha full of majesty, and Mu Yue and Wang Chenning were no strangers.

"Don't come unharmed, Xiao Wang, I'm not late, am I?"

In the mecha, a man's strong voice came.

Wang Chenning was surprised: "Marshal Optimus? "

Huaxia thirty-seven starry sky god of war, the first god of war, Qingtian.

"They're here too." Qingtian looked up and said.

In the clouds, countless warships were revealed.

On the battleship, there was a red flag, which was also what Mu Yue and Wang Chenning had always believed.

Dozens of figures flew out from the battleship and stood in front of Mu Yue, Mu Yixue, and Wang Chenning.

Mu Yue did not know all of these figures, but Wang Chenning was extremely familiar with each of them.

The second starry sky god of war, Ye Feng.

The third star air war god, Qi Baishi.

The fourth star sky god of war....

Thirty-six core-level mecha simultaneously emitted lasers, passing through the Xuanyuan sword, and penetrating the huge energy ball of the insect emperor in one fell swoop.

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