The Huaxia Starry Sky God of War is the highest level of combat power in Huaxia, and each of them has experienced hundreds of battles and is extremely powerful.

Thirty-six starry sky war gods, this combat power is enough to match all the apostles and fifth-level zerg races outside the insect emperor.

Although they may not be the opponents of the insect emperor one-on-one, the power of joining forces is far greater than the superposition of the original number.

The cooperation of the Chinese military is the only existence on earth.

In addition to this, there are a large number of space warships.

The long-dormant important figure of Huaxia woke up a month before he was about to arrive at Blue Star, underwent rehabilitation training, and now has completely recovered his strength in his heyday.

This time, Mu Yue was no longer alone in Blue Star.

Mu Yixue was next to her puzzled: "Brother, are they?"

"It's Huaxia's army."

They crossed a thousand light-years and came to Blue Star.

Mu Yue finally felt a sense of security in a foreign country.

And the insect emperor frowned and looked at this scene.

Although the combat effectiveness of this sudden army could not threaten him, it was not a simple matter for him to destroy the group of battleships and mecha in front of him.

The Worm Emperor raised his head and looked at a certain corner of space.

Although he wanted to get the Genesis Stone, he was not prepared to let others take advantage.

As the strongest demon in the galaxy, he has dealt with the galactic civilization countless times.

And this time, the reappearance of the genesis stone, the group of people in the galaxy will not be indifferent, they must be in a corner, waiting for the best time to strike.

Thinking of this, the Insect Emperor sneered and said lightly: "Next time, I will get the Genesis Stone." "

The Genesis Stone won't run, and he's not in a hurry.

The self-repair time of the human god mecha is half a month.

In this half a month, the galactic civilization will definitely make a move.

Whether it is the Bug Emperor or the Galaxy, the Terra God Mecha is the biggest threat.

However, the threat level of the human-god mecha is far less than that of the genesis stone itself, but something seems to have happened to this genesis stone, causing its owner to be unable to exert its power.

In the end, even the Worm Emperor had never seen the Genesis Stone, and everything was just heard.

According to rumors, the genesis stone was born together with the universe, and if you trace the origin, it seems to be related to the origin of the universe and is the original power of the universe.

And in the universe, there is a terrible race called the Blood Clan.

The blood tribe feeds on blood, almost immortal bodies, and the only power that can kill them is the power of the Genesis Stone.

The Worm Emperor turned around and temporarily left Blue Star.

In mid-air, the black clothes looked at this scene with a thoughtful expression.

It is no exaggeration to say that his personal strength is the strongest in the galaxy, and now he is forced to leave by Huaxia with thirty-six core-level mecha.

But this is not a dispute between the insect emperor and Huaxia, but he and the galaxy, in his eyes, the biggest threat has always been the galaxy, Huaxia is just a civilization with potential, but now there is still a lack of time for development.

Seeing the Zerg Emperor leave, the Zerg on the Blue Star also fell into a deep sleep.

In this war, the Zerg also suffered heavy losses, but if it was a battle for the Genesis Stone, then this loss was nothing at all.

After leaving Blue Star, the Insect Emperor frowned, and he turned around to find a man in black standing behind him.

"Are you?" Seeing the cross on the other party's chest, the Insect Emperor said in a deep voice.

He didn't know the man in black in front of him, but in the message that Blue Star's messenger worm passed to him, he once mentioned that he should not provoke a man in black with a cross around his neck.

She is a blood clan.

The blood race is far more powerful in the universe than the zerg, but they will not cause the destruction of the entire planet like the zerg, so the threat is not great.

"You are also here for the Genesis Stone?" The Insect Emperor asked in a condensed voice.

If the Blood Clan in front of them was also competing for the Genesis Stone, then none of them could get it.

It was an immortal race, and the Genesis Stone was a threatening force for her, so it was not surprising that she would come here.

"Not interested."

The black clothes spoke lightly, and then said: "I'm just curious, how Mu Yue got through this crisis."

The insect emperor, plus the galactic civilization, these two forces, whether it is group strength, or technology level, or the strongest individual combat power, have crushed Mu Yue's current strength.

How did he, who could not use the power of the Genesis Stone, survive this crisis?

This matter, the black clothes do not know.

Just now, she looked at the body of the Insect Emperor and found that the strength of the Insect Emperor was still in its heyday, and there would be no accidents at all.

Soon, though, she'll know what's going to happen next.

Stories are far more touching than hearing them.

Looking at the black-clothed leave, the Insect Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

In the galaxy, why is there such a monster?

Her appearance completely affected the balance of power in the galaxy and made all the top civilizations tremble.

But fortunately, she just waited and didn't make a move.

Otherwise, with Blue Star's current strength, the Genesis Stone would have been obtained by her long ago.


The departure of the Bug Emperor gave Lanxing a chance to breathe, but everyone knew very well that he would definitely return.

The misery of Blue Star now is breathtaking, and even the Huaxia army that came here showed a shocked expression.

The three major kingdoms collapsed, countless victims were made, and those who were alive could be called survivors.

The magic capital and the empire are quite good, plus the unharmed cherry blossom island, these three forces have become the only remaining population gathering place of Blue Star.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue returned to Sky City, and the latter lay in Mu Yue's arms, revealing a tired look.

Seeing this, Mu Yue was worried: "Yixue, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, brother, maybe tired."

Mu Yixue smiled, I don't know why, her face became a little pale.

Mu Yue frowned.

He opened his blue eyes, observed Mu Yixue's physical condition, and found that her life force was passing little by little.

What's going on?

Mu Yue didn't have time to think about it, because Mu Yixue only took two steps, then she fell into a trance and immediately fell to the ground.

Mu Yue quickly hugged her and quickly flew back to the research institute with Sansan's flying machine, leaving Wang Chenning and Huaxia's military high-ranking behind.

The First Star Sky God of War Qingtian was puzzled: "What's wrong with him?"

"Something happened."

Wang Chenning's expression became particularly serious.

What could make Mu Yue leave Huaxia alone, only that girl's life was in danger.

But just now it was obviously fine, Mu Yixue was only exhausted of strength at most, and she was not injured.

What the hell is going on?

Wang Chenning was well aware of Mu Yixue's importance to Mu Yue.

"Marshal Optimus, do you have a doctor over there?"


"Bring it here, go to the institute."

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