After Xu Qin and the two woke up, soon Gao Xiaosheng arrived.

Now, the war of Blue Star is over, and what remains is the crisis of endless energy.

Sky City entered a period of calm, and the group of Chinese warships stranded in the sky attracted almost everyone's attention.

In their lifetimes, they could see such high-tech products.

Inside the Huaxia flagship, there is a space jump platform leading to the earth, which can directly return to the earth.

Mu Yue took Mu Yixue and crossed to the earth and came to the territory of Huaxia.

This is where Mu Yue lives, but now after a thousand years, this is like a death star, the land has dried up into desert, the ocean is seriously polluted, except for humans, more than ninety percent of the creatures have become extinct, and the remaining one percent barely survived by mutation.

And the only surviving Huaxia on this planet now lives underground, because of insufficient resources, Huaxia launched the [National Sleeping Plan], and the remaining 200 million citizens, all of them are dormant, leaving only 1.5 million military, some scientific researchers, engineers, medical personnel, etc., guarding the country outside.

The place where the people sleep is called [beehive], and the surviving people are called [worker bees].

There is a top-level artificial intelligence here that is responsible for all aspects of the operation and event processing of the entire hive, and it is called the queen bee.

Mu Yue can take Mu Yixue to visit, and only this hive.

However, this place, even Mu Yue himself has not been here.

The Huaxia army on Earth did not know Mu Yue, so Qingtian customized an officer card at the rank of general for Mu Yue and granted the rank of general, which is also a universal pass.

Coming to the entrance of the hive, the robot in charge of guarding the door swept Mu Yue's body, opened the door, and said at the same time: "Welcome home, General Mu Yue." "

Go home....

Mu Yue took Mu Yixue's hand, and the two walked into the hive together.

The underground hive has a hundred entrances, and only officers above the rank of colonel and special patrols can enter and exit freely, and other soldiers live inside.

Without an invasion of foreign enemies, they will not leave the hive.

The entrance of the hive is a train that can take a thousand people, which will lead Mu Yue and Mu Yixue to the place where the hive is located nine hundred meters underground.

Soon, the train arrived at the hive.

The surface of the earth is no longer an environment in which human beings can live, and even the most basic oxygen is insufficient, not to mention all kinds of extremely harmful cosmic rays.

Near the hive, there is the only remaining forest on Earth, which is dedicated to providing oxygen to the hive.

Fortunately, only a million people need oxygen, so a large forest is completely enough.

There is a city inside the hive called Dijing City.

The number of male and female soldiers in the military is almost fifty-five, and the retired soldiers and children who have not yet reached adulthood are considered citizens and basically live here.

Over time, after thousands of years of development, it became a small city with 1.5 million soldiers, 600,000 of whom lived here.

And here, there is only one university.

Huaxia Hope College.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue have arrived at the gate of this university, which records all the history of China, as well as all the images of China in its heyday.

Mu Yue took Mu Yixue's hand and walked into this university.

To be honest, today's earth can't make Mu Yue feel like home, after all, thousands of years have passed here, and all the surface has fallen, and the underground world, Mu Yue has never seen it.

"Brother, the smell here is weird." Mu Yixue pinched her nose and said.

Compared with the resource-rich blue star, the smell of the earth is like soaking in a smelly gutter, and today's Huaxia lives in such a place.

They are waiting for the power of endless energy to re-glow the earth.

In Mu Yue's backpack, there was endless energy.

He is the creator of endless energy, and only endless energy can release various elemental forces and restore the earth's resources.

Huaxia Hope College, just like the name of this university, everyone is studying for the future of Huaxia.

Mu Yixue came to a statue and couldn't help but laugh: "Brother, this is you, right?"

Mu Yue looked up and said with some embarrassment: "It's me." "

Unexpectedly, there was a statue of him here.

The university was called Huaxia Hope College, and he was also known as the Huaxia Hope Scientist.

Endless energy is also the hope of the earth, so it is not surprising that there is a statue of Mu Yue here.

In front of the statue, there was also a photo of Mu Yue pasted on the sign, which said Mu Yue's personal profile.

A teenager who grew up in a slum, he stood out from hundreds of thousands of candidates at the age of thirteen, was admitted to the physics major of Qingbei University with excellent grades, completed all courses in one year, became a doctor of physics in the second year, and then began to study for a doctorate in chemistry, biology and everything related to science.

In five years, Mu Yue graduated from Qingbei University and joined the Huaxia Supreme Academy of Sciences at the age of eighteen, developing technologies such as core-level mecha, human-god mecha, etc., and then began to conduct research on endless energy.

Looking at Mu Yue's personal profile, as well as Mu Yue's cold expression in the photo, Mu Yixue smiled and said, "Brother, why can't I see your expression?"

Mu Yixue pinched Mu Yue's face, wanting to pinch out a cold expression, but found that she couldn't pinch it at all.

As long as Mu Yixue's figure was in Mu Yue's line of sight, the gentleness in his eyes could not be hidden.

Looking at Mu Yixue's somewhat weak expression, Mu Yue put an arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms.

This is also the first time he has seen Yi Xue like this.

Once upon a time, that powerful sister would show such a weak scene.

The two stayed here for a while.

Suddenly, the entire hive began to shake, and it seemed that an earthquake of great magnitude had occurred.

Loud sirens sounded all around.

This kind of alert... It's an invasion from outside!

But why are there foreign enemies? There has never been an extraterrestrial enemy on Earth from beginning to end, could it be some American Federation fortress that has returned?

Or do you say... Coming for endless energy?

The army in the hive has moved, and several core-level mechs have been dispatched.

It is not only the Starry Sky God of War that has a core-level mecha, but the driving technology of the Starry Sky God of War is different from ordinary people.

The strength of the First God of War Qingtian can compete with the strongest apostle, and he is even stronger than the First Ancestor Michael.

Even the thirty-sixth Star God of War can compete with ordinary ancestors.

Others may only be able to deal with some powerful Level 5 pollutants.

At this moment, the patrol outside the hive has already engaged foreign enemies.

In the mid-air of the hive city, a virtual image of the outside world emerged.

The whole city is a soldier, even children, nine out of nine are aimed at becoming soldiers, so there is no need to worry about causing panic among citizens.

In the virtual image, a large number of silver fleets appear on top of the hive land.

It was the army buried by the galactic civilization in the sea area of the Earth Triangle, sensing that Mu Yue had returned here, so he appeared here and attempted to attack the hive.

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